
Tuesday 14 April 2020

Solemn Assembly Apr. 15, 2020

Beginning Wednesday April 15, 2020 at sunrise ( 6:43 AM EDT), then continuing for the next 24 hours, is a Holy Convocation of God.

Deut 16:8, Lev. 23:8 tell us to do no work, and to hold a solemn assembly.

This memorializes when Moses led the Hebrews across the Red Sea with God's help. This was also foreshadowing for "baptism by immersion" and becoming Born Again in Jesus Christ.

This may be a high watch day for Latter Rain, or Rapture of true Christians for End Times. Look up!

I am baking unleavened bread (symbol of Jesus Christ, without sin) for this celebration of Jesus, and solemn day to repent, confess sins, fast, and turn towards God.

Be warned that God hates public charades of false piety while the people inwardly rebel and hold hypocrisy in their hearts. See Isaiah 1:13-14, Amos 5:21.

Joel 1:14, 2:15; Zeph 3:18; and Lam 2:6 held solemn assemblies for fasting, sack cloth & ashes, in times of crisis.

Do you sense we are currently in a time of crisis with COVID-19, economic collapse at the door, huge unemployment, bailouts for all that rape the treasury, evil everywhere, etc.?

Also be warned that in 2 Kings 10:20, King Jehu called for a solumn assembly by all of Baal's high priests. When they were all assembled, King Jehu locked them all in their Baal pagan temple of idol worship, and had them all killed, thereby ending the blasphamy against God.

How will you proceed with this solumn assembly of God, with rebellion & hypocricy, or with sorrowful repentence?

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