
Saturday 2 May 2020

Last Warning of Jesus Christ

God will soon start the first of His 3 harvests of human souls to Heaven:

  1. barley, 
  2. wheat, and 
  3. grapes. 

These are the only 3 Exits Doors from this world, one of which you must soon choose. Your choices available are defined as follows:

Exit 1: Barley Harvest (Rapture)

This is the first available, and best choice for everybody currently alive to get to Heaven.

The barley harvest (sometimes called Rapture) is only for those who fully believe in Jesus Christ, unconditionally love God, obey God through God's 26 Commandments for Christians, avoid all iniquity, and repent their sins. They will be Raptured very soon (hours to days away).

May 7, 2020 is God's 2nd Passover.  June 7, 2020 is God's holy convocation of Pentecost.  These are possible dates for Rapture, but it could be any moment.

There are huge negative consequences for missing this golden opportunity, open to all.  Do it today.  Don't procrastinate.  See the link below for God's 26 Commandments for Christians.  This link provides detailed instructions on what to do to ensure you take this ideal exit.

If you think you are a Born Again Christian with a guaranteed seat in Heaven, there is a 10 question survey to confirm your registration:

Exit 2: Wheat Harvest (Left Behind)

The wheat is a tough grain that must be beaten to knock off the chaff.

This is the second chance, and the last chance to get to Heaven.  If you miss this last chance, you are doomed to Hell.

Those who are missing one or more requirements listed above for Exit 1: Barley harvest will have to go through the terrible Tribulations for 3.5 years or so, sampling a taste of Hell on Earth.

You will suffer "trial by fire" and "purification by fire" through God's Tribulations and the persecution of the AntiChrist's dictatorship over the entire world.

You must avoid the Mark of the Beast, avoid worshipping Satan &/or the Beast, avoid contamination of your DNA with non-human, then die as a martyr of Jesus Christ.

May God have mercy on your body &/or soul.

 Exit 3: Grape Harvest (Hell)

If you missed both of the previous opportunities for Heaven, you are doomed to Hell.

For all those who take the Mark of the Beast, or worship Satan &/or the Beast, or contaminate their DNA with non-human, or refuse to repent their life of sin, God reserves His full strength tribulations.

You will be killed sometime during the next 7 years, then resurrected to face your trial before God for your life of sin.

At your trial before God, you will be convicted for your sin, then sentenced to torment and burning in the Lake of Fire for ever & ever.

The Bible says there will be two types of people in Hell:

  • Those who continuously wail and cry for an eternity about their mistaken beliefs that landed them in Hell (eg.   assumed there was no God, assumed everybody goes to Heaven, assumed they were a "good" person, assumed they didn't need the salvation of Jesus Christ, assumed they were Born Again, assumed they were saved, assumed obedience to God's Commandments didn't apply to them, etc.);
  • Those who hate God and are continuously angry with God for an eternity.


There are only 3 exits from this world & your current life.  Choose your Exit door now, and then receive the benefits or consequences of your choice.

Please forward this Posting far & wide as quickly as possible to your family, friends, neighbours, work colleagues, Church members, etc.

Don't let Satan win by failing to warn them one last time.

Resources & Reference Documents

Here is Julie's latest prophecy from Jesus Christ on this subject. 

So as to ensure you make Exit 1 (Rapture), here are your instructions:

Follow these instructions carefully, and you will be eligible for a guaranteed seat in Heaven.

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