
Tuesday 30 June 2020

Timeline to God's End Time, Update 1

*** Begin Update 1:  2020-7-1 9.30 AM ***

Israeli government is in turmoil on annexation plans for West Bank .  The annexation plans are on hold till further notice.

God's plan obviously knew in advance, so this event was already included; no surprise to God.   

*** End Update 1 ***

A new timeline has been published, describing a proposed schedule for God's End Times.

This proposed schedule was sufficient to cause Barry, a hardened refuser to set dates, to publish it on his YouTube channel.

I'm still studying it to see if it is 100% Biblical;  I'm not sure at this point.  However, I didn't want to add additional delay in the process, as time is very short.  Perhaps your analysis can help or combine with my Berean analysis.

The details are in the video, but here is a summary:

  • Jesus starts His ministry sometime between 26 AD and 29 AD.  Allowing 2,000 years for church age of grace (Book Jubilees ?), the latest possible end of grace and church age is between 2026 AD and 2029 AD.  That means Tribulation must start sometime between 2019 and 2022 (ie. 7 years for Tribulation period, per Daniel 12:7 & Rev. 13:5).
  • Jesus was crucified sometime between 30 AD and 33 AD.
  • Israel becomes a nation on May 14, 1948.  Based on Psalm 90:10, a generation is 70 to 80 years.  In Luke 21:29-32, Jesus said this generation will not pass till all occurs.  Therefore all must be completed by May 14, 2028.  Assuming End Times is 7 years (Daniel 12:7 & Rev. 13:5), End Times must start on or before May 14, 2021.
  • Pope Francis (False Prophet ?, or cheerleader for Humanism and 1-World religion) takes over as Pope under strange circumstances, Mar. 13, 2013.  Free Masons love those "13" in all they do.
  • Blood Moons, lunar Tetrad, from Apr. 15, 2014 to Sept. 26, 2015
  • Rev. 12 sign, Sept.  23, 2017 warns of what soon comes.
  • Total solar eclipse across USA, Aug 21, 2017  as omen of pending destruction.
  • COVID-19 arrives on or about Dec. 1, 2019 as the catalyst to destroy & disrupt world systems, raise fear, create the necessary driving forces (plagues, hunger, riots, crime, etc) to cause people to accept the rise of AntiChrist.
  • On Apr. 3, 2020 Venus (bright & morning star, representing Jesus Christ), is in conjunction with the 7 stars in Pleiades, which represent the 7 angels of the 7 churches in Rev. 1:20.  This is likely symbolism of Jesus meeting with His groomsmen, preparing to steal away His bride (the church) in the middle of the night.
  • On May 31, 2020 Comet Atlas enters conjunction with Venus and Pleiades.  In mythology, the daughters of Atlas were holy and righteous ( bridesmaids for wedding ?), completing the wedding party, ready to receive the bride (the church).
  • [Delayed by Israel, see Update 1,  above]   Not in the video, but likely an important catalyst, is the July 1, 2020 planned annexation of West Bank into Israel.  This will likely cause or contribute to launching Islamist terrorist cells in USA, and Psalm 83 War (&/or Ezekiel 38-39 War) in Middle East, which may go nuclear.
  • Tribulation likely begins on Sept 18, 2020.  This date was calculated for the years  2019 to 2021 by finding the date of Jewish Convocation Yom Kippur from the Jewish calendar in that year, then subtracting 1290 and 1260 days and inspecting the alignment with Blood Moons, solar eclipses, and other omens.  In 2020, we have perfect alignment (Trib. beginning Sept 18, 2020 + 1290 + 1260= Sept 12, 2027 Yom Kippur).
  • Latest possible start of End Times Tribulation is May 14, 2021 based on Israel becoming a nation on May 14, 1948 + 80 years for a generation.
  • Trib. Midpoint, Mar. 1, 2024 (Tribulation beginning + 1260 days per Daniel 12:7 and Rev 13:5, gives when AntiChrist falsely proclaims himself to be God while in the Jerusalem Temple.  Israel must flee, beginning of God's Judgements in Book Revelation, and Great Tribulation, and God's Wrath.
  • Second Total eclipse on USA on Apr. 8, 2024, creating an "X" with prior eclipse of Aug. 21, 2017.  This occurs after 1260 + 1335 days, per Daniel 12:12.  Other modern day prophets have told about the total destruction of USA.  That destruction may occur on or before this day, or 40 days thereafter (live Jonas' warning to Nineva). See Julie Whedbee and Henry Gruver:
  • Blood Moons Mar. 14, 2025, Sept 7, 2025, and Mar. 3, 2026 signal the coming end of the Great Tribulation.
  • 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ on Friday Aug. 13, 2027 (midpoint Mar. 1, 2024 + 1260 days= Trib start + 1260 + 1290).  Lord's Day of Wrath, and translation to Heaven of all the remnants of Christ's flock (both dead and alive in Christ).
  • Yom Kippur, and Millenial Reign of Jesus Christ begins on Sunday Sept. 12, 2027 (Trib. beginning Sept 18, 2020 + 1290 + 1260= Sept 12, 2027)
YouTube channel "The Return of the King" was featured on Barry Scarborough's YouTube channel on June 29, 2020 with this message:

The Solution

Millions to billions of people who are alive today will soon die in the plagues, wars, judgements, famines, etc. that are coming soon.

If you repent your sins against God's Commandments, are (or soon become)  a Born Again Christian who loves God, and seeks to obeys God's Commandments, then you will be protected and saved by Jesus Christ for peace, love, happiness, and eternal life in Heaven. 

If not, you will eventually die in your sins, which will take you to Hell (ie. the Lake of Fire) where you will torment and burn for ever & ever.

There is no third option.  Choose one of the two alternatives:   Heaven or Hell

If you choose Heaven, here are your detailed instructions on how to get there: 

Please provide me your feedback in the comments below.

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