
Wednesday 8 July 2020

Annexation, then Ka-Boom

When Israel formally does their planned annexation, then Ka-Boom.

Israel's annexation plans under President Trump's Deal of the Century include a "land for peace" deal, slyly disguised so that Palestinians are offered sovereignity over God's land for peace.

God isn't fooled by sly wording.

In Lev 25:23 KJV, God said:  "The land shall not be sold for ever for the land is Mine [God's]; for ye [Hebrews] are strangers and sojourners with Me."

When Israel tries to give away God's land inside their annexation plans, God will likely immediately withdraw His hand of protection from Israel and the world, then Ka-Boom!

The Israeli's know they are in for a fight over annexation, they have been repeatedly warned.  President Trump knows.  UN knows, and has repeatedly warned not to do the annexation.  The EU has repeatedly warned as well.  Jordon has warned Israel that war will soon come after annexation.  Iran has also warned, and is eager to finally begin a major fight against Israel.

Today, the USA is finalizing the map of division with Israel, and possibly some other loose ends.

There is a distinct possibility that this war quickly heats to a fever pitch, Israel will be hard pressed, and USA may be struck by domestic terrorism, riots, civil war, or domestic Islamist terrorism throughout the USA.  

US Congress may hamstring President Trump, or he may be impeded in other ways from adequately rescuing Israel in a timely and effective manner.  Iran likely has many sneaky plans ready to hatch to neutralize USA's protection, and quickly destroy Israel.

Israel may have to resort to nuclear weapons to save themselves.

Once that happens, it could go limited nuclear war against USA and NATO by Russia, China, N. Korea, Pakistan, Iran, and others.  Two billion people could be vaporized in less than a day.

There are few places you can go to hide from these likely consequences.

The only guaranteed solution is to believe in Jesus Christ, repent your sins, ask God for forgiveness, and obey God's laws. 

Psalm 91 says 1,000 to your left will fall, and 10,000 to your right, but it will not touch you (because you are a child of God).

 Detailed instructions are here:   

Time is short.

Hell is hot.

Eternity is a long time.

Trust in God, He will protect you and your family.

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