
Tuesday 8 September 2020

Iniquity causes Death

Iniquity causes death in God's world.  

Iniquity is defined as pre-meditated, pre-planned sin, or chronic sin.

Iniquity is always deadly.

Accidental sin, without forethought, can be immediately repented by Born Again Christians, and we can rely upon the blood of Jesus Christ and His perfect salvation to carry us to everlasting life in Heaven.

Avoiding sin is not reliance on a Works-based salvation.  Here's why:

We are commanded to know God, believe in Jesus Christ, and love God.

If any of those requirements are missing, or lukewarm, or incomplete, or not fully done, or not fully believed, then we have no salvation through Jesus Christ.  This is evidenced through what God said in Isaiah 29:13 :

"These people come near to Me with their mouth and honor Me with their lips, but their hearts are far from Me”

and what Jesus said in Matthew 7:21-23

"And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity."

and what Jesus said in Luke 13:27

"But He shall say, 'I tell you, I know you not whence ye are; depart from Me, all ye workers of iniquity.'  "

and what Jesus said in John 14:15

If you love Mekeep My commandments.”

In other words, those who do iniquity do not truly love Jesus Christ.  You cannot keep doing iniquity, day after day, if you truly love Jesus.  Jesus doesn't save those who do not love Him.  Therefore workers of iniquity are not saved, and are eventually thrown into the Lake of Fire.  

If you are a chronic worker of iniquity, you cannot be Born Again:   you are deceived, or a hypocrit, or a wolf in sheep's clothing, a liar, or a lukewarm Christian who will be spewed out of Jesus' mouth.

Everybody has sinned against God, no exceptions exist except Jesus Christ.  Some people sin more than others, but we are all guilty of sin.

Sometimes the major consequences for our iniquity only catches up to us in the next life.  Sometimes our iniquity gets us in this life as an immediate, natural consequence of the sin.  

For example, a criminal plans a bank robbery, but it doesn't go as planned, the police catch the robber in the act, there is a shootout, and the robber is killed.  The bank robber's iniquity had immediate consequences in this life, ending his life prematurely.

Unfortunately, that isn't the end of the bank robber's problems.  

As a criminal who lived a life full of unrepented sin, the robber died in his sin during his failed attempt at bank robbery.  

Mat 10:28, 25:31-46;  Rev. 14:10, 20:11-15, 20:5, 21:8; John 3:36; Luke 16:23; Mark 9:42-48; 2 Thes. 1:5-10; Heb. 9:27; 2 Cor 5:10; Rom 6:23; Gal 5:19-21; Isaiah 66:22-24; and Dan 12:1-2 all tell us that the robber's soul will sleep until after the Millenial Kingdom, then his soul will experience God's judgement before the Great White Throne, where all unrepented sinners will be thrown into the Lake of Fire for torment and burning and no rest for ever and ever.

However, there is hope if anyone repents from their life of evil ways, and begins to live a righteous life.

In the Old Testament, Ezekiel 18:1-32 tells us that those who repent and begin living righteously, their former sins will no longer be mentioned after they die with no unrepented sin (18:22), and he shall live (ie. have eternal life in Heaven with God).

The same offer is available in the New Testament through Jesus Christ for former sinners who repent their former sins.

However, what of a righteous person who becomes apostate, falls away from righteous living, and begins to sin more and more?  

For this person, Ezekiel 18:24 tells us they will die in their sins (ie. as above, the unrepented sinners will be thrown into the Lake of Fire for torment and burning and no rest for ever and ever).

The Bible tells us that fear of the Lord and His wrath against unrepentant sinners is the beginning of wisdom.

If you want to get out from underneath your sin burden, and avoid God's wrath, the time is short, you must take immediate corrective action.  God has plans for End Times, and these will likely begin on or about Sept. 17, 2020.

You need to get yourself, and all your family, friends, and neighbours ready before this End Times process begins.

Detailed instructions to save yourself are available here:

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