
Saturday 5 December 2020

High Watch Hanakkah

There are reliable prophets and a number of  Watchman who agree on Hanakkah (Dec. 10-18, 2020) and thereafter as the next high watch period for God's End Time plans.

Hanukkah (Festival of Lights) begins at sundown on Dec. 10, 2020, till Dec. 18, 2020.

Julie's prophecy from Jesus Christ, in which I have significant trust:

While Julie sets no specific date, she has been building to a crescendo for more than a year, and can't go much higher.

One of Erin's recent prophecies again proclaims that Jesus Christ will soon do something so micraculous that nobody would believe it, even if they were told in advance:

Erin also doesn't set a date, but like Julie, it is very, very soon.

The astronomical review by Hourly Watch, and related events pointing to the soon return of Jesus Christ, possibly in Dec. 2020:

While they are Watchmen, not prophets, they propose meaningful dates, but have not heard specific dates from God.

God's Roadmap to the End is a watchman who discusses a number of different events and possible dates beginning in mid-December 2020:

Also see the guest visit by MinistryRevealed (Watchman and Bible Teacher) on the YouTube channel of  Interrupt165 (Watchmen & Bible Instructors): 

Both MinistryRevealed and Interrupt165 raise unique insights I have never previoudly heard, from deep, detailed analysis of the Bible.  Amazing information!

They suggest that Jesus Christ could return to Earth (in the role of Jonas the Prophet warning Ninevah) for 40 days, warning the world of their coming destruction by the judgement of God.  Jesus will likely be received by the majority of people on Earth sleeping through this event, or dismissing Jesus as a false prophet or AntiChrist, but some will pay attention, repent, believe, and be saved.  For those who watch and listen, 10 days after Jesus leaves Earth may be Pentecost 2.0 with a huge outpouring of Holy Spirit (Latter Day Rain) for them, with the sealing of True Christians so as to become Overcomers for exploits per God's plans during End Times.  For those who ignore Jesus, the rider on the red horse is waiting in the myrtle trees (Zech 1:8-11), ready to begin his attack on the Earth (ie. Middle East War, leading to WW3, likely nuclear, with the death of millions to billions of people) on or soon after Tu BiShvat (Festival of Trees) on Feb. 9-10, 2021.

They also suggest that the ongoing argument of Pre -Trib, mid-Trib, and Post-Trib Rapture is a moot point, as all three are true.  Never heard that before!  They propose a 14 year End Times process, similar to Dr. Mawire (Prophet of God):

The Bible says God uses the sun, moon, and stars to signal His people of major events.  There are also a number of astronomic events occurring, as well as historical Biblical aniversaries, as follows:

  • Total solar eclipse is Dec. 14, 2020 for Chile, Argentina, and SW Africa.   Note that this eclipse is exactly 1,211 days from the USA total eclipse on Aug. 21, 2017 and 1,211 days from the next USA eclipse on April 8, 2024 (total eclipses are 18 months or 548 days apart on average, but the interval between can vary greatly).  Dec. 14th is also the mid-point of Hanukkah (Dec. 10-18, with 14th the midpoint).  There are 1260 days or 3.5 prophetic years between the 4th of July in 2017 (anniversary of birthday of USA immediately before Rev. 12 sign on Sept. 23, 2017) and the Solar Eclipse on December 14th, 2020.  Therefore Dec. 14th appears to be a very important date.
  • New moon will be Dec. 16, 2020. 
  • Dec. 18, 2020 Intercalary Day "Tekufah" (Strong's H8622) on Nick VanderLaan's Enoch Calendar.
  • Parent's Day of Honour. Dec. 19, 2020 is 1st day of 10th Month on Enoch Calendar. 
  • Anniversary of Noah's Memorial Festival Day of Rememberance #4 of 4 (Jubilees 6:23-29).  Noah saw mountain tops after the flood waters had gone down (Genesis 8:5).
  • Also on this day, Jacob and Leah went to dwell at Magdalâdrâ’êf and Rueben saw Bilhah (his father's concubine) bathing and lusted after her and laid with while she was intoxicated and sleeping (Jubilees 33:1-6).
  • Ezra the priest gathered with the chief fathers to examine the matter of the foreign wives (Ezra 10:16). 
  • Winter Solstice: Dec. 21, 2020 8:30 AM EST. 
  • Super conjunction Jupiter & Saturn in the constellation Capricorn (The Goat) on Dec. 21, 2020.  At their closest, Jupiter and Saturn will be only 0.1 degree apart. This is the closest Jupiter-Saturn conjunction since 1623 AD, but that conjunction was obscured by the Sun.  The closest observable Jupiter-Saturn conjunction before that was in 1226 AD. 
  • Dec. 22, 2020 is the Sabbath per Enoch calendar. 
  • Dec. 23, 2020 (5th day of 10th Month on Enoch calendar) is anniversary of Ezekiel 33:21 receiving news by an escapee that Jerusalem was destroyed and received the word of YHWH being against those who defeated Jerusalem (Babylonians), & who eat blood and worship idols; that YHWH was going to have vengeance on them.
  • Again the word came against the shepherds of Israel that feed themselves and not the flocks, judgement on the shepherds, the promise of a Davidic Shepherd for the lost flock, and perpetual desolation of Mount Seir and Idumea, and blessing upon the mountains of Israel, the Gog and Magog war (Ezekiel 39:29).

Conclusions & Recommendations

There are thousands of dreams, visions, self-declared prohets, and Watchmen alerting every hour.  With so much to choose from, who and how do you decide is a reliable source?

The Bible tells us to study the scripture.  If it varies from God's Word in the Bible, then conclude it is not from God, and therefore it must be rejected.  Even if it is in the Bible, it must be rightly divided and interpreted.

While the details are still somewhat foggy, but there is no doubt that the time is short; Jesus is returning very soon, in the next week to next 4 months, or so.

To ignore at this late date is to put yourself and your loved ones at extreme risk.  Please, I beg you, DO NOT BE SO FOOLISH!

There isn't a moment to lose.  No time to procrastinate.  Your detailed survival plan and instructions are described in the following document:

God's 26 Commandments for Christians

If you are a luke-warm Christian, or non-Christian, or not religious at all, you can avoid eternal torment and burning in the Lake of Fire by following the detailed instructions above (takes less than an hour to be saved by Jesus Christ).  

You're worth it.

God does not want any sinner to go to Hell, but that is where you will go via God's just judgement of you if you don't repent your sins and believe in Jesus Christ before you die.

In normal times, 2 people die every second, 150,000 people every day on Earth.  Most of these were surprized to discover their life was over on that day.

In Canada, we have sent troops to peacekeeping and some minor, regional wars in my lifetime, but haven't been to a major war for 65 years.  Most Canadians have no significant concept of war.  

Iran and Israel are each assassinating the key people of their enemy, the US carrier aircraft carrier strike force is now positioned near the Persian Gulf, the US squadrons of B-52 nuclear bombers, stealth bombers, and fighter jets are now pre-positioned in Quatar and elsewhere, ready to strike Iran.  The recent 3rd. collapse of Israel's Knesset government, the Jan. 20, 2021 deadline of President Trump's term in office, and his undying support for Israel (to be eclipsed by Biden's neglect, laissez-fair, or hatred for Israel after Jan. 20th. ???), Middle East war is soon likely.

With Iran's 200,000 rocket ready to rain down on Israel, Israel will likely need nuclear weapons to save themselves.  Once the war starts, it will likely go nuclear.  Russia has promised to use their nuclear weapons if nukes are used against Russia, or its allies (Syria, Iran, and others).  That may take a Middle East War to World War 3.

If you have been unfortunate to have been through a major war, I suggest you are still not prepared for a nuclear war where a few million to a billion are killed in 24 hours.  Nobody can be prepared for that.

With us likely on the brink of world wide nuclear war, where millions to billions will soon die, you need to get your affairs in order for what soon comes.

No underground bunker, no stockpile of beans, no gun will save you from what soon comes.  

Only Jesus saves.

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