
Saturday 13 February 2021

Let the Great Tribulation Begin!

 In my previous posting, I had proposed Feb. 10, 2021 as a possible transition point.  When it came, and passed by seemingly uneventful, I sighed, and wondered if my next alternative of May 14, 2021 would be the major event in the world that upsets the apple cart, and starts the Great Tribulation.

It's called the "Great Tribulation", not because it's fantastic, but because its devastation will be huge.

Today, I and many others, read Julie's latest Blog posting.  Julie received the message on Feb. 10th (mere coincidence?), and posted it today.  Julie said we have crossed over, a sea change, a tipping point has been passed on or about Feb. 10th.

It is such an important message, I am staying up late so as to immediately get it posted here, not a moment to lose.

I was shocked and amazed at the power, specifics, and tender touch in this message.  Jesus spoke personally and specifically to each major class of people in this wicked world; both the saved and the lost, so that they would receive specific instructions at this critical moment.

Jesus has a personal message for:

  • Friends of the Groom, Jesus Christ;
  • The Crowned Jewels of Jesus (good & faithful servants of God);
  • The desperate and those seeking answer to the meaning of life;
  • The lonely, and those who suffered great losses of those they loved;
  • The angry, bitter, haters who lash out at this world;
  • Those with great sorrow grief, & sadness;
  • Those who have been betrayed, tricked, and manipulated;
  • You who are outcasts and rejects of this world;
  • The victims who have been attacked and oppressed;
  • Those who have been stalked, spied upon, and persecuted;
  • The faithful True Christians who have withstood the scorn & ridicule of all others;
  • Those who are sick, diseased, old, or handicapped;
  • Those who are immature, deceived, naive, or starved from truth;
  • People who are shamed, ashamed, or humiliated by their family, friends, or the public;
  • Weak, weary, and empty ones who have little more stamina.

I cannot think of any group or person (except Satan and his followers) who was left out of this all-inclusive message.

President Biden has shunned Israel, and caters to the Palestinians.  Iran recently produced the first uranium metal from its nuclear fuel concentrating centrifuges, enabling them to soon construct a nuclear bomb, likely destined for use against Israel.  Israel is planning to divide their territory via a Two-State Solution; land that belongs to God, and that God has given specific instructions is not to be divided nor given away.  A sudden weakening of the USA will leave Israel unprotected, and open to sudden attack by vengeful forces who have been patiently awaiting a safe opportunity to attack Israel.  Israel has been badly hit by COVID, and is therefore an easier, weakened target.

All of these and many more say that now is the time for Psalm 83 War to begin.  This will be a brutal, highly destructive war on both sides, but it will eventually destroy all of Israel's enemies.  Thereafter,  Israel will be able to live in pseudo peace, under the manipulative, cunning protection of the AntiChrist.  Next, there will be a great Exodus of Jews from all over the world, coming to live in peace and security in Israel for the 3.5 year honeymoon period.

Likely thousands to billions of people will lose their lives in the events described in the previous two paragraphs.  If you die in your unrepented sins, you will wake up at your trial before God on His Great White Throne, then you will be found guilty of your unrepented sins, and immediately thrown into the Lake of Fire for an eternity of torment, weeping, gnashing of teeth, and no rest.

In the alternative, wake up, confess & repent your sins before it's too late.  No time like this very moment to confess your sins.

Here are the detailed instruction to save yourself from an eternity in Hell:


  1. The fire will not be eternal friend... that would be against out ever loving god...

    1. It seems that you believe the punishment is a mere slap on the wrist? A weekend spent confined to your room in Heaven? Or perhaps instant incineration when thrown into the Lake of Fire? Please explain further.

      Notice the Bible verses that say "the smoke of their torment will rise for ever and ever." How long is "forever and ever"? "Smoke of their torment" sounds like the Lake of Fire. If not, how do you explain this verse?

      At the Battle of Armageddon, the AntiChrist and the False Prophet are thrown into the Lake of Fire while they are alive. One thousand years later, Satan is also thrown into the Lake of Fire. I find that the Bible expressly states that Satan is thrown into the Lake of Fire, where the AntiChrist and the False Prophet are. Note that it does not say "where they used to be".

      How could the AntiChrist and the False Prophet still be in the Lake of Fire after 1,000 years? The easiest explanation is that they have been given immortal burning bodies, and the torment of their punishment will continue for ever and ever.

      If you disagree, please explain fully.


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