
Tuesday 2 February 2021

Lights Out!

I suggest everybody should pay very close attention to the following link for Overcomers' Prayer. 

We all must decide if we want to be a True Christian ---> Overcomer,


 Lukewarm Christian ---> martyr for Christ via beheading,


be a reprobate deceived mind that worships sin, and is doomed to an eternity in Hell.

 Zech 1:7 speaks of the red rider (ie. War!) standing hidden in the myrtle trees. Feb. 10th is the anniversary date for this End Times prophecy; meaning a huge disaster in N. America, and the beginning of Psalm 83 war in Middle East. 

 If not as soon as Feb. 10th 2021 then Ezek 37 prophecy was fulfilled on May 14, 1948 with formation of State of Israel, setting the stage for God's End Times.

 The 70 year generation clock of Psalm 90:10 then begins ticking, and ends on May 14, 2018, then up to an extra 10 years if they have strength yet mixed with labour & sorrow, then fly away on or before May 14, 2028.

 In Matthew 24:34; Mark 13:30; and Luke 21:32, Jesus said this generation will not pass before all End Times events have occurred, including His 2nd Coming. 

 Daniel 9:24-27 says that Jacob's Trouble, 1 week (ie. of years, or 7 years) must yet occur. Subtracting this 7 years from our hard end date of May 14, 2028 we find that God's End Time process must begin on or before May 14, 2021. Therefore God's End Times could begin as early as May 14, 2018 but no later than May 14, 2021. 

Luke 13:6-9 by the parable of the non-productive fig tree, adds up to an additional 3 years from May 14, 2018 (ending May 14, 2021) to bear fruit for God, and leave their backsliding and adultery behind, or God will dig them up & destroy them as eternally hopeless. 

Therefore from Feb. 10 2021 until on or before May 14, 2021 is likely the decision deadline for everyone to come (or come back) to Jesus and end their chronic iniquity (if any).

I don't know how I'd react being guillotined, as I'd be afraid of losing it.

Therefore I fasted for 14 days, water only, ending last week, praying continuously, asking God to accept me as an Overcomer, so that I get sealed (like the 144,000), do great exploits, and avoid the million man rush to the guillotine.

If I don't make the grade as Overcomer, I guess I'll be repeating Eccles 12:13  (my favorite verse) as the guillotine blade drops:

"Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man."

What's your favorite verse you'll be reciting?  Put it in the comments below.

Prayer to be an Overcomer:

1 comment:

  1. when the enemy comes in as a flood , the Lord will lift His standard against him


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