
Monday 17 May 2021

May 26, 2021 High Watch Date

 Based upon significant astrological events, and specific prophecies from two different prophets, we are issuing another High Watch Date for Wednesday May 26, 2021.

May 14, 1948 was the birth of Israel.  Seventy three years later is the Psalm 90:10 anniversary plus 3 years for the Fig Tree prophecy, see the following for more info:

Also see this Blog here:  

We also have the following diagram (click on it to enlarge).

This is a screenshot from the video 

Solar eclipses symmetry around May 28, 2021 Blood Moon, gives an  alignment more rare than 1 chance out of 6000 or more.

The diagram shows the symmetry of the 8 full solar eclipses (from 2015 to 2027) centred about this May 26th Blood Moon date, as well as the two Jewish Hanukkah Day 6 Holy Days (Rosh Chodesh Tevet; 2020 and 2021).

In addition, there is a specific prophecy from a high quality source here: 

A second high quality source of prophetic insight is available here:

At the end of the latest prophecy, there is a link to the previous prophecy, that may also help you understand or better explain.

A third prophetic message is from Dr. Mawire, prophet of God.

Like a good Berean, I have carefully examined those who claim to be a  prophet, and their prophecies.  I am 80% sure they are truly prophets.  The last remaining assurance will go to 0% or 100% very soon.

Time is short.  You need to protect yourself, and your family from what may soon come.

Here is what I suggest you do ASAP so as to protect yourself & your family from what comes on or soon after May 26, 2021. 

God bless!

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