
Monday 28 June 2021

Asch + Bernays = COVID

Do you sometimes get the feeling you're like Neil, trapped inside The Matrix movie, or that you're like a rat trapped in the maze of some evil cosmic scientist as they do secret experiments on you, to see how you will respond?

Beginning in 1951, Professor Asch's famous experiments (see: ) proved group conformity causes 38% of people to go along with the obviously wrong majority rather than act upon what they know to be true. 

The single line on the left is obviously closest to the length of Line "C" on the right.  Prof. Asch showed that 38% of the time, test subject will voluntarily abandon what they know to be true so as to conform with the obviously wrong decisions of others.

Of course, a "majority" and a "public consensus" mirage can be artificially constructed based on Edward Bernay's propaganda techniques (eg. Fake news).  

Combining the Asch and Bernays effects together, we get 38% of the public going along with something that everybody knows is wrong. 

Add in coersion and significant negative consequences (eg. Ridicule, fines, cancel culture, shunning, loss of employment, etc.) the 38% false narrative acceptance can be driven much higher (perhaps 99% compliance ???).

Does this adequately explain the origin of the COVID virus, COVID lockdown, and COVID vaccination?

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