
Wednesday 8 December 2021

Urgent: It is Time, Update #7

*** Update #7:   2021‐12-24 ***

Nothing appears to have occurred in this watch period Dec. 12 - 21, 2021.

However, it looks like we were just a few days off on this High Watch period.  

A new High Watch period, based upon another prophecy by Erin, plus extensive Bible research by Dr. Barry Awe, has encouraged us to set yet another High Watch Period for Dec. 25 to Jan.6, 2022.

Merry Christmas!

*** End Update #7 ***

A High Watch period of Dec. 12 to 21th, 2021 has been declared.

All 3 Prophets say:   "It is time!"


Dr. Robert Mawire:


*** Begin Update #2: 2021-12-09 ***

Erin again:

*** End Update #2 ***

*** Begin Update #3:   2021-12-14 ***

Erin again:

*** End Update #3 ***

*** Begin Update #4, 2021-12-15 ***

Erin Again:

Erin again:

The evidence continues to mount.  

There is almost perfect congruence between these 3 independant Prophets, which has never occurred before, with no known collusion between them.

Ken's Two Cents suggests the logic for Winter Solstice, on Dec. 21, 2021 at 10:58 AM EST.  

This is based on Matthew 25:6 of the Bridegroom coming at midnight, which is interpreted as Winter Solstice.

To me, it's different from everybody else, and there is simple logic to it.  I like it.

*** End Update #4 ***

In addition, Prince Charles announced at UN's COP26 (Committee of the Parties, Meeting #26) that some man with $ trillions at his disposal, is proposed to soon come to power, with authority over & above all major countries at the UN.  Could it be the soon rise of the Anti-Christ?

Some Watchmen have constructed a Biblically-based scenario for God's big launch (Rapture &/or Latter Day annointing of His Overcomers, etc., return to Earth for 40 days, etc.) based around the 8 days of Hanakkah 2021.

Hanukkah begins on the 25th day of the 8th Month.

Unfortunately, the current Jewish calendar shows Hanukkah 2021 has already come & gone, with no major event perceived here on Earth.

The Jewish calendar of today is based on Babylon names & co-ordinated with the rest of the world; not with God and His Bible.

The Official Enoch Calendar ( ), based on the Bible, Book of Enoch, Book of Jubilees, and Dead Sea Scrolls say that Hanukkah 2021 begins on Dec. 12, 2021, and the 8th Day of Hanukkah is on Dec. 19, 2021.

Could the fake Jewish calendar  be the reason nothing has happened yet, and the correct Enoch calendar says we must patiently watch & wait a few more days?

Therefore this Watchman humbly proposes a High Watch period of Dec. 12 to 21st, 2021.

### Update 1:   2021-12-12 ###

Steve Fletcher reports that the midpoint between the two total eclipses of USA on Aug. 21, 2017 and April 8, 2024 is 1211 days (ie. 12-11 or Dec. 11), and the nearest town to the geographical centre of those two eclipse paths ("X" marks the spot) was at Mayfield Kentucky, yes the same town which was totally destroyed on Dec. 11, 2021 by 30 to 40 simultaneous tornadoes, with an estimated 100 people killed.  Who has ever heard of such a thing?

Quite the coincidence, or God signaling & warning of what soon comes?

### End Update #1 ###

### Begin Update #5, 2021-12-16 ###

Salvation Instructions

I have been asked "What do I do?  How do I prepare for what's coming soon?"

I recommend God's 26 Commandments for Christians

This summarises all the necessary info you need to know, and provides the Bible verses so you can verify everything yourself.

Click on the link below.  It takes you to the pdf document.  Read it, understand, believe, get down on your knees and pray directly to your God and Father in Heaven.

Fear God, for this is the beginning of wisdom.

For unrepentant sinners, God is angry at them every day (Psalm 7:11), hates their ways (Proverbs 15:9), hates their thoughts (Proverbs 15:26), hates their worship (Proverbs 15:8), hates their actions (Proverbs 6:18), hates their evil deeds (Psalm 5:5), and refuses to hear their prayers for help (John 9:31).

Therefore, confess all of your sins.  Repent, turn away from your sinning so you can turn towards God.  Believe in God, love God with all your mind, body, soul, & strength. 

Forgive everybody who has ever wronged you.  Ask God to forgive your sins.  Pray that God will wash you clean by His most precious blood that He shed for sinners while on His cross of crucifixion.

Obey God and His commandments.

[Ecclesiastes 12:13]
"Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep His commandments: for this is the whole duty of man."

[Jhn 14:21 KJV] "21 He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him."

May God protect you and keep you safe for all eternity.

### End Update #5 ###

### Begin Update #6, 2021-12-20 ###

Winter Solstice: Dec. 21, 2021 10:58 am EST (UTC-5:00)

Shortest Day:  for Toronto, ON Canada, the shortest length of day is the same (to the nearest minute) for Dec. 18 to Dec. 24 inclusive, so the midpoint of these shortest days is Dec. 21.

For Jerusalem, the shortest day is on Dec. 20th only, and Dec. 21st is slightly longer daylight than the 20th.

Therefore the 21st. is the start of the growing light of the world.

Based on Bible, God's day starts at sunrise.

For Dec. 21, 2021, we have the following events:

1:35 am EST:   Sunrise in Jerusalem, Israel

8:07 am EST:   Sunrise in Toronto ON  Canada

10:58 am EST:   Winter Solstice

11:38 pm EST:   Sunset in Jerusalem, Israel

4:48 pm EST:   Sunset in Toronto ON  Canada.

### End Update #6 ###

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