
Saturday 8 January 2022

Grand Solar Minimum Is Here

Grand Solar Minimum is now here.

I previously posted about the likely occurrence of a Grand Solar Minimum in 2020 to 2028.  See:

Most people are aware of Sun Spots.

Fewer people know that the number and size of sunspots increase and decrease on an 11 year cycle.

Fewer still are those who know about the additional solar cycles of 11.4, 18, 22, 38, 41, 55, 58, 59.2, 65, 66.6, 76, 78.8, 80, 82, 82.6, 83, 84.6, 86.5, 87, 87.8, 88, 88.4, 90, 91.5, 92, 92.42, 93, 95, 105, 130, 167, 202, 206, 210, and 350 years.

It appears that we have now entered an extraordinary period of the sun, when all of these different solar cycles align, so that the minimums from all or most of these sun's energy output cyclic waves now overlap, creating a Grand Solar Minimum.

Note that most or all of man's climate models assume that the Sun always output the exact same energy, every hour, every day, forever.  Not so!

Dr. Valentina Zharkova, of Northumbria University did some fantastic statistical analysis of 10 years of NASA satellite data on the sun's activity and energy output, frequency distribution, and similar factors , and predicted the Grand Solar Minimum.

Total solar energy will be at a minimum for 2020 to approx. 2028, then slowly climbing back to normal energy output.

The Grand Solar Minimum may, or likely cause &/or contribute to killer frosts for most months of the year, and colder average temperatures and lower sunlight level, all which stunt growth &/or killing most agricultural production, likely resulting in world-wide famines.

Many backyard chicken farmers, and small flock farmers (me included) found that their chickens mysteriously began molting the Fall of 2021.  I had to add an extra hour to the duration of  lights in the coop (always 16.5 hrs/day for last 10 years, now raised to 17.5 hrs in Oct. 2021, and continuing till 2028 ?) so as to stop the molting, and resume full egg production.  This would indicate that the strength of the sun was insufficient to maintain egg production.

So much for the vicious rumor of Global Warming.   Hah!

Curtis Stone, Canada's leading expert on Urban Farming, discusses the impact on food production with Christian, the Ice Age Farmer:

Here are some important links & thoughts on affordable food, food shortages, and famines.

Ice Age Farmer's resources on YouTube: 


Why we need affordable, nutritious food:


Un-affordable Chicken in Ontario

Chicken is the cheapest available meat on a $/lb basis.  If you can't afford chicken, you are forced to be a Vegetarian.  That is why high quality, nutritious chicken that is affordable for all households, even the poor, is essential.


Food Prices in Canada's North


Nutritious Food

For an example of depleted food, let's talk about potatoes, the #1 vegetable in North America.  Potatoes used to be an excellent dietary source of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, B6, potassium, copper, manganese, phosphorus, B3, fiber, and pantothenic acid.  Over the last 50 year, potatoes have lost 100% of their Vitamin A, lost 50% of their Vitamin C, and lost 30% to 60% loss of most of the other trace nutrients (see Globe & Mail:

and UK's Guardian

It isn't just potatoes that have been depleted.  Broccoli 83% loss, tomatoes 91% loss, carrots 36% loss, and most other expensive fruits and vegetables have suffered similar fates.

Jo Robinson, author of Eating on the Wild Side, has shown that heirloom varieties of corn have up to 64.6 times more anthocyanins (ie. a type of phytonutrient that's good for us to eat) than the standard white corn of today.

Financial benefit of growing your own

Squash, pack of 25 seeds, sold for $1.89

Each seed produces 3 squash, @ 2 kg per squash

25×3×2=150 kg of squash in your garden for $1.89 plus your time to plant, weed, cultivate, & harvest.

In store, seasonal price of squash is $1.50/lb

Cost to buy in grocery store= $1.50/lb×150 kg produced×2.2 lb/kg= $495 to buy 150 kg of squash in grocery store

Savings=$495-1.89= $493.11

ROI (Return on Investment) $=
=493.11/1.89×100%= 26,090%

Banks offers 5%/yr return on some financial investments.  Stock market may offer 20% return on investments.

God offers 26,090% return on investing in His soil and His life giving seeds.

Grow your own garden using animal manure as fertilizer, shunning ALL chemical fertilizer, herbicides, pesticides, algaecides, etc.

With high quality soil, your plants are naturally healthy, and you don't need all those chemicals.

If you have poor, depleted soils, that plants will be half-dead at best, and too weak to fend off diseases, pests, and bad weather, resulting in poor nutrition in the food produced, &/or plant dies before it can produce any food.

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