
Monday 21 March 2022

God's Great Move Mar. 23, 2022 at 11:00 AM

### Begin Update #2, 2022-03-24 10:07 AM ###

Yes, this Watchman's posting was another false alarm.

God is sovereign, and could choose the 2nd. Coming of Jesus Christ to occur on any day God chooses.

This makes all days as possibly the day Jesus returns.

However, based on the Bible and it's prophecies, God's calendar of anniversary date & historical events, and other info, some days are more likely than others to be God's day for Jesus' return.  These are high watch days.

Watchmen are to study God's Word, scan the horizon in all directions, listen to the news, and listen to alleged phophets (then, like good Bereans, determine if their prophecies are plausible, or conflict with God's Word).  Watchmen give the "All is well" reassurance, or warn everybody to be on heightened alert.

For the Watchman's alert posted here, the high alert time is passed, but I have noticed nothing discernable that has occurred on the date & time suggested herein, except to test & knock out the weak hands (ie. the luke-warm, half baked Watchers & believers), & raise the scoffer's chorus even louder.

The prophecies I referenced here still stand as good prophecies.  Like a good Berean, I checked the prophecies carefully, they are plausible, and they do not conflict with the Bible.

The errors, guesses, and assumptions in my personal interpretation of those prophecies are mine, and are my sole responsibility.  That is why I constantly use "likely" or "may" or "could" in what I wrote here.

We are commanded by God to "watch", not once, but 27  times:    (2Ki 11:5-7; 2Ch 23:6; Ezr 8:29; Neh 4:9; Neh 7:3; Job 7:12; Psa 90:4; Psa 102:7; Psa 130:6; Isa 21:5; Nah 2:1; Hab 2:1; Mat 24:42-43; Mat 25:13; Mat 26:38, 40-41; Mar 13:33-35, 37; Mar 14:34, 37-38; Luk 21:36; Act 20:31; 1Co 16:13; Col 4:2; 1Th 5:6; 2Ti 4:5; Heb 13:17; 1Pe 4:7; Rev 3:3).

In Rev 3:3, Jesus said, "Remember therefore how thou hast received and heard, and hold fast, and repent. If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee."

If we do watch, the corollary of Rev. 3:3 says we WILL know when He will come.

That is what I try to do.  Most of my earlier, sinful life, I had too much pride, arrogance, etc.

Being a watchman, I learn to be circumspect, humble, contrite, not arrogant, aware of my limitations, accept & be responsible for my many failures, etc.  That's good training for me.

In this sinful, fallen world, most people are so busy chasing things in their lives, so they don't want to be bothered watching or thinking about God.

Even the enemy's plan says now (or very, very soon) is the time:

The next likely watch date is Passover, April 3, 2022 on the Official Enoch Calendar.  I will soon post on this likely date, just 10 days from now.

Don't give up, don't get frustrated & wander off to some of Satan's distractions, stay focused on God. 


### End Update #2, 2022-03-24 10:07 AM ###

Mar. 23, 2022 11:00 AM is the suggested date & time for God's Great Move.

God builds humility in His Watchmen.  Watching, developing scenarios with assumptions, anticipating & watching, then humble pie when I'm wrong again builds strength, perseverance, longsuffering, hope, prayer, and faith.

True Christians, watchmen all, are watching, waiting, and praying for God's Great Move (also known as Latter Day Rain, Pentecost 2, Great Annointing & Sealing of Overcomers) for God's End Times process before the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ.

These Overcomers will help start a huge revival of true  Christianity, with preaching of the Gospel, baptizing, conversion, healing, miracles, raising the dead, provisioning, driving out evil, etc.

After the Overcomers are launched, it's likely soon after, for World War 3 (including nuclear war), total world economic collapse (ie. Stocks, bonds, ETF's, Derivatives, futures, commodity markets, banks, GIC's, cash, gold, silver, Bitcoin, etc.), famine, the current sovereign goverments of 197 individual countries will be unable to cope, and therefore collapse; no emergency services, food shortages, civil war, ethnic cleansing, neighbour looting neighbour, refugees everywhere, and disease.  

This paves the way for the AntiChrist to rise, taking control of the entire Earth, as its tyrannical dictator under the New World Order of Satan.

I have tested, like a good Berean, and believe Erin ( ) is a Prophetess of God.  

With her Mar. 1, 2022 prophecy "Spring is here, and all is about to Change" (Dream 581, ), I had thought that it meant Spring Equinox, on Mar. 20, 2022, the day I previously suggested for God's Big Move. 

Julie, another Prophetess of God (see ) had her prophecy:




Dr. Robert Mawire, another End Times prophet of God (see: ) has independently confirmed both Erin's and Julie's prophecies (see: ).

Unfortunately, the 20th of March passed, and nothing happened. I was wrong again. 

We need to know what time it is.  We need an accurate clock & calendar; not of man, but of God.

The Enoch Calendar is defined by combining the relevant parts of the Dead Sea Scrolls, Book of Jubilees, & Book of Enoch 1, so as to produce a calendar believed to be God's true calendar.  

The current Jewish calendar is pagan  Babylonian, with additional satanic science twists added after 70 AD; and is far from God.  

The current Gregorian calendar is scientifically accurate year over year, but  has no basis whatsoever in the Bible, nor God.

Many so-called Enoch Calendars have been attempted.  I think Nick Vanderlaan's attempt is the most Biblical, and likely correct.  The other ones have many problems in their wrongful assumptions.  Nick is a dedicated Christian.

Nick's Official Enoch Calendar:

Watch Nick's interesting list of videos provided there at a later time.  To get Nick's Official Enoch Calendar, click the 3 bars symbol in the top right corner to get:

Choose the Official Enoch Calendar version you prefer.

Fortunately, in God's perfect timing, on Mar. 20th., a new prophecy from Erin (Dream 589 "Time for the Great Harvest of Souls") came out, reinforcing all the prior prophecies.

I thought Erin's prophecies meant Mar. 21, 2022, the first day of Spring, as the day for the Latter Day Rain, Pentecost 2, Great Annointing & Sealing of Overcomers.

On Mar. 21st., another new prophecy of Erin came out "Time for the Great Harvest of Souls"; again reinforcing all the other prophecies, further convincing me that we're right on the edge, moments away from God's Great Move.

Today, another watchman on Erin's Nest Forum reminded me of another prophecy of Erin from 2 years ago, Dream 456 "The Kind Right Owner vs the Evil Left Owner" ( ) saying we will be "rescued by the Capital (ie. God)" at the 11th hour on the 3rd day.

Back then in Dec. 2020, I didn't know what "the 3rd. day" was referenced from.  When the 3rd. day after the Dec. 20, 2020 prophecy passed without incident, I went back to waiting, watching, and praying.

Today, after being reminded of Erin's Dec. 2020 prophecy, and combining this with the Official Enoch Calendar, we get Mar. 23, 2021 at 11:00 AM for God's Great Move.

On Mar. 23, 2022 the sunrise in Jerusalem, Israel will be at 5:40 AM officially, or 5:16 AM for civil, or 4:47 AM nautical in  Jerusalem time.  The sunsets are 5:53 pm official, 6:17 civil, and 6:46 nautical.

Nautical sunrise is when you can first  distinguish the horizon (ie. between land/water vs. the sky).  Sunrise is when you can first see the top edge of the sun, and direct sunlight.  Civil sunrise is when you can navigate (eg. see sufficiently to safely walk around) in open areas without artificial light.

There is 6 hrs time difference between Jerusalem (GMT+2), and Erin's East coast USA location (GMT -4).  Therefore when it's 11:00 am for Erin at NE coast USA, it is 5:00 pm in Jerusalem.  When it's 11:00 am in Jerusalem, it's 5:00 am at Erin's location.

Erin's likely sunrises are 5:22 am nautical, 5:57 civul, and 6:27 official.  Erin's sunsets are likely 6:47 pm official, 7:17 civil, and 7:52 nautical.

Calculating either way, there is not a perfect alignment between 11:00 am, and a sunrise or sunset at the other location.

This likely means we wrongly assumed that Dream #456 is connected here, or that we are fully aligned with God's plan.  Therefore, we watch & wait.

Get ready, pray, and thank God for His timely arrival to save His children of God.

Pray for me, that I finally got the interpretation of God's Word and His prophets correct.

As said before, God builds humility in His Watchmen.  Watching, developing scenarios with assumptions, anticipating & watching, then humble pie when I'm wrong again builds strength, perseverance, longsuffering, hope, prayer, and faith.

Please leave your comments & prayers.  Are there other Prophets of God who independently support these 3 known prophets?

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