
Monday 25 April 2022

Progressive Christianity

Progressive Christianity ("PC") isn't Christianity, but a wolf in sheep's clothing.

I reject PC and their heretical beliefs.

However, we need to treat PC's with love, kindness, & compassion.  We need to also understand what the PC's believe so that we can help them out of their self deception, and return to God.

Some PC's may take exception to some or all of the following, for it is my summary and interpretation so that non-PC's may quickly understand PC's  without wading through mountains of writings, videos, and widely varying individual dogma of PC influencers and leaders.

There is huge variability within the PC movement, for the PC movement encourages everybody to construct a "Church of One", establishing your own private interpretation, your own dogma; provided your interpretation doesn't constrict the private interpretations of all other PC's.  

This means that all PC's much accept and hold inside themselves all resulting contradictions and illogical conclusions, and never examine, nor  analyze, nor point out any of those contradictions to self or others.

Where PC's denegrade, contradict, or misinterpret the Bible in the following, these are lies & deceptions, but most or all PC's have the following Commandments:

  1. Thou shalt free yourself from all prior Christian dogma.
  2. Thou shalt assume that the Bible is written long ago by toxic masculine patriarchs, is of unclear provenance, has been corrupted over the years through mis-translations, is mostly allegory so doesn't really mean what it literally says, and is therefore not trustworthy, and will mislead you away from God.
  3. God is everywhere, including inside each one of us.  Every human is created in the image of God.
  4. Thou shall believe that the God inside each of us is our only one, clear source to know God, and our place within God's creation.
  5. Thou shalt listen to your heart, then over time you will discover the voice of God within yourself, what is truth, and what your purpose is in this life.
  6. Jesus came to free us from the Old Testament law, show us the contradictions and mid-interpretations in the Old Testament, and give us the personal freedom to exercise our God-given free will.
  7. Thou shalt openly accept and endorse the morals, values, principles, beliefs, faith, and paths chosen by all other PC's and all other humans; provided these other persons are consistant with these Commandments.
  8. Thou shall not critically analyze, compare, contrast, test, question, rebuke, or judge the morales, values, principles, beliefs, faith, and path chosen by yourself and all other persons that are consistant with these Commandments.
  9. As all humans are made in the image of God, and all persons  have God within themselves, then through the grace and free gift of Jesus Christ, all humans will enjoy eternal life in Heaven with God for joy, peace, and fulfillment.
  10. Hell and the Lake of Fire will only be experienced by Satan, AntiChrist, False Prophet, and evil spirits.
PC is not progressive, and it's not Chtistianity.  

PC will take you back to the Garden of Eden, celebrating the freedom of Eve to listen to the "wisdom" of the serpant, decide for herself with her own free will, take the self-actualized bite of the forbidden fruit, share her new found "freedom" with her equal (Adam), and celebrate all "freedom" that flows from there.

PC is nothing more than the Satanic motto:  

Do as thou wilt 

that has been wrapped in the camoflage of Christian sheep's wool.

For more information on the false religion of Progressive Christianity, see Pastor Mike Winger:

If you are currently a Progressive Christian, or previously were, please use the comment section below to critique what I've written, or Mike Winger's video, or the 10 Commandments of PC's need corrections, changes, or additions.

As an alternative to PC, I suggest all current & former PC's should believe that the Bible is God's inspired Word, preserved by God throughout the ages, and is therefore absolute truth; that all of the Bible (eg. commandments, righteous examples, sinful examples, and all else) are eternally instructive for all; the King James Bible 1760 is the best representation of God's Word in the English language; the Bible defines and interprets itself; the Word must be studied in good faith and rightly divided, and it is an anathma to add or subtract or misinterpret the Bible.

As a summary of 276 key verses in the Bible, as a starting point for new Christians, is God's 26 Commandments for Christians

God bless!

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