
Sunday 17 July 2022

3 Days of Darkness

This prophecy was posted yesterday, Dream 621 from Erin, whom I'm 90% sure is a true prophet of God:

This referenced back to Erin's Dream 88, also on 3 Days of Darkness:

Erin has added additional info here:

Julie, I'm 90% sure is another true Prophet of God, has also written about this: Come to Jesus

Erin & Julie's "3 Days of Darkness" seem to match, and seems to be for God's purpose of scaring & isolating everybody, so that the luke warm Christians, and the Agnostics, and Athiests, and pagans of other religions are shaken to their core, and experience their "Come to Jesus" moment. 

True Christians are defined as Born Again, baptized, repentant, and lovingly obedient Christians who believe all of His Word, and love God with all their heart, mind, body, soul, and strength; who therefore have their deep faith & prior knowledge & experiences to adequately comfort & prepare themselves (eg. Mat 6:9-15, Ex 20:1-17, God's 26 Commandments for Christians , Eccles 12:13, Ps. 7:11, 2 Pet 3:9, John 14:21, 2 Tim 2:19, John 14:15, 21; Prov. 28:13, Ps. 91, Ps. 51, Ps. 23, Heb 10:26, John 9:31, Luke 13:22-28; Mat 7:21-23, etc.)

However, there are other types of "3 Days of Darkness", as private revelations claimed to have been received in Roman Catholic mysticism, originating in the 1800's, but here it is, back again.  See:   

3 Days of Darkness, Private Revelation by Roman Catholics

To me, it seems like the appointing of a new Pope after &/or through this Roman Catholic style of "3 Days of Darkness" may be the appointment of the False Prophet who will endorse & support the rise of the AntiChrist.  It seems like this is Satan's copy cat move.  This event with the Pope may be Satan's hastily constructed mirage so as to piggy back onto God's true event.

Rev. 16:10 also speaks about "darkness" during the 5th vial, with the 5th Angel of God pouring it out onto the seat of the Beast, during God's Wrath, very late in the End Times process (ie. after the Rapture of the Saints has already occurred), harming the disciples of the Beast (ie. those who received the 666 Mark of the Beast ???), gnawing their tongues in pain.

Other prophecies say that during the darkness, demons will knock at the door, &/or imitate familiar voices (eg. friends & family members), or cry for help, or pretend there is a terrible accident or emergency, or a lost scared child who cries to be rescued; all trying to entice the Christians to willingly  open the door, thereby enabling the demons to attack the saints who are  safely inside the building (as long as the door stays closed).

In preparations, we have purchased rolls of black plastic & a staple gun, to fully cover all our windows, so nobody can see out into the black evil, and nothing outside can see in, and have candles on hand (box of tea light candles), just in case.

There have been numerous other prophecies that God is about to make His "Big Move" (eg. See: and others), something you wouldn't believe even if He would tell you about it before hand;  Hag 1:5). 

It is inclear to me if God's "Big Move" soley refers to "3 Days of Darkness", or that it includes 1 or more other, related events, either before &/or after the "3 Days of Darkness".

In other words, be ready for anything, and rest easy in your faith in God, for these events will test just how deep & strong your faith really is.

 When will this Occur?

Erin though it would be in 3 days, but that came & went.  

According to the Official Enoch Calendar, Jul. 28, 2022 is the 9th of Av, the historical date of destruction for the Jews, their Temple, expulsion from Spain in 1492, etc.  Could this be the date for 2022?  Time will tell.

Would the enemies of Israel, knowing that the 9th of Av (Tisha B'Av) is on Aug. 5, 2022 according to the modern Jewish calendar, so that a nasty surprize is delivered, adding another layer to the curse on the Jews for the 9th of Av?

Therefore, if God is punishing, look to Jul. 28;  but if Satan is punishing, look to Aug. 5.

Note that the Enoch Calendar is significantly different from the modern Jewish calendar, as the Jews copied many pagan customs of the Babylonians, abandoned their historical calendar after their 70 AD expulsion from Jerusalem, most sects follow the "traditions of the elders" via the Talmud, and few sects still follow God's Torah (equivalent to the Bible's Old Testament).  Don't worry, as Jesus Christ will soon straighten out the Jew's strong delusions, errors, assumptions, blasphamies, sins, & iniquities.  Unfortunately the Bible says 75% of the Jews will perish (unable, or unwilling to change their evil ways ?), but 25% of the Jew's will survive as God's remnant for the covenant with Abraham.

If these dates both pass, my next suggestion HighWatch date is Rosh Hashanah on Sept. 19, 2022.

Official Enoch Calendar by Nick Van der Laan

Strengthening, Testing, & Proving Your Faith

People like to pretend they're brave, confident, and trust God.  

By analogy, people often have sufficient bravery to watch & hear others scream in terror on roller coasters, other huge mechanical rides, or houses of horror at amusement parks.  A small fraction of those people will buy a ticket to experience it themselves.  An even tinier fraction will remain calm at the scariest moment in that ticketed experience, designed & intended to "scare you to death".

It appears that God's "3 Days of Darkness" is a test, just as a boat builder tests his new boat near shore, to ensure stability & no leaks prior to loading it full of passangers, or going into the open waters.  

This is God's "dress rehearsal", like before a play's opening night so as to ensure a smooth, flawless performance before a paying audience.

Prepare to be tested.  

Prepare yourself to rapidly fix your spiritual boat if your faith is not fully sea-worthy, as it may leak like a seive, or is highly unstable in the waves created by Satan.

If your spiritual boat passes the test with flying colours, you can rest easy, no matter what Satan throws at you.

Fasting:  A Test to Resist Fleshly Desires

My wife and I have practiced fasting.

We have done a 3 day Ester fast (no food, no liquids for 3 days), immediately followed by 4 additional days of plain water only, but no food.  

We know we can do that with God's help.  

We have also done a 14 day fast, just plain water but no food.  

We are emotionally & spiritually prepared to fast up to 40 days and 40 nights, with God's help, rather than take the Mark of the Beast in exchange for Satan's free food.

I believe God has adequately prepared us & strengthened us, so we are ready for what soon comes.

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