
Saturday 5 November 2022

Nov. 6-14, 2022 High Watch, God's Big Move

*** Update #2:  on 2022-11-24 ***

Nothing occurred that was noticible except the crescendo of evil & evens continue to rise.

The time is soon, but this wasn't it.

Continue to occupy till He comes, pray, confess your sins, repent, read your Bible every day, share your testimony, preach the Gospel.

Rejoice for we are soon going home to be with our God in Heaven.

*** End Update #2 ***

*** Update #1:  2022-11-12 ***

Nothing easily recognizable has occurred during Nov. 6-11, 2022 (original High Watch period).

However, I mis-calculated the dates for the anniversary of Noah's flood.  Please forgive me.

Based on my error, and new information received in the interim, I am extending the High Watch period from Nov. 11th to Nov. 14th, 2022.

New info:  Erin's latest prophecy.

Erin again foreshadows day(s) of darkness very soon.

The following Watchman correctly calculated the Noah's Ark anniversary, and done extensive analysis of the High Watch date of Nov. 13, 2022.  I do not support his assumption of Rapture.  Instead, I think 3 Days of Darkness are more likely, during which true, obedient Christians will receive an annointing and sealing from God and become Overcomers, and everybody else is scared out of their minds.  Immediately after the sun returns, the newly minted Overcomers start working on the harvesting of souls through their leading a huge revival, including millions seeking repentance, healing, driving out demons, and preaching the Gospel.  I extended the watch period an extra day to allow for N. American time zones, & Gregorian calendar time; so ending the High Watch on Nov. 14, 2022.

Watch, pray, confess, look up!

*** End Update #1 ***

I am issuing a High Watch period for Nov. 6 to 11, 2022 inclusive, for God's Big Move.

It is unclear exactly what God's Big Move is defined as, but we are given a clue by:

Habakkuk 1:5 KJV "Behold ye among the heathen, and regard, and wonder marvelously: for I will work a work in your days which ye will not believe, though it be told you."


Acts 13:41 KJV "Behold, ye despisers, and wonder, and perish: for I work a work in your days, a work which ye shall in no wise believe, though a man declare it unto you."

God is angry every day at sinners  (Psalm 7:11), and His children suffer in this fallen, sinful world.

Erin's prophecies say we are in the season:

Julie's prophecies warn similarily:

Dr. Robert Mawire's prophecies prepare his flock for 2 Billion deaths in WW3, then the rise of the AntiChrist:

There is a Blood Moon coming on Nov. 8, 2022 (see: ).

This may be an omen warning of the Mid-term elections in the USA, on that same day, or a 3 day warning for Nov. 11th (see below).

God is pure, light, and symbolized by pure, clean white.  Satan is pure evil that seeks to lie, steal, kill, and destroy.

All humans (other than Jesus Christ) have sinned, and learned to eke out an existance in this sinful world.  Some have been born into an easy life, while other had to fight for everything they have.  Some have sinned greatly to take advantage of circumstances, loopholes, or people; so as to take more than their fair share.  Others, you can trust to usually do the right thing, to be trustworthy.

All that is soon coming to an end.

Most of us live in the grey zone.  Some of us are able to narcissistically virtue signal that they are better than those who are pure evil, that live in the black as Agents of Satan.

Very soon, God will shrink the grey zone to nothing, and everybody therein will be forced to jump one way or the other:  God or Satan.

On one calendar, Nov. 11 is 40 days before the winter solstice on Dec 21, and is also the aniversary for the start of Noah's Great Flood.  This is my current best guess as to the start of God's Big Move.  

Will God's "shock & awe" campaign get the attention of the most arrogant, jaded billionaire with a $50 million underground bunker standing by for his exclusive use?

This may be a Psalm 83 War attack on Israel, with God rescuing a remnant  from sure destruction.

It may be WW3 overflowing from Ukraine, with nuke and other WMD's flying here & there in spite.  

It may be a CME that destroys most electrical grids and electronic devices, a weakening magnetic field on Earth, a catastrophic magnetic pole shift on Earth, an  unstable energy output by our Sun, or a rogue meteor hitting Earth (see: Suspicious Observer )

Who knows, it might be God writing on the next Full Moon "Jesus Saves" in letters 400 km high.

The Bible predicts 1/4 of the world's population will die around the rise of the AntiChrist, so that's 2 Billion people.

Psslm 91 and elsewhere says that God will protect His children.  

If you're not a child of God, then you are a child of Satan.  Satan will use you, then throw you away like a dirty Kleenex.  Satan won't protect you.

Get right with God ASAP.  Read God's 26 Commandments for Christians (a summary of 276 Bible verses, arranged as 26 Commandments of God, as basic  instructions for His children of God), then implement.

After implementing God's 26 Commandments, you need to read your Bible every day, to better & better fear God, know God, believe in Jesus Christ and His loving salvation of all humans who believe in Jesus & His crucifixion on the cross and His resurection to Heaven.  Love God, obey God, forgive all others, confess & repent to God for your prior life of sins, pray to God that He will forgive your sins, worship God, be thankful to God for all His blessings. Choose to let your old sinful self (ie. your life as a child of Satan) to spiritually die so that a new righteous you can be spiritually born as a Born Again child of God who is immersion baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. Pick up your cross, & follow Jesus' plan for your life, by sharing your testimony with all others, and preach God's Good News Gospel to every creature in the world.

The soon harvest of souls will be great in quantity, but the workers are few, so pray for more workers to hear God's call.

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