
Saturday 24 December 2022

God's Big Move: Here it is!

My previous posting on a High Watch Dec. 17-27, 2022 still stands, and is triple reinforced by these 4 recent prophecies.  High Watch period, See:

### Update #1 2022-12-27 ###

There are exactly 7,777 days between Dec. 27, 2022 and 9/11 (Sept. 11, 2001).  Isn't that interesting!

In Biblical numerology, 7 means perfection.  Therefore quad 7's is total perfection.  This is more proof that today is a red letter day of distinction.

### End Update #1 2022-12-27 ###

Did I Find a New Prophetess?

I would like to introduce Vicki Goforth Parnell.  I only recently discovered Vicki.  

I am still investigating her as a potential Prophetess of God, and am not yet sure of her true status at this time.  I would be interested in your guiding comments below on Vicki & her latest prophecy.

Vicki's latest prophecy is on the secret "corronation" of the AntiChrist, in preparation for his restraining force release by God, and his public presentation:

Vicki's website:

Vicki's Declaration of Faith.  How does this compare to your declared (or wishy-washy undeclared) statement of faith?

Vicki's Email.  I have written to her.  You might want to do so too.  We'll see what we get back.

Prophetess Julie, 2022-12-23

Different from Vicki's dream, but very similar.  I call it strongly in favor of Vicki's.  Since Vicki published previous to Julie, the known Prophetess status of Julie support Vicki as a potential Prophetess too.

Prophet Dr. Robert Mawire, 2022-12-12

Dr. Mawire is still in generalities, but may tighten up his focus tomorrow.  Wait & see.

Prophetess Erin, 2022-12-22

Erin is one of Jesus' many Chefs (ie. Prophets), who have been setting out  enticing Hors-d'Ĺ“uvre, appetizers, soup, and salads for many years, while awaiting the main course by Jesus.  Erin began with the end in mind, fully describing the beautiful deserts & rewards awaiting God's children in Heaven, for when they finally reach the Wedding Supper of the Lamb.

Erin was afraid to stuff everybody so full of appetizers, soup, & salad, that they would have no interest in the main course (Jesus), nor the deserts that await them in Heaven, or more interest in her as a celebrity Chef than in the Host and His banquet that is planned to honour our Lord & Saviour, and our Heavenly Groom, Jesus Christ.

Erin was equally  afraid that her "sous Chef" offerings were so small in quantity or quality that the spiritually starving would wander off to other feeding grounds, to Wolves in Sheep's Clothing, who would better "tickle their ears", if not their taste buds & spiritual stomachs with fake food that might taste good, but was empty of any spiritual nutrients (just like our grocery stores of today for physical food).

The wait is over, the main course soon arrives.  

Are you still here?  Are you paying attention? Are you praying, repenting, & confessing continuously?  Are your spiritual stomachs ready for a huge feast of real food, direct from Jesus Christ?

My previous posting on the High Watch period (Dec. 17-27, 2022) still stands as-is, and is tripley reinforced by these latest prophecies.

Get yourself ready.

Not Sure What To Do?

If you aren't sure what to do about all of the above, at least read the following:

That is God's 26 Commandments for Christians, a document drafted by me to help me become a better Born Again Christian ASAP.

You are likely familiar with God's 10 Commandments.  

This document starts with those 10 commandments in the Bible's Book of Exodus 20:1-17.  

In addition, this document summarizes 276 Bible verses chosen to help luke-warm Christians, Atheists, and pagans to get "up to speed" as quickly as possible.

Read it till you understand it.  Implement it ASAP.

Are You A True Christian?

To summarize, all humans need a deep, loving relationship with Jesus Christ.  

This likely means everybody must go through all of the following steps:

Fear God; know God; believe in Jesus Christ as your God, Creator, Lord & Saviour; love God; understand sin through learning God’s commandments; confess & repent to God all your sins (both known & unknown); be humble & contrite; turn away from sin and turn towards God;  forgive all those who trespassed against you or hurt you; pray for God's forgiveness of your sins & His cleansing of you; let your old sinful self die off so that your new, obedient, righteous self can be Born Again as a child of God; get baptized; get all iniquity (ie. pre-planned, pre-meditated, or chronic sin) out of your life; obey all of God's commandments; flee from sin; pray that God hedges you in, keeping you away from sin and Satan’s fiery barbs; praise God; worship God; pray continuously; be joyous & thankful; live each day by reading His Word and being with the Fruit of the Holy Spirit (love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance, righteousness, godliness, & patience); live & die to your Lord & Saviour; share your testimony & preach the Gospel to every living creature; prepare yourself to serve God each day; be ready to be martyred in the name of Jesus Christ.

For those who Laugh, or Ignore the Above

Now that you have read this far, you will hopefully be one of the saved souls who avoid Hell.

In case you didn't know, those who don't have a deep, loving relationship with Jesus Christ (see above) are doomed to Hell.

Hell, also called the Lake of Fire, was primarily for Satan and his evil demons.  However, all those who do not have a deep loving relationship with Jesus Christ, or are "workers of iniquity", or commited the Unforgiveable Sin, or took the Mark of the Beast (666), or modified their DNA so they are no longer fully human, then all of these people are also doomed to the Lake of Fire.

Those thrown into the Lake of Fire will have no rest, neither day nor night, but will suffer burning and torment for ever & ever.  There will be gnashing of teeth (ie. Severe anger) and weeping forever.

For the Lost Souls, Hard to Reach

Note the links at the bottom of Julie's latest posting.

I will soon print off many copies of Jesus' Letter to the Lost & Hard To Reach.  I plan to ask people "Are you ready?"

They will naturally respond "Ready for what?

That's when I'll hand them a copy of Jesus' Letter to the Lost.

It may be their last opportunity to join the Overcomers, rather than be one of the foolish Virgins with insufficient oil.

Will you please do the same?

Comments from the Smugly Ignorant

I welcome your comments below, especially from Athiests, Muslims, pagans, and the luke-warm Christian who are smugly ignornant.

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