
Tuesday 3 January 2023

It Has Begun: 2023-01-03

Slowly, for a few True Christians here & there, but it has begun.

Dream 658 – The Fullness of the Hour

Jesus:   "...Well, Erin, the fullness of the hour is here.”

Erin:  “Oh Lord, what is the fullness of the hour?”

Jesus:  “This is the time that My workers, a chosen few, begin their service...."

God's Great Move has finally begun.

A chosen few have already begun.  I assume this is a growing wave of workers, more & more over time, until all those who volunteered to be Overcomers in God's End Times, are fully engaged in God's Big Move, the End Times revival, or Pentecost 2.0 when they go forth to harvest souls through driving out demons, healing the sick, preaching the true Gospel, etc.

The above prophecy may also mean that the Two Witnesses have begun to act, as described in Rev. 11:3

[Rev 11:3 KJV] "3 And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth."

The 1,260 days is 3.5 years at the prophetic year of 360 days per year.  If this interpretation is correct, that would mean the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ starts shortly after the Two Witnesses are killed by the AntiChrist, on or about the end of June, 2026.

Some luke-warm Christians waited in hope to selfishly escape (ie. Pre-Trib Rapture), while other True Christians waited to serve as volunteers (Overcomers) in God's End Times revival before the rise of the AntiChrist.  The wait is now over.  Some will be disappointed, others will be soon be relieved to be chosen to serve their Lord & Saviour.

I pray to be worthy to be chosen for the harvest of souls, the revival, to rescue the lost before Satan permanently traps them all.

I'm sure there will soon be more info.  

Arise!  Watch!  

Continue to wait patiently for your call to come help harvest in the greatest revival for our Lord & Saviour.


While you wait your turn to join God's greatest revival, you can study God's 26 Commandment for Christians, so as to perfect your understanding & obedience to His commandments,  through your daily walk:

Here is some celebratory music to help keep you in the mood:

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