
Monday 13 February 2023

Kingdom Of Heaven Arrives on Earth

 On Feb. 12, 2023, Jesus Christ said,

"Now rejoice as the Kingdom of Heaven is here."

This is likely:

A)   Judgment for the evil ones;

B)   Annointing for the broken, humble, & contrite Overcomers;

C)   Jesus' End Times Revival for the luke-warm  (ie. Overcomers preach the Gospel, heal the sick, drive out demons, raise the dead, great exploits, etc.).

Which of these three groups will you be in?

Dream 668 – The Mystery of God’s Handwriting

According to Nick Vanderlaan's Official Enoch Calendar:

Feb. 10, 2023 (24th Day of 11th Month), is the Biblical anniversary of:

• Noah sent out the dove a third time and it didn't return (Genesis 8:12). 

• The word of YHWH came to Zechariah, the vision of the rider of the red horse, the 70 years of indignation, and YHWH's Jealousy for Jerusalem and Zion, declaring His temple will be rebuilt in it, he will return to Judah, the four carpenters which scatterred Judah, the measuring line of Jerusalem, YHWH will again choose Jerusalem, be silent all flesh for YHWH is raised up out of His holy habitation, Joshua the high priest is selected, Satan is rebuked, Zerubbabel also selected, Joshua and Zerubbabel identified as the two golden lampstands, nuclear bomb planted in the land of Shinar, the temple will be rebuilt by Joshua the high priest, (Zechariah 1:7 - 6:15)

Feb. 17, 2023 (1st Day of the 12th Month) is the Biblical anniversary of:

Ezekiel received the word of YHWH, a lamentation against Pharoah king of Egypt that the king of Babylon is going to destroy them (Ezekiel 32:1-16)

Feb. 19th, 2023 (3rd. Day of the 12th Month) is the Biblical anniversary of:

• Second Temple completed and dedicated (Ezra 6:15-18)

• ?? Wedding at Cana, Yeshua turned water into wine?? (John 2:1-11) It happened before Passover.

• Yeshua in Jerusalem for Second Temple dedication in the winter, not Hannukah??? (John 10:22-39)

Since the physical bodies of believers are the true Holy Temple after Jesus' crucifixion, they may get annointed & dedicated on this temple Dedication date.

The end of God's year (and start of the next) is the Spring Eqinox, on Mar. 20, 2023.

The Feb. 10th date is 38 days before the end of the year.  No bell ringing there.

The Feb. 17th date is 31 days before the Eqinox.  That's an interesting number, one full Gregorian month of days.

The Feb. 19th date is 29 days before the Eqinox.  That's very interesting, one full lunar cycle; God's timepiece.

Consulting an app I have on my Smart Phone for puzzles just like this, Jerusalem will have a New Moon rise at 6:35 AM Jerusalem time on Feb. 20th, while the Sun rises at 6:17 AM Jerusalem time. As of this posting, Jerusalem is GMT+2 Time Zone

Even more interesting!  That sounds just about right.  I think I detect God's finger prints on these dates.  

Sunrise Jerusalem on Feb. 20th is most likely the date & time.

God's day starts at sunrise (see ).  

There is a Daylight Savings Time change in Jerusalem on Mar. 24, 2023, taking them to GMT+3.  Similarily, EST changes to EDT on March 12th, taking East Coast of N. America from GMT-4 to GMT-5 so you'll have to hire an Astrophysicist to figure out this man-made complication at your local time for the above Jerusalem-based event. 

I suggest sunrise at Jerusalem on Feb. 20, 2023 is the beginning of God's Big Move.  

Fasten your seatbelts, confess, repent, pray like you've never prayed before (ie. Pray like your life depends upon it, because it does).  

This will help you, God's 26 Commandments For Christians:

The waxing crescent Moon is visible of Feb. 23rd. (trigger point for modern Jewish traditions, by Babylonians teachings, so unlikely of God).

I therefore declare a High Watch period from Feb. 13th - 20th, 2023.  Sunrise Jerusalem at 6:35 AM local time on Feb. 20th, 2023 is the most likely date & time for God's Big Move.

May God have mercy on me, you, and all our family, friends, and neighbours (ie. all humans currently alive).

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