
Monday 13 March 2023

Banks: Run or Walk?

Silicon Valley Investment Bank ("SVIB") in California failed last Friday.

Believe it or not:

"SVB failed because they parked the majority of their depositors’ money ($119.9 billion) in 10 year US GOVERNMENT BONDS." 
"The problem was caused by the Federal Reserve monkeying with interest rates, Quantitative Easing (ie. Buying bonds from the market)."
 "In March 2020, for example, interest rates were so low that the Treasury Department sold some 10-year Treasury notes at yields as low as 0.08%." Ref.:

The Canadian government has taken over the SVIB subsiduary bank in Canada, as its SVIB parent was no longer able to financially support, direct, or manage this orphaned bank in Canada.

Other banks, including some Canadian banks,  owned SVIB's shares, and/or their Derivative paper as investments, but these investments are now worthless, or are already significantly reduced in value, or may soon be.

Another bank in New York City, Signature Bank, that focused on crypto,  has also failed for similar reasons.

Silvergate Bank also failed as of March 9, 2023.  Silvergate Bank was an FDIC insured institution located in La Jolla, CA. It was founded in 1988 and has approximately $15.71 billion in assets.  It failed after the crypto market instability due to a huge fraud & Ponzi scheme at FTX by Sam Bankman-Freid.

As the problem spreads from one bank to another, it is called contaigion, like a virus.  Imagine that, a recycled theme from COVID?

Ian Bremmer presented a graphic showing all of the bank or Savings & Loans failures in USA since Year 2000 ,(ie. last 23 years):

The blue circle represents the SVIB failure, as the 2nd. largest US bank failure since Year 2000, with the fall of Washington Mutual in 2008 as the largest.  This is a significant event.

Banks are in trouble.

Money on deposit may be at risk.  Deposit insurance in Canada is just $100,000  and $250,000 in USA, but when will you get reimbursed?  You still have to survive until after the dust settles from a collapse; if they should occur.

I do not suggest you take steps that will unnecessarily cause a bank run, needlessly making things far worse than necessary.  However, you need to take prudent steps to protect yourself and your family.

I suggest all of the following, listed in  priority sequence:

  1. You need many rolls of $2 coins (Toonies in Canada, $1 coins in USA), because they have intrinsic value as scrap metal, where paper/plastic currency has none, and may be accepted even during 666 Mark of the Beast (eg. Vending machines, parking meters, laundramats, food, "favors", etc.) when nothing else will be accepted by The Beast system.
  2. I suggest a 3 month supply (min.) to a 6 mo. supply (ideal) of cash, as $20.00 bills  for normal monthly operating expenses, or "favors", or emergencies when ATM's go off-lines & banks are forced closed.
  3. I suggest paying off credit cards, lines of credit, car loans, and mortgages as much as possible to reduce debt, and stay out of debt.  Interest rates are going to the sky (bank loans likely 20%, or higher, credit card debt in outer space), or current debt will be demanded to be repaid immediately, or no renewal will be permitted in the future.
  4. I suggest paying utility bills (eg. electricity, water, sewer, heating bill, fuel, etc. ) & property taxes in advance, assuming they increase at 25% inflation each year from now till 2027 inclusive so as to minimize your cash bank balances at risk.  As a public utility, these pre-paid expenses are likely safer than a private business.  This keeps you in your current home through bad times, rather than evicted for non-payment; a forced savings system, like whole life insurance.. 

Some may choose (or already chose) to buy gold, silver, or crypto currencies; rather than large bank balances.  In the Bible, it warns that at some point, people will be throwing gold & silver into the street as worthless.  We aren't quite there yet, but will be soon enough.  Right now, these alternatives may be ill-liquid at the gas station or grocery store, or may be accepted only if severe discounts for them are taken in exchange for what you need to survive on today.

Remember, Canada's Prime Minister Trudeau, as a star student of Klaus Schwab at WEF (World Economic Forum) said, Mar. 2023 will see an economic reset, where all of us (except their billionaire "friends") will own nothing & be happy.  

I assumed he meant cars & houses too.  This WEF master plan likely applies to all NATO countries & their Western friends, as WEF plans to collapse their economies, creating a world-wide crisis, then WEF will pretent they have the solution for the crisis they caused, or significantly contributed towards, thereby enabling a 1-world government (ie. No longer soverign countries like Canada, USA, UK, Germany, China, etc.), as the whole world will be under the absolute control of a authoritarian, tyrannical Dictator, chosen by WEF and their friends.

Oh joy!

From now to Apr. 2027, the world will likely be similar to the enslaved Israelites in  Egypt under Pharaoh, as described in the Bible (Genesis 47:13-26; and Exodus 1:8 to 23:33).

Good luck!

We are only protected by God ftom all the above, and much worse.  Draw near to God.

Fear God; know God, and know that Jesus willingly died as a blood sacrifice for their sins, then God raised Him from the dead; believes in God, their Creator, Lord, & Saviour; loves God (ie. God the Father, Jesus Christ His Son, and the Holy Spirit) with all their heart, mind, body, soul, & strength; loves their neighbours as themself; understands both God & sin through reading God's Word every day; believes God's Word is truth, God-breathed and inspired, & preserved by God; learns to study & rightly divide God's Word; learns God’s commandments; confesses & repents to God all their sins (both known & unknown); is humble & contrite, and admit they are a broken person without God; turns away from sin and turn towards God; fully forgives all those who trespassed against them or hurt them; prays to God for God's forgiveness of their sins & His cleansing of them; lets their old sinful self (ie. a slave to sin, and a child of Satan) die off, so that their new, obedient, righteous self can be Born Again as a child of God; invites Jesus into their life, to dwell in their heart through faith; gets baptized by full immersion in water in the name of God the Father, Jesus Christ His Son, and the Holy Spirit; remembers God's promises that temptation will never be greater than what they can resist, and there will always be a path to escape from sin & temptation; gets all iniquity (ie. pre-planned, pre-meditated, or chronic sin) out of their life; obeys all of God's commandments to the best of their ability; prays to God that He hedges them in, & keeps them away from sin and Satan’s fiery darts; flees from sin & temptation, and when they fail, stops (ie. the sooner they stop sinning, the better) & repents & confesses their sins to God and asks for forgiveness & wisdom & strength to resist all same & similar sins in the future; does not grieve nor quench the Holy Spirit; dresses, acts, & thinks in a modest & humble manner; carefully studies alleged Prophets & prophesies, testing them against God's Word, rejects what is false, and keeps what is good; does not pray to, nor worship, nor sacrifice to anything other than God; rejects all False Gospels & heresies; praises & worships God; prays continuously to God the Father; obeys the righteous laws of man, & pays their tributes (taxes); pays a tithe of 10%; help widows, orphans, the poor, the sick, strangers, & neighbours; is joyous & thankful; avoids pride, boasting, grumbling, & murmurring (ie. rebellious complaining); lives each day by being & acting through the Fruit of the Holy Spirit (ie. faith, longsuffering, patience, meekness, gentleness, temperance, goodness, righteousness, godliness, joy, peace, truth, and love); denies themself, then lives for their Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ; shares their testimony & preaches the Gospel to every living creature; prepares themself to serve God each day, and to be mocked, scorned, rejected, persecuted, &/or martyred in the name of Jesus Christ.

If anybody consistantly & whole heartedly does all the above, they will be one of the saved souls who avoid Hell, and spends all eternity in Heaven with their loving God, and live there in peace, love, joy, and fulfillment.  Those who don't have a deep, loving relationship with Jesus Christ (see above) are doomed to Hell.

Hell, also called the Lake of Fire, was primarily for Satan and his evil demons.  However, all those who do not have a deep loving relationship with Jesus Christ, or are "workers of iniquity", or commited the Unforgiveable Sin, or took the Mark of the Beast (666) or worshipped The Beast, or modified their DNA (eg. genetic mutations via gene therapy or hacking, chimeras, AI augmentation, hybrid humanoids, possibly COVID-19 &/or its vaccination, etc.) so that they are no longer fully human, then they are doomed to the Lake of Fire.

Those thrown into the Lake of Fire will have no rest, neither day nor night, but will suffer burning and torment for ever & ever.  There will be gnashing of teeth (ie. Severe anger) and weeping forever.  Once somebody enters the Lake of Fire, there is no escape, there is no death, there is only an eternity of torment and burning.

To help you get started (or fill in the gaps) on all the above, I suggest God's 26 Commandments for Christians, a summary of 276 Bible verses, arranged into The 10 Commandments, plus 16 more teachings from Jesus Christ, The Apostles, and The Bible.

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