
Monday 19 June 2023

Psalm 83 War Soon Begins

 One of the scenarios originally proposed by me 7 years ago may soon come true, starting all-out war between Muslims and Jews over the division of Temple Mount.

A Bill has been introduced into the Israeli Knesset proposing division of Temple Mount into two separate sectors, one for the Jews, and one for the Palestinian Muslims.  See:


"Knesset Member Amit Halevi of the Likud party submitted a division plan that would reportedly give Muslims control of al-Aqsa Mosque in the southern section of the compound. By contrast, Jews would control the central and northern parts of the Temple Mount, which would include the Dome of the Rock.

If implemented, Halevi's plan would end Jordan’s current custodianship over the Temple Mount through the local Muslim Waqf authority in Jerusalem."

To better understand the forces struggling for control of Temple Mount, Israeli activists were arrested [by Israeli police] on Monday [June 19, 2023] for planning to perform a ritual sacrifice atop the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

The “Return to the Mount” activists had in their possession a lamb they intended to slaughter at the holy site in accordance with the biblical practice.  See:

See my prior description of Psalm 83 War in this Blog here:

It is important that everybody get on the right side on this issue.  God wants Ezekiel's Third Temple to be built on Temple Mount, and for Jews to start using it for animal sacrifice.

Do not pray against God, nor take actions to impede God's plans.  Anybody who tries to stop God will surely pay a huge price for this sin.

Dr. Robert Mawire, a Prophet of God, describes what is going on, and what to do (and not do):

Iran, Turkey, and other Islamic nations, and millions of Muslims are looking for an excuse, a flashpoint  a lightning rod, that creates the incident that unites all Muslims (if not the whole world) in the total destruction of Israel, permanently removing it from maps, and their land.

Unfortunately for Muslims, and fortunately for Israel, the land belongs to God, He has given (ie. loaned or leased) that land to Israel for their eternal use, His Chosen People, and God will defend that land and His people from attack.

Some Israeli will die, and many more Muslims will die, but God's will ensures the outcome.  Israel stands.

Ezekiel's Temple will soon be built on Temple Mount, and a high wall will be built to separate God's Third Temple from the "abomination of desolation"which is Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Next stop:  World War 3, Nuclear War, and the rise of the Anti-Christ.

There is no safety anywhere, no safety for anybody, except under God as a Born Again, obedient Christian.

I encourage everybody to immediately come to God of the Holy Bible.  Don't stop half way at some corrupted religion defined by humans with multiple false doctrines.

If you're not sure what to do, or how to do that, here is a good starting point which summarises over 300 Bible verses into:

God's 26 Commandments for Christians

I also suggest our 1-page summary on the various paths and options for the tranition of all humans to either Heaven or Hell.  

Today, everybody is starting in one of 3 boxes:

  • True Christian
  • Luke-warm Christian
  • All others
From there, there are 16 different paths through God's End Times maze.  

I suggest everybody follow the green arrows which lead to Heaven.  Avoid the red arrows which lead to Hell.  Here is the diagram, and descriptions to help you get to where you want to go:

A Brief Schedule of Future Events

As a quick summary, here is the likely sequence of events for the next 7 years, as prophesied in the Bible, as good as I am able to interpret & understand:

  1. True Christians (not Luke-Warm Christians) will soon be sealed and annointed as God's Overcomers, to facilitate God's Revival, to preach the Gospel, heal the sick, drive out demons, raise the dead, & perform miracles here on Earth.
  2. God's Overcomers start a huge, planet-wide Revival to the greater glory of God, and the Salvation of millions.  None of man's religion can withstand the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
  3. According to God's End Times Prophet, Dr. Robert Mawire, there is no Pre-Trib. Rapture. We're all staying here for End Times. Make your plans accordingly.
  4. Temple Mount is divided to Jew & Muslim sections, 3rd Temple is attempt to start building.
  5. Psalm 83 War.
  6. WW3, nuclear war.
  7. Rise of the Anti-Christ, 1-world Government, NWO, 
  8. Totalitarian dictatorship by AntiChrist, on behalf of Satan.
  9. Most Jews mistakenly believe Anti-Chirst is their Messiah.  AntiChrist confirms "Covenant of Many",also known as "Covenant with Death" (Dan 9:27, Issiah 28:15-29) for Temple Mount & 3rd Temple.
  10. Tribulations start, and continue on an ongoing basis (Rev 6:1-17, 9:1-21, etc.).
  11. Ezekiel's Temple is continued & completed (Ezek 40:1 - 42:20, Rev 11:1-2)
  12. GOD (all 3 persons) will be coming to Ezekiel's Temple in Jerusalem (soon to be built) to convince the Jews that the old system is ended, and introduce Jesus as the Jew's true Messiah (Ezek 43:1-43:27). 
  13. The convinced Jews will flee to the desert (Rev. 12:6). The stubborn Jews who reject Jesus will likely stay in Jerusalem, be persecuted by the Anti-Christ, and die (both physically, and spiritually, ending up in the Lake of Fire).
  14. Anti-christ continues to reign & persecute (Rev 12:13-13:18)
  15. Eventually, a 2nd remnant of Jews who finally  believe in Jesus flee from Jerusalem etc. to the desert with the wings of eagles (ie. Helping angels, Rev 12:14).
  16. Rapture is likely Post-Trib., Pre-Wrath, at the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ, likely on or after 2027 AD (~4 years from now). 
  17. Jesus touches down at Mount Sinai in Saudi Arabia, then starts working his way North to Jerusalem, killing all the evil ones who oppose Him (Isaiah 63:1, Rev. 14:20, 19:13).
  18. As Jesus approaches Jerusalem, Satan causes a flood to kill as many people as possible (Rev 12:15). 
  19. God splits the Mount of Olives to carry away the flood (Rev 12:16). 
  20. Evil humans (ie. woman grinding, man in a bed, etc.) will be translated to the valley of decision (Megido, Israel), where the carcuses are, ready for the Battle of Armageddon to begin (Ezek 38, 39; Rev 16:12-16). 
  21. Anti-Christ & False prophet are thrown into Lake of Fire, Satan into Bottomless Pit (Rev. 19:20, 20:1-3)
  22. Jews clean up the messy battle sites, bury dead for 7 months (Ezek 39:11-16), burn weapons, etc. for a total of 7 years (Ezek 39:9-29 ); all while Jesus and His bride enjoy the wedding supper of the lamb in Heaven for 7 years.
  23. Jesus & His bride return to Earth, Jesus takes His throne in Jerusalem, and the Millenial Kingdom begins.

For more details, Bible references, and recommended methods to protect you and your family, see:

Probable Sequence of Events in God's End Times Process, Version 26


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