
Friday 28 July 2023

High Watch: July 27- Aug. 6, 2023 Rev. 2

As a Watchman for the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ, I concur and support the declaration of a high watch period from sunrise Jerusalem on Thursday July 27, 2023 until Sunday Aug. 6, 2023.

Update #1:  Watch period was extended to include the full moon on Aug. 1, 2023.

Update #2:  Watch period was extended to include Aug. 6 because:

  • From September 11, 2001 when the World Trade Centre Towers fell to  August 6, 2023 is exactly 8000 days.

  • 8 souls were saved on the Ark.

  • In Strong's Concordance 8000 means "to be completed - to be finished."

  • Enola Gay dropped "Little Boy" the atomic bomb on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945 which was the first use of nuclear weapons.  The flash of bright light might be related to the Transfiguration of Jesus Christ."

  • Aug. 6th could be the date we have all been waiting for...The beginning of "The End".
  • Aug 6th 2023 is also 22nd day of Ave, the anniversary day for when the dove was released by Noah from the Ark, and the dove never returned (Genesis 8:12).  One possible interpretation of this is the removal of the Holy Spirit from Earth (ie. The Holy Spirit remains inside Born Again Christians &/or obedient Christians who become annointed & sealed by God, as Overcomers).  The removal of the Holy Spirit enables the AntiChrist to rise, to take over as the dictator of the world.

  • It is 40 days between Aug. 6th to Feast of Trumpets on Sept. 15, 2023.  This is the same as the 40 days God gave Ninevah for repentance.  God will likely do a revival through His children giving their testimony, preaching the Gospel, driving out demons, healing the sick, exposing evil, raising the dead, and other great works; all that help convince the lost to abandon their sins, believe in Jesus Christ, confess & repent, then become Born Again Christians.
    is also

###   End Update #2   ###

This High Watch is based upon the following evidence:

Evidence #1

The recent discovery of an asteroid "Child" that is currently in the Zodiac constellation Virgo, around the neck region, traveling down Virgo's body towards the abdomen of the Virgo, and that is "born" on Sept 15, 2023 1:05 am.  Patrick also discovered the astroid "Miraiam" is attendance at the birth, as is the asteroids "Yeshuah".  See Pastor Patrick Wright's YouTube channel "Hourly Watch", video "A Child is Born", posted  July 26, 2023

Backing up 50 days (based on Ministry Revealed 50 day period of revival and repentance (ie. similar to 40 days for Jonah and Ninevah, plus 10 days for Jubilee offset, see below), we get a starting point of July 27, 2023 1:05 AM Jerusalem time.  The 9th of Av historical judgement on the Jews began very late on 9th of Av, and was mainly on the 10th of Av, and was a historical festival of 3 days, thus shifting the end date to July 27 + 3= Jul. 30, 2023.

Evidence #2

Alain of Ministry Revealed (Calgary AB, Canada) explains the likely correct interpretation of the Child asteroid currently in the belly of Virgo, and we are therefore still in the green zone of this High Watch declaration, from now till Saturday night July 29, 2023.  God's Big Move is still on schedule, all systems go!

Evidence #3

Dr. Robert Mawire, an End Times Prophet of God, has suggested that the 9th of Av may be the start of God's Big Move:

Evidence #4

Julie, Prophetess of God, and her latest posting (and all prior postings):

Evidence #5

Erin, a Prophetess of God, and her latest posting (and all prior postings):

Evidence #6

Repoman 64, a Watchman, and his timeline, as discussed in his latest video, prior videos, and on his Discord channel:

Evidence #7

Watchman Ricardo Garcia's analysis of Zodiac calendar and world events to identify the start date for Globalist's plans, and God's Big Move:

Evidence #8

Ministry Revealed video "It's About the Zeros and Ones" which links to Aug. 6th.

Evidence #9

Mandi, who claims to be a prophetess of God (I have not yet done sufficient "Berean" investigation to confirm or deny her claim), and her most recent video, claims we are in the zone, any moment now:

Urgent:  Only Days or Hour Remain

There is only a few days before the door shuts on the heavenly bridal party (ie. those who are late or no-show are locked out).  For help, see:

To get in, you need to be a True Christian, not a hypocrite.

Fear God; know God, and know that Jesus willingly died as a blood sacrifice for their sins, then God raised Him from the dead; believes in God, their Creator, Lord, & Saviour; loves God (ie. God the Father, Jesus Christ His Son, and the Holy Spirit) with all their heart, mind, body, soul, & strength; loves their neighbours as themself; understands both God &  sin through reading God's Word every day; believes God's Word is truth, God-breathed and inspired, & preserved by God; learns to study & rightly divide God's Word; learns God’s commandments; confesses & repents to God all their sins (both known & unknown); is humble & contrite, and admit they are a broken person without God; turns away from sin and turn towards God; fully forgives all those who trespassed against them or hurt them; prays to God for God's forgiveness of their sins & His cleansing of them; lets their old sinful self (ie. a slave to sin, and a child of Satan) die off, so that their new, obedient, righteous self can be Born Again as a child of God; invites Jesus into their life, to dwell in their heart through faith; gets baptized by full immersion in water in the name of God the Father, Jesus Christ His Son, and the Holy Spirit; remembers God's promises that temptation will never be greater than what they can resist, and there will always be a path to escape from sin & temptation; gets all iniquity (ie. pre-planned, pre-meditated, or chronic sin) out of their life; obeys all of God's commandments to the best of their ability; prays to God that He hedges them in, & keeps them away from sin and Satan’s fiery darts; flees from sin & temptation, and when they fail, stops (ie. the sooner they stop sinning, the better) & repents & confesses their sins to God and asks for forgiveness & wisdom & strength to resist all same & similar sins in the future; does not grieve nor quench the Holy Spirit; dresses, acts, & thinks in a modest & humble manner; carefully studies alleged Prophets & prophesies, testing them against God's Word, rejects what is false, and keeps what is good; does not pray to, nor worship, nor sacrifice to anything other than God; rejects all False Gospels & heresies; praises & worships God; prays continuously to God the Father; obeys the righteous laws of man, & pays their tributes (taxes); pays a tithe of 10%; help widows, orphans, the poor, the sick, strangers, & neighbours; is joyous & thankful; avoids pride, boasting, grumbling, & murmurring (ie. rebellious complaining); lives each day by being & acting through the Fruit of the Holy Spirit (ie. faith, longsuffering, patience, meekness, gentleness, temperance, goodness, righteousness, godliness, joy, peace, truth, and love); denies themself, then lives for their Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ; shares their testimony & preaches the Gospel to every living creature; prepares themself to serve God each day, and to be mocked, scorned, rejected, persecuted, &/or martyred in the name of Jesus Christ.

If anybody consistantly & whole heartedly does all the above, they will be one of the saved souls who avoid Hell, and spends all eternity in Heaven with their loving God, and live there in peace, love, joy, and fulfillment.  Those who don't have a deep, loving relationship with Jesus Christ (see above) are doomed to Hell.

Hell, also called the Lake of Fire, was primarily for Satan and his evil demons.  However, all those who do not have a deep loving relationship with Jesus Christ, or are "workers of iniquity", or commited the Unforgiveable Sin, or took the Mark of the Beast (666) or worshipped The Beast, or modified their DNA (eg. genetic mutations via gene therapy or hacking, chimeras, AI augmentation, hybrid humanoids, possibly COVID-19 &/or its vaccination, etc.) so that they are no longer fully human, then they are doomed to the Lake of Fire.

Those thrown into the Lake of Fire will have no rest, neither day nor night, but will suffer burning and torment for ever & ever.  There will be gnashing of teeth (ie. Severe anger) and weeping forever.  Once somebody enters the Lake of Fire, there is no escape, there is no death, there is only an eternity of torment and burning.

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