
Sunday 21 April 2024

Jesus' 3 Days & 3 Nights

Most Christians believe that Jesus died on Friday at 3 pm and resurrected before sunrise Sunday (~ 7:00 AM), which is elapsed time of 40 hours, less than 2 days; but Bible repeatedly says "3 days & 3 nights"  What is the truth?

Jesus was crucified on Preparation Day, dying at 3 pm (9th hour) with Passover beginning at sundown on that same day (Wednesday). 

Josephus tells us that 256,500 animal were typically sacrificed at the Jerusalem Temple between the 9th and 11th hour (Bellum Jud., Book VI, Chapter 9, Verse 3), ) so Jesus died  right on-time as a Sacrificial Lamb of God.

Luke 23:53-54 tells us that Jesus was placed in His tomb just before sunrise of the High Sabbath Unleavened Bread, which is sunrise Thursday morning, at first light. 

Note in the Bible's Greek source text, Luke used the word "epiphosko", Strong's G2020, meaning "to dawn, begin, shine forth; used of the reckoned commencement of the day, to be near commencing, to dawn on.  G2020 is only used twice in the Bible: Mat 28:1, Lk. 23:54; 

Both of these verses also help prove that God's day begins at sunrise, not at sunset as practiced by Jews & Muslims.  

If God's day began at sunset, then it could not still be Preparation Day as it dawned towards the High Sabbath of Unleavened Bread, as declared in Luke 23:54.  Similarly, it could not still be Sabbath as it dawned towards the first day of the week, as described in Mat. 28:1.

In the alternative, both Mat. 28:1 and Luke 23:53-54 are true and fully correct if God's day begins at sunrise.  For 13 additional proofs that God's day begins at sunrise, see:

Mat. 28:1 tells us that the women came to wrap the body of Jesus early on Sunday morning, just before sunrise, but Jesus' body was already gone, as He had risen.

From Thursday sunrise to Sunday sunrise is exactly 3 days & 3 nights in the heart of the earth, exactly as Jesus said He would.

Please explain the above to every Christian you can find, so that they know the truth.

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