
Monday 27 May 2024

Ukraine War, then WW3

Tuomas Malinen is a man with personal, life experiences from Finland & USSR.  His family knows first hand about the prior Finnish wars against Russia and USSR.  He shares his analysis of what is likely the outcome of Ukraine-Russia war.

Ukranian tank, currently 
fighting against Russia

I responded with the following comment:

The truth, I regret to inform all, is:

Option 3:  Ignite a world war, for the global elite to gain widespread control over societies.

The Georgian Guidestones is not a random fluke, that their #1 goal is de-population Earth's 8 billion people to a max. of 550 million people, requiring 93% of the people to become fertilizer.

All world governments report to Satan, who lies, kills, and destroys.

NATO and the UN report to Satan.

The globalist also report to Satan.

The NGO's too.

Only God Almighty, the Creator of heaven & Earth, is on the side of His creation, and His people.

Soon, Satan will have his WW3 nuclear war that takes out 2 Billion people, then raise up his evil dictator who takes over the entire world, the AntiChrist.

You, and everybody else, have to decide if you're for Satan, or for God.  The Holy Bible prophesied 2,000 years ago that this ultimate conflict will occur, and who will ultimately win:   God.

The Finns, prior and during WW2 in their wars against Russia-USSR, fought with Sisu.

Sisu is a Finnish word, similar to the English concepts of stoic determination, tenacity of purpose, grit, bravery, resilience, and hardiness.  Sisu is extraordinary determination in the face of extreme adversity, and courage that is presented typically in situations where success is unlikely.  It expresses itself in taking action against the odds, and displaying courage and resoluteness in the face of adversity.  Sisu has become the rock bottom foundation to how Finns define themselves in everything they do, think, believe, and say.

To me, it seems that Satan fights against God with Sisu.  

In Satan's case, Sisu is used, not to win, but to destroy as much of God's beautiful creation as possible; and kill, wound, or destroy as many humans as possible.  

Satan is using deception to encourage people to be on Satan's side; and by creating & rewarding fear, greed, hatred, bigotry, racism, pride, and similar evils.

Only fools fight against an all-knowing, all-powerful, loving God, who has their best interest at heart, like a loving Father teaching a rebellious child.

There is only one true God, and one true revelation of God through the Holy Bible.  Jesus Christ is God, sent to Earth so as to guide us, and save all humans who believe in Him, love Him, obey His commandments & teachings, and choose Jesus Christ as their God, King, LORD, Saviour, Messiah, and friend.

King James Bible, 1790 AD version is the best, most accurate version of God's holy Word; revealing God to humans.

Unfortunately, luke-warm Christians are likely 99.5% of all those who self-identify as "christian", and are also deceived to varying degrees, and are too far removed from loving God and loving obedience to God's commandments, and are therefore "workers of iniquity" who must confess, repent, and establish a close, intimate, loving, & obedient relationship with God before it is too late.  

Most christian churches significantly deviate away from the Holy Bible, &/or wrongly insulate the people away from their God, lessening the close personal relationship between each individual and God.

Rise of the AntiChrist

While there are many different calendars for humans, it is suggested that June 6, 2024 is likely Pentecost on God's calendar.  See the calendar by  Repoman64 for the best work in progress version here:

June 6, 2024 converts by Gematria rules to June 6/24, then to 6/6/24, then 6/6/2+4, then 6/6/6, then 666, which is the Mark of the Beast, and the AntiChrist is the 1st. Beast in Rev. 13:1-10.

Is this date of 6/6/2024 the rise of the Anti-Christ?

June is Pride Month for the LGBTQ+, so June 1st makes an appropriate time for God's judgment on Soddom-like centres such as Tel Aviv, San Francisco, etc., &/or all of Mystery Babylon (USA)., such as Henry Gruver's prophecy for 7 nukes to USA cities?

USA is likely #1 restraining force against the rise of AntiChrist.  When USA is destroyed, Mah'di Muslim AntiChrist can rise.  

In the deceiving Qu'ran, the Mah'di rises to bring Islam to every human, but Jesus is said to return to Earth to lead opposition against the Mah'di.

Note that End Time in the Qu'ran is a mirror image opposite from God's Holy Bible, so Islam and Christianity are exactly opposite each other in End Times.

Right now, all the world is saying "peace & safety" through the "2 State Solution" for Israel, dividing up God's land, so perhaps they're primed for sudden destruction, as described in 1 Thes. 5:3

[1Th 5:3 KJV] "3 For when they shall say, 'Peace and safety'; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape."

Are there any other biblical date alignments on the calendar for June 2024 that align with this scenario?  If so, leave a comment below.

Salvation & Protection

If you aren't a fool, here is a link to what you need to know & do immediately.  This is urgent, as WW3 begins within a few hours to a few weeks, so don't delay.  All are welcome to fully join God's side.  

God's 26 Commandments for Christians


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