
Sunday 4 August 2024

End Time Sequence of Events 2024-2031

I may be wrong, but it seems to me that the Bible supports the following End Times scenario.

The Psalm 83 War started on Oct. 7, 2023, and will likely continue until Aug. 12, 2024 (9th of Av), when Israel is overwhelmed by the Muslim horde.  Jerusalem is likely sacked, women raped, goods plundered, etc.

The USA steps in to save Israel from total genocidal destruction on Aug. 13, 14, 15, 2024.

On Aug. 4, 2024 Ukraine published the receipt of three F-16 fighter jets at $60+ million each, delivered from USA and other NATO countries.  Ukranian pilots have been training on them through NATO for more than a year, even though Ukraine is not a NATO member.  NATO countries around Ukraine have also offered Ukraine the rights to park, fuel, re-arm, and service these Ukranian F-16's from NATO countries, and most importantly, attack Russia from these NATO bases; all done so as to put them out of reach of attack from Russia, without directly attacking NATO.  Russia has previously enjoyed dominance in the skies over the battlefield, and will not likely tolerate this interference by USA and NATO.   Ref:

USA has authorized over $175 Billion aid to Ukraine to fund its proxy war against Russia.  From the total $175 billion in U.S. spending, $107 billion worth of aid goes to the government of Ukraine. Weapons and equipment are provided through the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative, Presidential Drawdown Authority,* and Foreign Military Financing Program.  Similarly, most of NATO countries have generously donated to Ukraine in war materiel, cash, or in kind.

Similarly, NATO has donated over 450 main battle tanks to Ukraine during the war against Russia, clearly demonstrating that Ukraine is a proxy for NATO.   Ref: 

Russia, China, & N. Korea will be upset by USA attacking their Muslim allies, so On or soon after Aug. 16, 2024  Russia and allies will attack USA (Mystery Babylon) with at least 7 nukes (ie. NYC, DC, Miami, Seattle, SF, LA, San Diego per Henry Gruver's 1986 prophecy ?), destroying USA.

The bear in Daniel 7:5, which likely represents Russia, has 3 ribs in his mouth and was commanded to destroy much flesh, so Russia & allies likely attack USA plus 2 other NATO countries.  

Two billion people are dead or dying in a 1 hour long WW3.  

After USA and 2 main NATO countries are destroyed, the Muslim attack against Israel likely continues with renewed vigor, so God steps in to save Israel, and utterly destroys all of Israel's enemies.

Many obedient Born Again Christians, who already have an established, intimate relationship with Jesus Christ, and who previously volunteered to work God's End Times harvest, will be sealed & annointed by God.  These saints will be End Times Overcomers who are trained to give their testimony, preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ, save souls, baptize, heal the sick, drive out demons, raise the dead, and other great exploits; all for the greater glory of God and His End Times Revival, before Satan can trick or coerce those who are weak, fearful, or of lowly spirit.

Biden is deposed for allowing WW3 on his watch, then KH becomes the new POTUS, so she picks Barrak Obama as her VP.  Obama secretly plans a "Red Wedding" on KH, but God prempts Obama's plans to include him in the show as per Zech. 11:17 so that he becomes the AntiChrist.  Three days later, Obama is POTUS.  

Shortly later, Obama remove 3 kings from the UN leadership, so the remaining 7 kings vote Obama in for a 7 yr. term as the evil dictator of the entire Earth per Dan 9:27.

then the fun begins...

The AntiChrist endorses Israel's treaty with the Muslims, Death, & Hell per Isaiah 28:18 & Zech 12:1-14.  The Jews immediately start building the Third Temple on Temple Mount Jerusalem, then start sacrificing there.

The sacrificing doesn't go well, so the Trinity comes to the Third Temple per Ezekiel 43:1-7.  Some Jews become Messianic Jews, and flee the AntiChrist in favor of the wilderness per Rev. 12:6.

The Great Tribulation per Jer. 30:7-11 & Rev. 13:5 comes from the Son of God via Revelation's Seals & Trumpets, to help focus the attention of sinners:   God or Satan.

The AntiChrist persecutes Christians & Jews for 3.5 years, then claims he is God and takes over the Third Temple per 2 Thes. 2:4. 

The Two Witnesses start their mission per Rev. 11:3.

After 3.5 years or slightly less, all humans have decided God or Satan, so the Two Witnesses are killed as a final test.  The evil celebrate, while the righteous wait & pray.

The Two Witnesses resurrect after 3 days, the righteous cheer, the evil ones flee.

Jesus & His angels decend from Heaven at Mount Sinai in Saudi Arabia.  Jesus and His troops start working their way North towards Jerusalem, killing the evil ones as they go.

When Jesus is close to Jerusalem, Satan causes a giant flood to kill everybody, but Jesus splits the Mount of Olives to carry away the flood waters.  The remaining Jews die or become Messianic, then the remnant  flees to the wilderness on eagle's (ie. angel's ?) wings per Rev. 12:14.

The Bride of Christ is raptured to Heaven per 1 Thes. 4:16-17, Mat. 24:29-31 for the wedding supper of the Lamb.  

One woman grinding in a mill & one man in the bed (ie. Some or many of the evil civilians) are transported to the pending battle scene. The Battle of Armageddon occurs per Ezek. C. 37-38, Rev. 14:19-20, 19:11-21.  

Satan is thrown into the Bottomless Pit.  AntiChrist and False Prophet are thrown into the Lake of Fire, so as to have no rest, neither day nor night, but burning & torment for ever & ever.

God's wrath pours out on Earth per Rev 6:16, and Rev. C. 16 for all the evil people who missed the Battle of Armageddon.

Messianic Jews return from the wilderness to clean up the battlefield, bury the bodies, & burn the weapons per Ezek. 39:9-16.  The Third Temple is cleansed per Daniel 8:14.

After the 7 year long wedding supper of the Lamb, Jesus & His Bride return to Earth.   

Jesus is crowned King of Kings, and sits on His throne in Jerusalem for all of the Millenial Kingdom.

After 1,000 years, Satan is released from the Bottomless Pit, and tries to start Rebellion 2.0.  Satan and his malcontents are destroyed by God's fire from Heaven.

God resurrects the evil people from the dead, they're judged, and thrown into the Lake of Fire.

All of God's children live together in peace, joy, love, and contentment with their God for ever & ever.


The above scenario is based on God's Holy Bible, and the following additional evidence:

Dream 834 – Massive Attack Planned Against Israel

Received on Saturday, August 3, 2024

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