
Sunday 29 September 2024

WW3 Nuclear War is at the door

Nuclear war is at the door

Dr. Robert Mawire, an End Times prophet of God delivered his latest prophecy, warning Rosh Hashanah begins at sundown on Oct. 2nd 2024, continuing to sundown on Oct. 3, 3024; and this is the start of God's Judgment of the world, especially USA, UK, and a 3rd country (EU ?) unless everyone confesses & repents, especially the Christian churches and their  luke-warm congregations; like Ninevah did with Jonah.

If no national repentance, WW3 is coming soon, with nuclear war, with 3 billion people dead or dying within 24 hour of its start.

The rise of the AntiChrist will occur soon after this.

Salvation & Protection

Get close to God.

Even if you have a reinforced steel & concrete bunker under your house, you need to be close to God so as to receive His protection.

Only with God (ie. only as a Born Again, obedient child of God, with a loving intimate relationship with Jesus Christ) are you truly safe.  

If you are a True Christian, you likely pray to God more than 5 times each day, read your Bible at least an hour each day, have gotten all iniquity out of your life (ie. pre-planned, wilful, or chronic sin), love God with all your heart mind soul & strength, love everyone else as you love yourself, forgiven everybody who has trespassed against you & hold no grudges or bitterness, hate all sin just as God hates all sin, at least weekly you pick up your cross & follow Jesus, be a fisher of men by giving your testimony and preaching the Gospel to every creature, live and share the Fruit of the Holy Spirit:   faith, longsuffering, patience, meekness, gentleness, temperance, goodness, righteousness, godliness, joy, peace, truth, and love (Gal. 5:22,23; Eph. 5:9; 1 Tim 6:11), and do good works for the greater glory of God.

True Christians trust in God's promise that God will ensure no sin is so tempting that they are unable to resist.  They also trust in God's promise that God will always ensure that an avenue of escape exists, so that they can flee from the temptation (1 Cor. 10:13; Match ⁷26:41; Gal.  5:16; James 1:12-16, 4:7; Luke 15:7; Ezek. 18:21; Ps. 32:2).

For those who are not yet qualified as a True Christian (see above), then you are a luke-warm Christian, or a hypocrite, or a wolf in sheep's clothing, or a non-believer.  In this case, the following is for you:

Workers of Iniquity

Repentance means "One & done", where a sinner turns away from their former sin, and turns towards God, and they never repeat that same sin again, nor any similar sin.  They have permanently learned their whole lesson.

If someone claims to have repented, but they repeat the same or similar sin, they have done a false repentance, and are now doing chronic sin.

Chronic sinners will sin and confess, then sin and confess again, on & on they go.  They never get to true repentance.

Chronic sins are iniquity.  Chronic sinners repeatedly do iniquity.  They have therefore become a "Worker of Iniquity".  

Workers of Iniquity are unrepentant sinners.

For unrepentant sinners, God hates their evil deeds (Psalm 5:5), is angry at them every day (Psalm 7:11), hates their actions (Proverbs 6:18), hates their worship (Proverbs 15:8), hates their ways (Proverbs 15:9), hates their thoughts (Proverbs 15:26), is far from the wicked (Prov. 15:29), and refuses to hear their prayers for help (John 9:31, Isaiah 59:1-2, Lam 3:44, Prov 15:29, Jer. 7:16, Mica 3:4; Ezek 8:18, 1 Pet 3:12).

Prayers of an unrepented sinner are an abomination to God, and become sin in themselves (Prov 28:9, Ps 109:7).

Unlike the unrepentant sinners, God hears the prayers of the righteous (Prov. 15:29, Ps. 34:17-19), & helps the righteous, obedient, children of God:

[Psa 34:17-19 KJV] "17 The righteous cry, and the LORD heareth, and delivereth them out of all their troubles. 18 The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit. 19 Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all."

2 Peter 3:9 "The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance."

Unrepentant sinners will be tried by God & convicted, then thrown alive into Hell (ie. The Lake of Fire), where they will have no rest, neither day nor night, but suffer burning & torment for ever & ever (Rev. 14:11, 20:10, 15). There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth (Matthew 8:12, 13:42, 50; 22:13, 24:51, 25:30; Luke 13:28)

If you want to go to Heaven (&/or avoid the Lake of Fire), you must confess & repent all your sins to God, and ask for God's forgiveness; be a Born Again Christian who received the Holy Spirit's baptism by fire; fully believes in the true Jesus Christ who is fully God and fully man; love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength; loves all others as you love yourself; forgives the trespasses of all others; seeks to lovingly obey God's commandments; get all iniquity (pre-planned, or chronic sin) out of your life; hate sin; pick up your cross & follows Jesus by sharing your testimony, preaching the Gospel, and doing good works as proof of your salvation; don't do the Unforgiveable Sin; and don't take the Mark of the Beast.

If you aren't a fool, here is a link to what you need to know & do immediately.  

This is urgent, as WW3 likely begins within a few hours to a few months, so don't delay.  All are welcome to fully join God's winning side.

The following is a summary of 300+ Bible verses, arranged into 26 commandments, to help you quickly get started.

God's 26 Commandments for Christians

Guard your family

I suggest you get non-perishable foods stocked up in your house.

Like Joseph in Egypt, whole wheatberries that you can grind fresh to make porridge, bread, etc. is the cheapest, safest, and best nutrition.  COW (Clean Ontario Wheat), 4 tonnes, is what I bought, as a resident of the Providence of Ontario Canada.

Get plus 20 L. jugs of water (municipal water may be out for days/weeks).

Get cash out of bank (small bills, rolls of dollar coins).  ATM's, Debit cards & Credit cards likely won't soon work, bank tellers on holidays continuously, etc.).

Fill up your vehicles with fuel, plus get 3 Jerry cans @ 20 L. each (= 60 L total= 15 USG) in your back yard if you need to escape & no gas stations are open.

If you can, get something that you can easily trade with others for something you need (eg. pint bottles of whiskey, etc).

For your investments, I suggest going to 100% cash (especially the risky, high yield ones), or at least selling 50% ASAP  (eg. stocks, bonds, GIC's,  ETF's, MMF, MBS's, 401K's, crypto, etc.).  If it doubles in value during this crisis, you're safe; if they go to zero, you're still safe.

For USA, your country is likely Mystery Babylon as described in the Bible (Rev. 17:1-18:24).  God's judgment of Mystery Babylon is coming very soon, and this prophecy of Henry Gruver is likely how judgment will soon happen.

The three ribs in the Book of Daniel 7:5 bear's mouth, when the bear rises to devour much flesh are likely USA, UK, and France, the three nuclear countries of NATO.  Therefore the above prophecy for Mystery Babylon likely applies, more or less, for all three ribs.

We love you all, and continue to pray for you all.

This quickly describes what is likely going to happen, and other preparations you can take to protect yourself, and your family & friends.

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