
Friday 27 March 2020

Canada's COVID-19 Explosion

COVID-19 is exploding in Canada.  Everybody needs to prepare themselves for what soon comes.

If you didn't here the "Ka-Boom", don't worry, it's coming.  Due to some poor choices by our leaders, and an apathetic response by Canadians, it's too late to stop it.  It's baked into the cake.  It's all over but the crying.

Theses conclusions might be dismissed as scare mongering if there is no proof to substantiate them.  Where's the proof for the alarming conclusions stated above?

Figure 1: Doubling Time for
COVID-19 testing in Ontario.
Figure 1 shows the exponential growth rate in PCR testing in Ontario for COVID-19.  You have to be specially approved to get this testing, with adequate clinical signs, so this limited testing resource isn't wasted.

The doubling time averages around 5 days at present.  This is equivalent to a 14.4%/day  inctease in COVID-19 testing.  Doubling time allows us to more easily see expontial increases on a linear graph with maximum detail shown.  Doubling time of 5 days means the number doubles and re-doubles again every 5 days.

For example, if you started a new job on Jan. 1st at the Ontario Minimum Wage of $14.00/hr, but your wage doubled and re-doubled again every 5 days, there would be 17 doublings (365/5= 17), so by Dec. 31 of that same year your hourly rate would be $1.32226262E+23 per hour ( ie. $132,226,262,000,000,000,000,000.00 per hour), which is way beyond a million, billion, trillion; it's in the octillions.  You must have a very powerful union representing you.  The whole Earth's GDP in 2018 is $835 Billion.  In one millisecond, you earn all the Earth's GDP for 432 years.

Do you see the problem of COVID-19 test doubling every 5 days?

Figure 2:  COVID-19 infected persons
in Ontario
In Figure 2, we can see the cumilative number of people reported as COVID-19 infected in Ontario.  Again we see a 5 day doubling time. on average for the last month.

Epidemiologists suggest that the virus will burn itself out once 70% of the population is infected.  At that point, it's difficult for the virus to find its next victim.

Ontario has a population of 14.57 million, so 70% is 10.2 million infected.  Currently, we have 858 people infected.  The number of doublings required is 13.537 [ln(10.199 million/858)/ln(2)= 13.537].  At 5 days per doubling, that's 67.68 days from today, or June 2, 2020.

Now do you see the problem of a 5 day doubling time for COVID-19 infections?

Ontario has 15% of people who smoke. The  COVID-19 CFR (Case Fatality Rate) for smokers is estimated at 30% to 60%, maybe higher.

COPD, asthma, high blood pressure, cardio-vascular disease, kidney or liver disease, HIV-AIDS, immuno-suppressed persons, and the elderly also have high CFR's.  Public Health Ontario said (see )
  "50.9 percent of adults and 65.9 percent of youth reported having two or more
chronic disease risk factors, and only 12.7 percent of Ontario adults and
7.3 percent of youth reported having none of these risk factors (using different
risk factor definitions for adults and youth)..."

 Based on the above, I estimate the dead & dying in Ontario on June 2, 2020 will likely be 357,000 people.

Canada lost 60,000 soldiers in WW1, and another 40,000 in WW2, and Ontario is only 39.4% of Canada, so COVID-19 appears ready to kill 9 times more Canadians than these two wars. 

If this alarms you, good.  Hopefully, you will now realize the dire situation we are in.

You see the devastation in China, Iran, and Italy.  Canada is currently on the same flight path, ready to crash & burn at the same airport as these 3 previous countries.

Alternative Plan "B"

If you don't like the risks described above, there is only one alternative.

God has promised to protect &/or heal all those who truly believe in Jesus Christ, love God, and obey God's Commandments.

Psalm 91 (see ) describes how 1,000 people will fall on your left, and 10,000 will fall on your right, yet the disease pestilence will not touch you.

Please note that this Psalm 91 promise is only valid for True Christians.  It is not valid for luke warm Christians, strange sects that pretend to be Christians, and so-called Christians that use human-based religion and dogma not found in the plain reading of the King James Bible (no more, no less), or do not endorse all of God's 26 Commandments for Christians (10 in OT, 16 more in NT).  In other words, Psalm 91 cannot be relied upon for Roman Catholics, Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses, Christian Scientists, Charismatics, Evangelicals, etc.

It's free to join God as one of His elect.  There is no other god nor religion that can make this offer.  Here is everything you need to know & do to become a True Christian:

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