
Tuesday 17 March 2020

More Judgements Coming

More of God's judgements are on the way.

So far, the last 3.5 months of COVID-19 has been like a slow speed train wreck.  Yet I have trouble keeping up with the minute details, as they occur.

I search for, then respond, trying to help those individuals who lower their defensive shields and say how they are feeling.  Most are fearful and/or  overwhelmed.

I have always been a logical, "just the facts" kind of person.  I sometimes get emotional, but recover moments later, and continue on.

Add to that natural character the strength I have gained from God since becoming Born Again in Feb. 2018.  Today, I am calm.  I do not fear.  I do not fear death nor severe illness.  I have great peace.  Thank-you God.

If you do not have similar peace, I suggest you get your life affairs in order, get right with God.

Julie Whedbee claims to be a prophetess of God.  So far, I have not detected anything from her that is contrary to the Bible.  Her latest prophecy warns that COVID-19 is just one step in God's End Time process.  There is a lot more coming, very soon, one judgement after another.

If you are already reeling from just COVID-19, how will you cope as judgement after judgement piles on top of you?

Foolish Christians

Some Christians expect to be Raptured out of here any second now, so they assume they don't have to worry about COVID-19, nor any other End Times judgements of God.

What if they are wrong?  They may not be as holy as what they think, and miss the cut.

For all those children who dreamed of being a professional sports hero, only one in a million achieved their dream.  The rest were disappointed when they realized they weren't as good as they initially believed.

In Mat 25:1-13, there were 10 virgins at the wedding feast, all together as equals, then suddenly they wake up to find that 5 go to the wedding, and 5 are left behind.

In Mat 7:21-23 and Luke 13:22-28, Jesus describes many who will be shocked to learn that Jesus doesn't know them, in spite of them going through the motions of Christianity during their lives.  Jesus sends these non-obedient worker of iniquity to the Lake of Fire (ie. Hell).

Perhaps your Pastor at your church promised that all their congregation would be benefitting from Pre-Tribulation Rapture.  What if your Pastor has the wrong interpretation of the Bible?

What if God intends to purify his gold and silver through the furnace of Great Tribulation?

[Mal 3:3 KJV] "And He shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver: and He shall purify the sons of Levi, and purge them as gold and silver, that they may offer unto the LORD an offering in righteousness."

What if Pre-Tribulation Rapture is wrong, and God will do Post-Tribulation Pre-Wrath Rapture?

How will Foolish Christians cope then?

John 14:15 "If ye love me, keep my commandments" 
 John 14:21   "21 He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him."  
 Hebrews 10:26-27 "For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins,  but a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries."

If you have not purged iniquity from your life, you are a Foolish Christian, or a luke-warm Christians, or a wolf in sheep's clothing who needs to worry about your salvation.

True Christian

You are a True Christian if and only if all of the following are true:

1. you are a Born Again Christian;

2. You fully believe in Jesus Christ with all your mind, body, soul, & heart;

3. you have unconditional love of God;

4. You have been baptized by full immersion;

5. You have confessed your sins; repented your sins; forgiven those who trespassed against you; asked for God's forgiveness of your sins; turned away from sin; turned towards God; asked God to cleanse you;

6. You have fully surrendered your life, mind, body, soul and possessions to God;

7. You asked Jesus to come into you;

8. You willingly obey God's 26 Commandments for Christians see  and

9. You removed all iniquity (pre-planned, premeditated sin) from your life.

If you don't meet all of the above criteria for a True Christian, or you believe in Pre-Tribulation Rapture, you need to read the following prophecy and get yourself ready for what soon comes.

Prophetic Warnings:  God Soon Sends Many More Judgements

Here is Julie's latest prophecy from Mar. 15, 2020.  Read it and rejoice and be glad, or read it and cry out in fear, as the case may be:

Note in Julie's prophecy, Jesus Christ says,

"I will do things seemingly impossible. You would not believe what I am about to do, even if I were to tell it to you."

We need two witnesses.  Here in this second witness, where God is prophesied to say:

“There is more.  I am about to do something in your days that you would not believe even if you were told.  This time has come.  I am with you.” 

Note the similarity between these two bolded paragraphs.  We have two independent witnesses to many more judgements coming from God very soon?  Here is your second witness on Mar. 16, 2020:

Here is a third witness, Perry Stone,  from Mar. 17, 2020 to confirm the previous two witnesses:

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