
Friday 6 March 2020

Urgent Rapture Warning

I deem two independent data points as sufficient reason to issue an urgent High Watch Rapture Warning from Fri Mar. 6, 2020 (NOW!) till Tues Mar. 10, 2020.


Julie Whedbee's prophesy from Jesus Christ, on  & Judgements by God (COVID-19, etc.), rise of AntiChrist, & world-changing events.


Video with specific dates and multiple reasons by Jacko Prinsloo (God's Roadmap to the End):

Jacko suggests God's Rapture of True Christians to Heaven sometime during this watch time, then sudden destruction, likely the death of thousands to millions of people who chose to miss out on God's Rapture of True Christians.


Another analysis of Bible  for Daniel's prophesy, an Book of Revelation produces the following chart:

Proposed timeline for God's Rapture
to heaven for True Christians, rise of
AntiChrist, and 2nd. Coming of Jesus

This important video confirms dates for End Times, and Rapture on or about Mar. 9, 2020.


Perry Stone outlines the Biblical types & shadows that create parallel links between the Book of Ester, to the God's End Times and Rapture that rescues True Christians from the rising evil of the AntiChrist.

Important video confirming dates for End Times, Rapture on or about Mar. 9, 2020.


Prepare yourself to accept God's last, best offer (Rapture) to escape His judgements, tribulation, &  sudden  destruction of sinners.  Follow these instructions exactly.  Note that luke-warm Christians, and members of Christian sects & cults that do not follow the KJV Bible exactly will not be Raptured.


If you choose to miss this last, best offer of God's grace (Rapture), you will likely soon see the destruction of Syria, especially Damascus (Psalm 83 War ???), likely by nuclear bomb(s), &/or fierce Middle East War, &/or limited nuclear World War (may include NATO, including Canada &/or USA).

If you survive the war(s), likely your only remaining choices will be:   a) Die in your sins, destined to Hell;   b) Take the "Mark of the Beast", destined to Hell; or c) Eventually become a True Christian (follow God's 26 Commandments for Christians, better late than never), then suffer persecution & beheading under the AntiChrist as a martyr of Jesus Christ.

Is This Warning Reliable & True?

The research data points and prophecy stated above could be pointing to a different time (ie. later, not now).

However, there is no time like the present to repent, become Born Again, and remove all iniquity from your life.

Remember, somewhere on Earth, 2 people die every second of the day, 150,000 every 24 hr. period, 55 million per year.  Most of those who die are surprized; they thought they had a lot more time to live.  Nobody is promised a tomorrow.

Once you die, your sin & salvation status is permanently locked in, and cannot be subsequently changed.

If someone dies in their unrepented sins (even people who think they are Born Again Christians, but they are hypocrits, for they chronically practice iniquity), the Bible says they will surely go to burn and torment in the Lake of Fire forever & ever.

Unfortunately, there are many mystery religions, sects, and cults who prey upon people, deceiving them into believing they are worshipping the One True God.  Do not be deceived.

If you worship using 100% of the King James Bible (or its equivalent in a non-English language), leaving nothing out, and adding no additional symbols nor dogma nor religious practices, and believe in obedience to God's 26 Commandments for Christians (or equivalent), then you are likely OK.

Otherwise, you can choose to ignore all the above, & remain where you currently are (ie. asleep or otherwise), and take your chances of ending up in Hell for eternity.

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