
Tuesday 26 May 2020

Another Judgement Comes Soon

Another of God's Judgements is coming soon, to add to your COVID-19 misery.

God's warning for USA:

"This nation of America that had once boasted of being the proud and the free will be utterly destroyed because of her pride, and her destruction will be final, and I will know her no more."

It may be reasonable to assume the same or similar fate to USA may apply to Canada and other Western nations, to a similar or lesser degree than USA.

Julie Whedbee's full prophecy:

Note the simularity between the recent prophesies of both Julie and Erin (see ).

It is interesting to note that the police incident with Mr. George Floyd began on or about 8:00 PM CDT on May 25, 2020.  Julie's posting was received from God on May 24th, and was Internet posted on May 26, 2020.  Erin's dream was received on May 26, 2020 and was posted ASAP (per God's unusual instructions) on May 26, 2020.  I do not know if the resulting riots, looting, arson, & anarchy due to Mr. Floyd's death while in police custody is the seed of what these prophecies speak.

Either way, please prepare for what soon comes.

Only Born Again, True Christians are guaranteed God's protection. See Psalm 91 for God's protections for True Christians:

I don't know exactly where the border exists between being "With God" vs. "Against God", but I know that boundry does exist.

If you have deviated too far, or too often away from God's straight & well defined path, you have strayed in Satan's defined territory of muck, filth, and darkness.  Once you get stuck in Satan's muck & darkness, you may not be getting out so easily.

If you are:

  • A luke-warm Christian, or 
  • More loyal to your sect's imperfect dogma (ie. Religious traditions invented by humans, modern day Pharisees) than to God, or
  • Your church does not fully & completely follow God's Word as defined in the King James Bible (eg. Roman Catholic, Mormon, SDA, Jehovah Witness, Christian Scientists, Prosperity Gospel, Evangelical, etc.), or
  • You are non-Christian (eg. Pagan, Naturalist, Humanist, Muslim, Hindu, Agnostic, Atheist, etc.), or 
  • You are more obsessed and involved with the culture, activities, cares, & concerns of Satan's world than with God's world, 
then you might not be able to rely upon God's protection during this End Times process and God's Judgements.

If you are now worried, that's good.  Here are your instructions to immediately fix your problems:

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