
Friday 5 June 2020

Rapture Watch: June 6 to 21, 2020

Today, we have 4 independent prophecies, all pointing to the same or similar End Times preliminary events, (ie. war, natural disasters,  etc.) starting as early as June 6th, 2020; likely a Rapture or Latter Day Rain or transfiguration on or about June 16th, 2020; or as late as June 21, 2020.

The End Times event could be the First Fruit of the church (ie. a very small group of True Christians who have fully cleansed themselves, repented, and removed all worldly things from their lives).

It could be the Latter Day Rain, when God give a few worthy people a large filling up of the Holy Spirit, in preparation for what soon comes (ie. The rise of the AntiChrist, WW3, plagues, natural disasters, etc.).

I just don't know for sure.

Here are the 3 prophecies and the one logical analysis of the available data:

In addition, Sunday June 7, 2020 is Pentecost on the Zadok Way - Enoch calendar.  This is another potential High Watch date.

Why are these dates important?

If you die (naturally, or from war, COVID-19, or otherwise) prior to becoming Born Again, you are doomed to Hell.  Normally on Earth, 2 people die every second (ie. 150,000 deaths every 24 hours) in the good times; how many millions more will die in world-wide war, natural disasters, or the current craziness?

Time is short, DO NOT procrastinate.

You (or someone you love) could die tomorrow.  Once you die, your fate (ie. Heaven or Hell) is sealed, and can no longer be changed.

With the Rapture of True Christian, millions of people will die with the rise of the Anti-Christ soon thereafter.  This will likely occur on or about these possible Rapture dates of June 6th to 21st, 2020.

If you want to avoid Hell and get to Heaven, you need to 100% abandon all fleeting, temporary, wasteful, or sinful things from this world.

You need to immediately look up, and focus 100% on holy, permanent, worthy, righteous, and lasting things of God.

To aid you in this transformation, I recommend God's 26 Commandments for Christians (10 in Old Testament, 16 more in New Testament, 26 in total)

My Sinful Testimony

Personally, I try each day to avoid iniquity (ie. purposeful, or preplanned, or chronic sin).  I pray and try hard each day, but so far every day I find myself repenting and asking for God's forgiveness for my sins.  I am still prideful, a glutton, lazy, procrastinate, leave out details so as to avoid embarassment or to make myself look better, not as loving & caring as I should be, occassionally use foul language, break minor traffic laws (eg. speeding, no blinker, lack of due attention, etc.), and many more.  I am full of sin.  I truly don't know if I will make the grade in adequately purifying myself in time for Rapture.

I am very confident that I fully understand God's commandments.  My problem is putting them into perfect practice.

Luke-Warm Christians 

I estimate 95% of those who call themselves "Christians" are following a watered down, or wrong non-Biblical standard.

Almost all of these luke-warm Christians have no idea how far off-base they truly are, and they will be tagged out and left behind at Rapture, to their great shock.

Because these nominal, luke-warm Christian assumed they would be Raptured, they have made no other preparations (ie. mentally, food, housing, financial, little to no study of God's true Word, etc.), and will be in dire straights when they find themselves left behind in the middle of God's Tribulations and Satan's persecution.

Pretend Christian Sects

Most sects of Christians have wandered way off the Biblical path of God's Word.

Most Christian churches have re-invented God and Jesus into a more pallatable form, thereby creating a cult for themselves, contrary to Biblical teachings.

Some churches cherry pick and follow a few convenient parts of the Bible while ignoring the majority of God's Word.

Some have re-written their own book of dogma to avoid discrepancies or exposure by questions about their church dogma.

Some churches are led by false prophets, who claim to have special, secret knowledge or revelation that supercedes the Bible.

If your church doesn't follow ALL of the King James Bible, to the exclusion of all conflicting non-Biblical sources, you are being misled, direct to Hell.

This misled and deceived group includes most Roman Catholics, evangelicals, charismatics, Anglicans, Presbyterians, Baptists, Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses, Christian Scientists, and all similar groups.

I believe that God is like vanilla ice cream.  All other flavors (eg. chocolate strawberry, tiger tail, cookies & cream, butterscotch, etc.) are of Satan.  Satan keeps inventing new flavors of religion in the hope he will find one to tempt you away from vanilla.

Recommended Solution

You need to fully believe in Jesus, and obey His Commandments (see 26 Commandments above).

If you get 100% compliance to these 26 commandments, I recommend the 1,050 imperatives stated in the Bible:  Imperatives are a grammer form for commandments, differentiating them from suggestions or superfluous  background information.

If you ignore or fail to achieve this opportunity, then you only have the last remaining chance to get to Heaven.  This  will require you to survive and purify yourself through difficult tribulations from God, and persecutions from Satan; all for the next 3.5 years.  This will likely include your inprisonment, torture, and beheading as a martyr of Christ.

If you fail this purification for Heaven, or you give up by agreeing to take the Mark of the Beast, or choose to pollute your DNA through epigenetics or otherwise (eg. fraudulent vaccine ?), you will be doomed to Hell, to torment & burning for ever & ever.

Choose wisely!

Deep, true belief & love for Jesus, obedience to God's Commandments, & repentence are everything.

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