
Wednesday 22 July 2020

Time is Short, Jesus is Coming Soon

Time is short.  You may be at huge risk if you aren't aware of what soon comes.

The rise of the AntiChrist is likely coming on or about Sept.17-19, 2020.  To pave the way for the AntiChrist, there will likely be war, maybe limited nuclear war.  Thousands to millions to billions may soon die.  If you die in your sins, you will be going to Hell for eternity.

God's Free Solution for Avoiding Hell

You need to confess your sins, believe in Jesus Christ and His offer of salvation through His blood on the cross, become a Born Again Christian, get baptized, repent all of your sins, forgive everybody you are upset with, obey God's 26 Commandments for Christians (10 in Old Testament, 16 more in New Testament, 26 total), and quickly develop an intimate, loving relationship with Jesus Christ through praying continuously to God your Father in Heaven.

Here are your detailed instructions to avoid Hell, & get to Heaven:


If you are waiting for the Rapture, you may be disappointed.  Numerous prophets have indicated that Rapture is false doctrine, and likely will not be occurring.  If this is true, you need to quickly take all your eggs out of the Rapture basket, and quickly get a Plan "B".

Options & Choices

If you are one of the better humans on the planet, and/or already have a strong, loving relationship in Jesus Christ, you may be good enough to be deemed an Overcomer.  In this case, you will likely receive a huge dose of the Holy Spirit (ie.  Pentecost 2) on or before Sept 19, 2020 so that you can go forth for the next 3.5 years (during the rise of the AntiChrist) preaching the Gospel, doing miracles, converting as many souls to Christianity as possible, and frustrating Satan.

However, if you take the Mark of the Beast, or allow your DNA to be modified so that you receive a basic income from Satan's governments, and be able to buy & sell during the AntiChrist's 3.5 year reign, then you are doomed to Hell (ie. Lake of Fire) where you will be tormented and burn for ever and ever.  Once you take this fatal step, there is no way to undo it; it's permanent.  You have a guaranteed reservation in Hell, party of one.  Enjoy your stay!

If you procrastinate, or do it halfheartedly, or ignore it all together, then you will have to suffer through the Great Tribulation (likely 3.5 years) of suffering God's judgements, and Satan's persecution.  There are then 3 choices:
  1. Stand & fight against Satan and his 1-World dictatorship.  Live by the sword, die by the sword is what the Bible says.
  2. Surrender yourself to the government, or be captured by them.  For refusing to take the Mark of the Beast, or being a Born Again Christian, you will be persecuted, imprisoned, charged, convicted, and sentenced to death by Satan's 1-World dictatorship government.  If you don't recant your testimony for Jesus Christ and take the Mark of the Beast, you will likely be beheaded within the next 10 days as a martyr for Jesus Christ.  Congratulation!   You earned a seat in Heaven the hard way..
  3. Run, hide, find one of God's Sanctuaries, or live on the land while Satan tries to hunt you down with the best of all available technologies and manpower.  You will likely fall back into one of the previous two categories.  If you somehow survive on your own for the next 3.5 years, and become a Born Again Christian that meets all of the previous criteria during that time, then you will be Raptured to Heaven for peace and happiness for an eternal life.  If you still don't meet all the above criteria for a true Born Again Christian at the end of your 3.5 year ordeal, all your efforts evading Satan was a waste, for you will be going to Hell as a non-Christian (or luke-warm Christian).
Here is Julie's latest prophecy from Jesus Christ explaining some of the details:

Julie doesn't set dates.  The source of the Sept. 19, 2020 date is derived from my previous postings (see ), and from additional research by others, disclosed here:

Coincidences, or God's Plans?

I find it interesting that there is an asteroid names "Lucifer" (see ), and it just happens to be in proper alignment during the 2020 Parade of Planets, all that meet the conditions described in Revelation 12 sign approximately 1,910 years ago, on the Jewish Holy Day of Rosh, Hashanah (BibliclyYom Teruah, described in Leviticus 23:23–32, see , Sept. 18-20, 2020 followed by the Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur, 10 days later).

Quite an alignment of coincidences, or God's intricate planning to provide plenty of warning and opportunity to prepare for those who truly care, and are watching.

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