
Wednesday 29 July 2020

Mystery Babylon, USA

USA is Mystery Babylon, and will soon be destroyed in 1 day. 

Come out of her, confess your sins, turn away from evil and follow God's Commandments before it is too late.

Here is a prophecy about America's sins and her destruction.

Isaiah 13, Jerimiah 50-51, and Revelation 18 aren't speaking about the ancient past, nor about Islam and Mecca, they are speaking about USA.

Can Canada be smug and content that they dodged the bullet?  Is Canada saintly compared to the sinful USA? Is Europe much better, or just as bad, just as broken, just as fallen away as what USA has become.

There are both good and evil people in every country.

The Prophecy Club says this about Dumitru (pronounced "De-mee-tree") and his prophecy:

"Dumitru was a Romanian Pastor who smuggled Bibles into Romania and Russia for thirty years. He was arrested and put through 5 months of torture culminating with them putting him on the electric chair TWICE!

As he was on the electric chair with electricity going through him the angel Gabriel showed up in the room and told him he was not going to die. He was going to America to give them a warning from God. That was 1980. He was exiled to America in 1994. The angel came to him again.

He said, “I brought you to this country. Dumitru, I want to wake up a lot of people. I love this country. I love the people. I want to save them. America will burn.”

And I said, “How can I save them. I can’t even speak their language? Who knows me here? How will they call me?”

He said, “Don’t worry. I will be ahead of you. I will make great healings among the American people. You will go to television stations, radio stations, and churches. Tell them everything I tell you. Don’t hide anything. If you try to hide anything, I will punish you. America will burn.”

“How will America burn? It is so powerful.”

The fall of America will start with an internal revolution in America, started by the Communists. Some of the people will start fighting against the government. The government will be busy with internal problems. Then, from the oceans, Russia, Cuba, Nicaragua, Central America, Mexico, and two other countries, will attack! The Russians will bombard the nuclear missiles in America. America will burn.”
God will raise up China, Japan, and many other nations and they will beat the Russians. They will push them back to the gates of Paris. There they will make a peace treaty, but they will make the Russians their leader. All the nations with the Russians as their leader, go against Israel. It’s not that they want to. God makes them.

Israel doesn’t have the help of the Jews in America anymore. In their terror, when they see what is coming. They call upon the Messiah. The Messiah will come to help Israel.
I said, “If you are the angel of God. Everything you tell me has to be written in the Bible. If it is not, then I can’t tell the Americans.”

“Tell them to read Jeremiah 51: 8-15, he names it THE MYSTERY BABYLON, THE GREAT ADULTERESS. Also, REVELATION CHAPTER 18, the whole chapter. There it says clearly what will happen to America.”

“Why did he name it THE MYSTERY BABYLON?”

“Tell them because all the nations of the world immigrated into America, and America accepted them. America accepted Buddha, the devil church, the Sodomite church, the Mormon church, and all kinds of wickedness. America was a Christian nation. Instead of stopping them, they went after their gods. Because of this, he named them THE MYSTERY BABYLON.

So you know that I truly have been sent by God. Tomorrow, at 9:00 AM, someone will come to give you a bed. At 10:30 AM someone will come to pay your rent. At noon, someone will bring you a car, and give you a bucket of honey.”

Brothers, it happened as the angel had said. At 9:00, someone rang my doorbell and said, “I brought you a bed. I could not sleep all night long. God told me that you were from Romania, and that you need a bed.” At 10:30, someone else rang my doorbell and handed me a check for $500 and said, “God told me to bring you $500!” At noon someone came and gave me a car and a bucket of honey!

The Solution

If you live in a world of sin, you must be a child of God and follow God's commandments if you are to be safe, and saved from destruction, and an eternity in Hell.

Here are your detailed instructions.  Be quick, as time is short.  Destruction is coming soon.

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