
Monday 24 August 2020

Human Transition towards Eternity (Heaven or Hell)

We will likely enter God's End Times process, on or about Sept. 17-28, 2020.  

I launched this Blog in Oct. 2017 to share my discoveries about End Times.  I have been consciously preparing for this event horizon for almost 5 years.  I'm a late comer when compared to many others.  I now see that the Holy Spirit likely started to nudge me, prepare me, and help direct me to this path since 1980, or maybe longer.  I am nothing more than another one of God's "nobodies", nothing special here, whom God has chosen, for unknown reasons, to help fulfill His will.  

As all Christians should be, I try to be meek and humble, for I have sinned greatly throughout my life, and I desperately need a Saviour.  Thank-you God for sending Jesus as our Saviour.

The following chart describes, to the best of my current knowledge, how any and all humans will transition from this life to our future eternal lives, either in Heaven or Hell.

Nobody will be left behind.  Everybody will have eternal life, which begins in 7 years or so from now.  Unfortunately, some will have an eternal life in Hell; for the vast majority of all humans. 

I am working toward ensuring I have a guaranteed reservation in Heaven.

Heaven is open to virtually everybody.  It is a sad realization that the majority (through neglect, or defiance, or procrastination, or sinful lusts, or many other terrible reasons) will end up in Hell.  All humans will eventually end up in either Heaven or Hell, whether they believe in God, or not.  There is no opting out by anybody

Some may be upset by those groups I have listed in the "Other" category for the following chart.  Neither this Blog posting, nor this chart are hate, nor fear mongering, nor discrimination, nor bigotry, nor any other evil;  for it is God's Truth, the only truth in a sea of lies.  If this critically important info was foolishly and callously withheld, all affected persons are in increased danger of eternal damnation; not a small thing.  Loving all persons, I have a duty to warn.  God has commanded all Christians to go into the world and preach the Gospel.  The Bible tells us that fear of God, and fear of the wrath of God, is the beginning of wisdom.

In a famous Canadian court case, the Toronto Police were found to have withheld critical information, and failed to adequately warn the women who were in particular danger from the Balcony Rapist.  One woman who was raped sued the Police, and the Court awarded her $220,000 because the Police failed to adequately warn, and the woman's Constitutional right to security of person was violated by the Police's negligent inaction (see Jane Doe vs. Metropolitan Toronto Police Commission here:

By publishing this, I hope to adequately warn everybody, fulfilling my duty to God and my fellow humans.

There are many "good" people in all categories shown in this chart.  However, good is the enemy of perfect.  Good people can transition to God's standard of perfection for Heaven if they so choose.  If someone is currently parked in the "Other" category because of their parents, or the town they grew up in, or their friends & family, or the convenience that it was the closest and easiest access near their home or work, all this can be easily changed.  It isn't a mistake or coincidence that Revelation 18:4 says:

"And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues."

Figure 1:   Human transition to Either Heaven or Hell, 7 year process for God's
End Times (2023 - 2030 AD)  Click on the image for a full size view, or download
the original document from the link below.

A free copy of this Adobe Acrobat pdf document can be downloaded from the following link:

I have heard about the possibility of Pentecost 2, or the Latter Day Rain, when God may release a huge anointing of the Holy Spirit unto those who have adequately prepared themselves to be Overcomers during End Times.

Based on Julie Whedbee's most recent prophecy from Jesus Christ (  ), it seems that the Holy Spirit won't be suddenly dumped on top of somebody's head like a bucket of oil, then "Poof", they are an Overcomer.

I'm not sure I understand, but I weakly sense that becoming an Overcomer will be like losing a baby tooth and gaining an adult tooth.  The old baby tooth (ie. this sinful world) slowly becomes more & more loose and wobbly in your body/life.  Your tongue plays with it more & more.  You grab it with your fingers every once in a while to wiggle it back & forth.  Eventually, the baby tooth suddenly pops out one day (ie. you are fully separated from Satan's Sinful World).  Then the adult tooth soon begins to sprout up through the gum.  You grow into your new role as Overcomer, ready for Holy Exploits and Heaven.

If you don't do the daily (or minute by minute) work of an "Overcomer In Training" through:

  • Disengagement from this sinful world; and

    Studying God's Word; and

    Praying continuously for repentance, enlightenment, strength, etc.

then your baby tooth stays tightly in place, and your adult tooth stays dormant, never to emerge above the gum line.  Therefore I assume you will not graduate into becoming a full and true Overcomer sealed and anointed by God.


Those at Greatest Risk of Hell

It seems to me that Apostates are at greatest risk of any group, as they assume they are eternally safe, and only find out that they are to be sent to Hell just before they are thrown into the Lake of Fire to burn for ever and ever.

To protect my own best interests, I am carefully studying the Bible's definition of apostates, relying neither on myself nor any other human for their guesses and platitudes (from Satan or otherwise), relying only on God's Word in the King James Bible.

Apostasy means "falling away".  That would be when someone thinks (or pretends or hopes) they are  True Christian, but that belief slowly deflates more and more over time, or suddenly bursts like a bubble, and they admit they no longer belief in Jesus Christ the same way as before.

Satan cannot snatch a True Christian from the hands of Jesus.  Some believe a True Christian cannot jump out of the hand of Jesus and into Satan's lap, even if they wanted to do so.  However, there are thousands, if not millions of "false conversions", those who think they are a Born Again True Christian guaranteed a seat in Heaven, but really aren't.  They are Apostates, or hypocrites, or "wolves in sheep's clothing" to whom Jesus will say (as prophesied in Matthew 7:21-27 and Luke 13:22-28):

I never knew you, depart from me, all ye workers of iniquity
[ie. into the Lake of Fire they go]

I have found an excellent reference source for guiding my self-analysis against the risk of apostasy.  I recommend you do likewise as soon as possible:   What is Apostasy?

I want no person to go to Hell, and work each day to share the Gospel with as many as I can, but if someone is a cavalier, loud & proud Atheist, do they get what they deserve when they're thrown into Hell?  The Bible says that God is just, and that this fate for Atheists (and similar) is what God intends to do, so that ultimate justice for all who reject or attempt to corrupt Christ is good enough for me.


Procrastination Vs. God's Deadline

Jesus Christ allows everybody to grow at their own pace.

God will not force Himself upon anybody.

While God is patient (waiting almost 6,000 years & counting), He will not wait forever.

If somebody dies in their unrepentant sins, their time of opportunity has ended, and their fate is sealed.

Unfortunately, some will choose not to grow at all, and others will choose to grow so slowly that little progress will have been achieved before the 2nd Coming of Christ.  In both these cases, these people will have guaranteed reservations in Hell.


Salvation is Still Available

 As mentioned in the diagram, help is instantly available through Jesus Christ.  For detailed instructions on what to do, see our document:   God's 26 Commandments for Christians which is available here:


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