
Thursday 30 July 2020

COVID-19 Vaccination, or Mark of the Beast?

There have been thousands of speculations as to how the Mark of the Beast would be achieved.

We now have a prophecy from Jesus Christ that the Mark of the Beast will be part of the COVID-19 vaccination that will begin later this year.

Here is Julie Whedbee's prophecy:

Julie provided the following links in reference to her prophecy:

The testimony of Dr. Carrie Madej,MD on her 2 decade long study of vaccines, and this planned COVID-19 vaccine. 

The comprehensive prayer to cleanse yourself, and close any satanic portals you previously opened:

I have also been studying recent technology that may have a satanic application during End Times.

I thinks the most important is the recent development of a special infra red sensitive dye called "Luciferon" (yes, that's right, they even used Satan's other name, Lucifer).  See:  

In addition, they developed a grid of microneedles to inject Luciferon into your skin, creating a micro grid dot pattern (ie. a semi-permanent tattoo) that can be remotely recorded and sensed.  This would be done on your hand or forehead, so that it is generally visible to facial recognition surveillence cameras.  See:


Putting these two technologies together, governments can vaccinate us, then easily verify who has been vaccinated by the Quantum Dot system, the Mark of the Beast.

Contaminating our Human DNA

The COVID-19 vaccine isn't a normal vaccine.  It appears they are planning to use an 

Moderna Therapeutics started the RNA vaccine craze about 10 years ago.  Others piled on, but it isn't easy technology, so most competitors gave up.  Venture Capitalists have so far ensured their investment was safe and growing in Moderna, but now grow worried.  Moderna is #1 in biotech, yet has never delivered on its promises.  The company is now worth more than $30 Billion, and needs a "Hail Mary pass".  A government mandated COVID-19 vaccine requiring 7.5 billion doses might save them from imploding like Theranos previously did. 

Follow the money, the love of it being the root of all evil.  See

mRNA vaccines can cause major side effects, such as inflammation, autoimmune diseases, and sudden death from cytokine storms or equivalent.

Due to governmental panic, standard precautions and testing for this COVID-19 virus have been deleted, drastically changed, or sped up.

Therefore, there is a significant risk of creating something similar to a Zombie Apocalypse, Polio Epidemic, Thalidamide Disaster, or Mark of the Beast.  Take your pick.

How is your DNA Altered?

CRISPR-Cas-9 DNA editing and sequencing technology can quickly and easily edit someone's DNA sequence permanently.  Cas-9 has recently been discovered to make unintended DNA edits, so isn't as perfect as once thought.

Therefore, the use of mRNA is now preferred, as it is believed to be semi-permanent, lasting just weeks or a few months.  Of course, that is just current speculation.

Therefore, in the end, it a giant experiment, and nobody but God knows for sure.

Bio-hackers, working in their kitchen, basement, or garage have been experimenting with DNA enhancement of themselves.


As Jesus warned, this makes you non-human in God's eyes, permanently disqualifying you for Heaven.  Since everybody either goes to Heaven or Hell, being disqualified for Heaven then must logically guarantee you a non-cancelable reservation in Hell.

Vaccine Liability

COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers around the world have sought, and most or all have already received indemnification from the governments so that the drug company has no liability for any claims from damages, death, disease, or losses directly of indirectly related to the COVID-19 vaccine.  See:

In other words, the drug companies have little or no confidence in what they are doing.

Should you?

In the initial test of the COVID-19 vaƧcine on human guinea pigs, more than half of the patients had adverse reactions, getting worse with the 2nd dose, and getting worse as more vaccine was injected (dose dependant).  One patient was dropped from the tesearch after they developed a severe case of hives after the first injection.

Major side effects in this life, and eternity in Hell in the next life.  

Any questions?

Any doubts on what to do?

It is for these reasons you must reject mRNA, CRISPR-Cas-9, and all similar technologies, whether used in a COVID-19 vaccine, a cancer treatment, or elsewhere.

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