High Priority Posts

High Priority Posts

We live in troubled times. The 7 years of God's End Times likely begin on or about Sept. 17-28, 2020 with many tribulations occurring soon thereafter (ie. evil events by Satan &/or judgements by God).

If you suddenly die before you are a Born Again, True Christian, you are doomed to eternity in Hell. With End Times starting soon, many more people (thousands to millions to billions more) will die through Satan's evil plans. DO NOT ignore this warning, nor procrastinate!

Here is what you need to know, and take immediate action on:

1. Likely sequence of events during God's End Times Document Section, https://et-manitoulin.blogspot.com/p/documents.html

2. God's 26 Commandments for Christians (includes detailed instructions on how to become a Born Again True Christian): Document Section, https://et-manitoulin.blogspot.com/p/documents.html

3. Human Transition towards Eternity (Heaven or Hell). Every human will have eternal life; some in Heaven, most in Hell. This diagram describes who, how, when, and why someone goes to Heaven or Hell. https://et-manitoulin.blogspot.com/2020/08/human-transition-towards-eternity.html

Monday 8 February 2021

Ready or not, here comes God

Are you ready for what soon comes?

Judgement is at hand.  Beware, all those who deny God and His Commandments.

Pastor Perry Stone recently shared that President Biden's name, when translated by Hebrew Gematria, becomes "Alas, Judgement" (see  https://youtu.be/A-t3nG8uqzI ).

Whether or not you're American, the USA has a huge impact on the world (militarily, financially, socially, etc.).  If the USA goes down under God's Judgement, the evil ooze will soon rise to take their place.  The USA is no saint, but Satan and the soon rise of the AntiChrist will be far worse than what the Atheists, Satinists, neocons, Globalists, Illuminati, Jesuits, terrorists, Communists, and all the billionaires ever dreamed of doing.

Both Julie (see https://iamcallingyounow.blogspot.com/2021/02/we-are-ready-yahushua-prayer-of.html?m=1 ), and Erin (see http://sparrowcloud9.com/heaven-dreams-interpretations/the-tribulation/excerpt-from-dreams-questions-answered/full-dreams/dream-475/ ) seem to have reached a crescendo, a peak, are past the point of no return.  I am 80% convinced that both these ladies are likely true prophets of God, so like a good Berean, I carefully study what they say, and compare it to God's Word in the King James Bible.

Dr. Robert Mawire agrees with Julie and Erin, that we are in a crisis time, with the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ occurring very soon (see https://youtu.be/CMFqzUmKuEg beginning 9:20 timestamp after intro song).  I am 95% convinced that Dr. Mawire is a true prophet of God, based on his long, verifiable track history.

1st Alternative Date for God's Judgement End Times

According to the Enoch Calendar of Nick Vanderlaan (see https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1y1oQa3auMQ2nOzD5INXuO6GYdMSIrdWTh26xIDLcLro/htmlview ), Feb. 10, 2021 is the anniversary date for Zechariah 1:7 seeing the Red Rider hidden in the myrtle trees.  Red Rider likely means war, and both Middle East and South East China Seas seem primed and ready to explode.  In the USA, it too seems ready to explode domestically.

2nd Alternative

If Feb. 10, 2021 isn't the start, it likely will be on or before May 14, 2021 for this is the 74 year of Israel since its formation on May 14, 1948 (plus 70 year for the End Times generation, or 80 years if by strength but with labor and sorrow according to Psalm 90:10, Mat 24:34, Mark 13:30, and Luke 21:32), so this has a hard ending on May 14, 2028.  Subtracting 7 years for Jacob's Trouble according to Daniel 9:24-27, we have the start of Jacob's Trouble on or about May 14, 2021.

3rd. Alternative

Alternatively, if Israel gets just 70 years per Psalm 90:10, that deadline was May 14, 2018 but nothing obvious seems to have happened then. 

However, in Luke 13:6-9 Jesus tells us the parable of the unproductive fig tree.  The owner tells the gardener to chop it down and burn it, for it hasn't produced any fruit for 2 years.  The gardener pleads for the opportunity to dig round it, fertilize and water the soil for another year, and if it still hasn't produced, then yes, alas the tree is to be uprooted and destroyed. 

Adding those 3 probationary years to May 14, 2018 we get May 14, 2021 as the same hard deadline.

4th Alternative

A fourth alternative is described by a stone plaque on the wall in Jerusalem commemorating June 29, 1536 when Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent finished repairing the streets, walls, and water supply for Jerusalem Israel Presumably Suleiman's decree was the year previous, likely 1535 AD.  Daniel 9:25 says that 69 weeks after the command to rebuild the walls will be End Times.  1535 + (69 x7)= 2018 AD.  Again, adding the 3 probationary fig tree years of the unproductive fig tree, we get 2021 AD.

Reliable Prophecy?

Should you believe in the Bible and Daniel's prophecies?  Daniel 12:11 says there are 1,290 days (ie. prophetic years) between the time when sacrifices are taken away until the abomination that makes desolate is set up.  Dome of the Rock, a mosque to the false god Allah, was built on Temple Mount by the Muslim's Umayyad Caliphate, starting in 685 AD and finishing initial construction in 691 AD.  The original Hebrew Temple in Jerusalem's Temple Mount was likely destroyed in 586 BC.  For 1,290 prophetic years = 360 days x 1290= 464,400 days.  464,400/(365.25 days per solar year)= 1,271.46 solar years.  To clarify how to count years between BC and AD, after Year 1 BC happened, the next year was 1 AD, with no Year 0 between 1 BC and 1 AD.  Therefore from 586 BC to 1 BC is 585 years, then its 586 years to get to 1 AD, then to get to the 1271.46 years total, we have to go another 685.46 years after 1 AD.  In summary 586 BC + 1271.46 years= 685 AD which is the year Dome of the Rock started construction.  This should help convince you that God's prophecies in the Book of Daniel are real, and accurate.

5th Alternative

For the 5th alternative, Daniel 12:12 says that blessed are those that waiteth, and cometh to to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days.  We aren't given great clarity of the start or ending events for this prophecy, just a period of 1,335 days.  If these days are interpreted as years, and is a continuation from the previous verse (Daniel 12:11), we have 691 AD + 1335 years= 2026 AD as the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ.  Subtracting the 7 years for Jacob's Troubles, we have 2026-7= 2019 AD.  Adding 3 years for the unproductive fig, we get 2022 AD for the start of Jacob's Trouble. 

Depending on when in 691 AD the construction was completed, it may have still been 690 AD on the Hebrew calendar, as their year starts on or about Mar 20th, rather than Jan 1st as for the Gregorian calendar.  Therefore this may be 690 AD or 691 AD, it's hard to know.  If its 690 AD, then this Alternative aligns with all the others, on 2021 AD.

Conclusion:   Start Date for God's Judgement & End Times

Therefore there are significant reasons for considering Feb. 10, 2021 to May 14, 2021 to be a time of high alert for all Watchmen. 

If none of these alternatives pan out, like good and loyal servant of God, and as one of His Watchmen, we will continue to pray continuously, fast, preach the Gospel to all creatures, look up, and wait.  God knows what He's doing, God has His plan, and is working His plan, we trust in God, so we continue to wait and watch.

I'm sure every parent had great anticipation on when their child would finally be born, and what would be the ultimate outcome; both fear and love and impatience and excitement.  The End Times process is no different.  Many fits & starts, and false alarms, but eventually there will be deliverance.

Time will tell.

Get God's Protection NOW!

Psalm 91 and elsewhere in the Bible, God explains that He is trustworthy, always with His people,and will protect them.

Unfortunately, Satan (and many Pastors deceived to spread the false propaganda of Satan) have convinced millions of lukewarm Christians and pagans who worship false gods that they too will benefit and be protected by God.

For example, if someone buys a watch from a guy in a dark alley, believing it's a solid gold Rolex Oyster with a lifetime manufacturer's warranty, and you only paid $50.00 for a watch that normally sells for more than $10,000.00 in a legitimate store, does this person realize they have been deceived?  When the watch stops working 3 days after purchase, can they understand that Rolex and their legitimate dealers will not honour their fake warranty documents they received in the dark alley?  Do they realize they have lost their $50.00 and the watch will likely never work again?  They have been scammed!

I estimate that 95% of so-called Christians have been scammed by Pastors tickling their ears, telling the deceived what they wanted to hear.  I know, for I was  one of them for over 55 years.  This includes, but is not limited to Muslims, Roman Catholics, Mormons, SDA, Jehovah Witnesses, Christian Science, evangelicals, charismatics, Calvinists, Methodists, Mega Churches, etc.

Fortunately for my wife and I, 5 years ago our 97 year old church was closed, and we were tossed our into the snow, so we stayed home and read our Bible, cover to cover.  We soon noticed a growing discrepancy between what we read, and what we had been previously told for the previous 55 years.

In Feb. 2017 we suddenly woke up, and realized we had been deceived for a LONG TIME.  We realized we were at great spiritual risk.  We fixed our spiritual problem by believing only God and His Bible, nothing else, and getting baptized and becoming Born Again.

How to become Born Again

I suggest you should wake up before it's too late.  The necessary steps are as follows:

a) Fear God;

b) Know God;

c) Love God;

d) Admit you are a sinner;

e) Admit you hold anger, or resentment, or vengeance towards those who have previously mistreated you;

f) Confess directly to God your sins, iniquities, & blasphemies;

g) Forgive all who trespassed against you;

h) Ask for God's forgiveness;

i) Ask God to cleanse you from your past sins;

j) Ask for God's anointing through the Holy Spirit to come into your life, to give you a new heart, mind, and improved soul, dedicating your life to Jesus Christ.

k) Get baptized in the name of God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son, and the Holy Spirit to be Born Again in Jesus Christ.

If you follow those steps, God promises to receive you as His adopted child of God

God does not listen to the prayers of sinners. It's like broadcasting on AM, while God is listening on FM; it's not going to get heard.

Detailed instructions can be found in our document God's 26 Commandments for Christians 

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