
Monday 1 March 2021

3 Day Purim Fast: Mar. 1 - 3, 2021

Dr. Robert Mawire has called for 3 days of fasting and prayer, following in the footsteps of Queen Esther, Feast of Purim, Book of Esther 9:1-3.

Dr. Mawire didn't say exactly when we should fast, nor how.  Searching historical Biblical event on Nick Vanderlaan's Official Enoch Calendar, I found only "Fake Purim"; not sure what that means.

In Esther 4:16, Queen Esther called for a total fast (no food, no drink) and continuous prayer for 3 days by all Jews to prepare and purify them for the strongest possible prayers to God, and to support the Queen.  Queen Esther planned to barge in, and interrupt the King without prior invitation, for which she would be instantly killed by Court guards unless the King instantly granted her mercy.  She planned to interrupt the King, to seek his mercy and support for all Jews scheduled for execution.  Queen Esther chose to put herself at risk so as to save her people from evil genocide.

Not knowing sufficient details to join this call for fasting & prayer, I needed more info.  The Book of Esther is short, so I started reading it at the beginning, to refresh my memory and collect the specific calendar dates mentioned in the Bible (See Verses:   2:16, 3:7, 3:12, 3:13, 4:11, 4:16, 5:1, 5:8, 7:2, 8:1, 8:9-13, 8:12, 9:1-3, 9:15, 9:18, 9:19, and 9:21).

Of these, the 13th day of the 12th month (Adar), in 473 BC was the day Queen Esther exposed her true identity as a Jew, hoping that if she finds favor with the King, he would save her people from the genocide planned against all Jews in Mede-Persia.

Queen Esther was successful, and Mordecai, Queen Esther's adopted father, was then made Vice Regent, and the Festival of Purim for the 13, 14, and 15th of the 12th month (Adar) was established for all future ages. This corresponded to March 7th, 473 BC.

Translating the ancient Biblical dates via the Enoch calendar says the anniversary of the Purim Festival is Mar. 1, 2, and 3rd, 2021.  The orthodox Jewish calendar says Purim was Feb. 25, 26, 2021.

Dr. Mawire's video was only posted 6 hours ago, thus the reason for the last minute announcement here. 


Totally linked with Purim is the behind the scenes actions and presence of God.  Not once is God mentioned in the Book of Esther.  Yet God says repeatedly elsewhere in the Bible that He will never abandon us, that He is always with us.  This up front lack of God in the Book of Esther raised serious questions about whether it should be included in the Bible, or left out as something that was not writings inspired by God.

In Esther, God wanted humans to act as His prime mover.  As usual, we are the tool in God's hand through which things are physically accomplished for God.

In the time of Queen Esther, the Medo-Persian Empire was the ruler of the world, in size, power, wealth, knowledge, etc. Medo-Persia stretched from India, to Russia, throughout the Middle East, and Africa.

All of a sudden, that powerful kingdom takes a sharp turn against God's chosen people, the Jews, with the plan of a genocide, to kill every Jew in the kingdom.

As Mordicai said, if Queen Esther refuses to stand up to protect her people, then God will ensure His people will be protected through some other way from this great evil.  In other words, the hidden hand of God will prevail.

Today,  the most powerful nation is, no doubt, the USA.  With Trump out, and Biden in, that powerful nation has been making a very abrupt change in direction.  

For a review on the first 6 weeks of the Biden administration and the rising wall against God and His Word, see the following video: 

There is now a growing evil against Christians (both in the laws and customs of today), and this evil will likely quickly spread throughout the world.

This evil will be directed especially against Christians (ie. Cancel Culture, no church service allowed, forced association with LGBTQ+ activists, Equality Act, the Bible and preaching of the Gospel deemed to be illegal hate speech, Christians are deemed to be domestic terrorists, etc.).

This is a time for all true Christians to stand and be counted, and to speak out against the rising evil, showing your solidarity with God, His Commandments, and His true Word in the Holy Bible.

With the Israeli election coming up again for the 4th time on March 23, 2021 and Biden's US Administration abandoning Israel to its own devices and in favor of the Two State Solution (ie. dividing up Israel to give the Palestinians their own country, contrary to the Bible), and Iran ready to attack Israel;   the Middle East is primed, and ready, to explode.

Stand and be counted, True Christians!

Psalm 83 War and the rise of the AntiChrist are more likely than ever.

By doing this fast, and praying continuously, Dr. Mawire says that you are asking for God's anointing in preparation for being appointed by God as one of His Overcomer during End Times.  

Dr. Mawire also suggests writing your own Royal Decree under the authority and power of King Jesus Christ for all that you declare, want, and need (health, wisdom, resources, protection, etc.).  Rather than greed, I suggest you start with a list of what God would want you to have, and what you truly need, rather than what you covet and desire.

From here, we will be doing the full 3 day fast, and praying continuously. We will also be doing street preaching and public marching to show Christianity is not running away from, nor hiding in fear of the rising evil.

It is interesting that today, Jews have adopted the custom of gorging themselves with both food and drink during Purim, and most say that it is required to get drunk during Purim, which is a clear and obvious sin under God's Commandments.  Can the contrast between God and His Word be any more obviously different from the Satanic corruption within Rabbinical Jeudaism of today?

All the other fasts I have previously done were no food, but with unlimited water allowed.  With neither food nor water for 3 days on this Purim Fast, I'm not sure how I will make out.  Thank God I don't live in the Sahara desert, and it's not summer.  However, I know that God will see me through, and keep me safe, for I have faith in Him.

If you can come join us, the fast begins tomorrow Mar. 1st, 2021 at sunrise (7:07 AM my local time).

Please leave a comment below if you can come join us on this fast and prayer vigil.

*** Update 1:   2021-03-04   ***

Royal Degree for Purim 2021

According to Esther 9:18 of Your Holy Word in the King James Bible 1760 Edition, Purim is on the 13th, 14th, and 15th day of the 12th month (Adar), which according to the Official Enoch Calendar is from March 1 to 3, 2021.

Having prepared ourselves by physically cleansing our bodies with soap and water, and having done a total fast (neither food nor drink) for the last three full days; and having prayed for your strength and guidance to  make this Royal Decree for Purim 2021, we hereby pray to God the Father, and to Jesus Christ His Begotten Son, the Creator of Heaven and Earth and all other things that have been created, and to the Holy Spirit; as follows:

[Mat 6:9-13 KJV] "…Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen."

Thank-you God for our lives, and Your world in which we live.  Thank-you for all the blessings that You have bestowed upon us in our physical bodies, our mental faculties, and our spiritual strength.  

Thank-you for the constant nurturing that we have received throughout our years to help us grow physically, mentally, and spiritually through Your Holy Spirit, our family, friends, community, our nation, and the natural environment.  

Thank-you for the opportunities, trials, tribulations, free will, and Your patience that have shaped us to what we are today.  

Thank-you for Your Word in the Holy Bible to help ground us, and guide us, and teach us Your Will, and Your Way, and our role to be fulfilled in Your creation.

We confess and regret that we have not always taken advantage of your opportunities and gifts to the fullest, and have improperly used our free will for sin, transgressions, iniquities, and blasphemies against You, God; and done wrongful transgressions against Your creation, and other persons; in our thoughts, words, deeds, and inactions.

God, we ask for Your forgiveness of all our sins, transgressions, iniquities, and blasphemies.  We pray for Your cleansing of our bodies, minds, souls, and spirits so that we are adequately prepared for this Royal Decree for Purim 2021, and to fulfill our roll and duties under Your Will during End Times.

God, we pray for Your anointing of us with Your Holy Spirit, to fill us up to overflowing so as to perfect our lives and prepare us for participation in Your End Times; that like John the Baptist who prepared the way for your First Coming, we may help prepare the way for Your Second Coming.

We humbly ask and pray for You to heal and otherwise prepare our bodies, minds, souls, and spirits so that we have the strength, capacity, knowledge, and will to perform Your Will under all the conditions that we must endure.

We ask and pray that all of Manitoulin Island, Ontario, Canada where we live will be cleansed of all evil, and that Satan and all of his evil fallen angels, demons, spirits, and supporters must immediately depart from this territory, and are hereby banned from re-entry forever, and from influencing or affecting this territory and all people and things located within this territory; and that this territory is hereby reclaimed in Your Holy Name as Your sanctuary for the remnant of Your people.

Through the power of Your Holy Name and Your blood sacrifice, we ask and pray for us to be anointed and given by You the power and authority to do Your Will through all of the following:

1.    Discern Your Word, and Your Will so that we may properly fulfill our duties to You;

2.    Discern the good or evil intentions and spirits that are present or affecting all people, things, situations, times, or places;

3.    Withstand the fiery darts and other attacks of Satan and his demons and evil spirits;

4.    Discern, prevent, neutralize, and mitigate all evil plans, actions, and inactions; and repair any damage created by all evil plans and forces that are contrary to Your Will;

5.    Drive out Satan, his demons and evil spirits from all other persons, animals, plants, lands, waters, airs, and things of Your creation;

6.    Shine forth as Your guiding light for all others;

7.    Preach Your Gospel in an effective and sufficient manner to all creatures;

8.    Heal the sick, in and through Your Holy Will and Your Holy Name;

9.    Receive all other knowledge, powers, authority, and skills that You, God wish to grant to us, and bless us with, in Your Holy Will.

In the name of Jesus Christ, Our Saviour and Redeemer, we hereby pray for all of these blessings, gifts, and grace to be bestowed upon us right now.


*** End Update #1 ***


  1. We have now completed the first 24 hours of our 3 day total fast (neither food nor drink). It is harder without water, but with God's help, we are continuing.

    I have had a few minor twinges of a headache now & then, but when I pray to God for relief, it goes away in a few seconds.

    It is amazing how much of my typical day is centred around meals, preparation of meals, coffee breaks, cleaning up from meals, planning for meals, and shopping for food. Without all of that, the day seems to run on forever, with no interruptions. We'll keep you posted as this fast proceeds.

  2. We will soon enter our 3rd and final day of our Purim Fast. Today, we will draft our Royal Decree for Purim 2021 in the name of Jesus Christ, to bind both in Heaven and on Earth. May God guide and inspire our words.

  3. An additional resource on Purim for Christians. This YouTube video proposes a link between Purim and the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ, and how to fully & properly celebrate Purim with your God and family.

  4. We have drafted and prayed our Royal Decree for Purim 2021, then ended our fast with a pitcher of cold water, steak & eggs, and coffee. I appreciated the water as much as someone coming off a roasting desert after a week. Thank-you God for all your gifts.


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