
Friday 2 April 2021

Prophecy Warning: Passover-Easter 2021

*** Begin Update #1 2020-04-04 ***

From my vantage point, the prophecy did not occur.  The prophet YouTube Channel:


was very specific.  Unfortunately, I have been unable to find this person's name, nor geographical location, nor his church affiliation.

At timestamp 1:30 he said Sister [Carrie Ann Gidon] (spelled phonetically, hard to hear) had made numerous prophesies about 3 Days of Darkness, and Sister Kate from Africa said darkness will sweep the planet from 10:30 but Bible says at Noon.  These other prophesies prompted this Pastor to seek clarification from God.  He subsequently had his own dream, but was unsure, so at timestamp 4:40 he says he sought confirmation from God, and claims he received that confirmations, and only then did he prepare and publish his urgent video, alerting the Christian world.

Therefore, I conclude that the prophecy was clearly dated.  The Prophet said he confirmed the prophecy with God so as to be sure, and did not want to be a False Prophet, and claims he received a clear confirmation from God.  Based on Deut 18:20-22, I conclude he is a False Prophet:

[Deut 18:20-22]   "But the prophet, which shall presume to speak a word in My name, which I have not commanded him to speak, or that shall speak in the name of other gods, even that prophet shall die.  And if thou say in thine heart, How shall we know the word which the Lord hath not spoken?  When a prophet speaketh in the name of the Lord, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the Lord hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt not be afraid of him."

He seems to have been convinced, and emotionally committed to his prophecy.  Was this an Oscar, Academy Awards-winning performance, or did he truly believe?  How do we explain this false prophecy?

I suggest he is not speaking nor hearing from God.  He is likely speaking, praying to, and hearing from a false Holy Spirit, a Kudalini Spirit, a demon aligned with Satan, who is pretending to be the true Holy Spirit, thereby deceiving him and millions of other people.  For more info, see my posting on Kudalini Spirits: 

Am I angry at this false prophet for having deceived me?  No, in fact my love and compassion for him want me to help him fight against his deception by the Kudalini Spirit.

Was I too trusting and naive of this person?  No, I don't think so.  The Bible clearly says we are to listen to Prophets and Prophesies, study them carefully, and test them against the Bible, rejecting all that are contrary to God's Word.

In this case, there was little time between reception and the prophecy start time, so full analysis couldn't be done; and there was no obvious prima facie case of Bible conflict.  We studied it, we were able to respond in a limited, appropriate manner with minimal time and cost; so we did, just in case.

Did God bring the false prophecy to my attention at the last minute because He knew I would respond by the Posting, this Update, and the Comment on the prophet's YouTube channel, so as to alert the world of this false prophet aligned with a Kudalini evil spirit?   Perhaps.

Here are the major Biblical verses associated with Prophets, testing prophecies, False Prophets, and False Prophecies:

Num 12:6; Deu 13:1-5; Deu 18:15-22; 2Ch 24:19-21; Isa 8:20; Isa 30:10; Jer 1:9; Jer 5:30-31; Jer 14:14; Jer 18:15-17; Jer 23:14, 16, 21, 30-32; Lam 2:14; Eze 11:24; Eze 13:1-23; Hos 1:2; Joe 2:28; Amo 3:7; Hag 1:13; Mal 4:5-6; Mat 7:15-20, 22; Mat 23:37; Mat 24:4-5, 11, 24; Mar 13:22; Luk 1:67-68; Luk 6:26; Luk 19:41-44; Jhn 4:44; Act 17:10-11; Act 20:29; Act 21:10-11; Rom 16:17-18; 1Co 12:1-18; 1Co 14:26-33; 2Co 11:13-15; Gal 1:6-9; Col 2:8; 1Th 5:21; 1Ti 4:1-3; 2Ti 3:16; 2Ti 4:3-4; Heb 1:1-2; Heb 2:4; 1Pe 1:10; 2Pe 1:21; 2Pe 2:1-3; 1Jo 4:1-6; Rev 2:2, 20; Rev 19:20

I will post a copy of this commentary in the Comments Section of his video delivering this false prophecy, in the hope that he and all others see it, considers it, and it helps all of them (ie. both him and his subscribers) break their spiritual slavery to this demonic Kudalini Spirit, and get back to the one and only true God.

P.S. My wife loves the new black plastic black-out drapes throughout our house 😁😁

*** End Update #1 2020-04-04 ***


There are multiple prophecies warning about major events that may occur on Passover-Easter 2021.

I am not sure if these prophecies are true or not.

I am 100% convinced that God created me and everything else in this Universe.  I am 100% believing in Jesus Christ as the only Begotten Son of God the Father, that Jesus willing died on the cross for my sins and everybody else's sins, and that I know God, fear God, obey God (all 26 Commandments, see above), and immediately confess my sins when I fail.

However, I am only 95% convinced we are in End Times, with the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ within the next 7 years.

After carefully reviewing all available information presented here, as well as other info I have assessed previously, I am only 20% convinced (or less) that these prophecies on 3 Days of Darkness are true and will happen on or about Passover-Easter 2021.

In spite of (or because of) these beliefs, I am preparing myself and my family for the possibility of 3 Days of Darkness.  The details on how to prepare are adequately described in the videos links below (especially Part 2, forwarded by Jocko).  I suggest you prepare yourself and your family.  I also ask that you spread the word to all your family and friends so that they are aware, can study the available information, and decide for themselves.

If you censure the info provided here, and choose not to forward this info to others, then you are blocking the free will of others, denying them the chance & choice to decide for themselves.  Therefore, I suggest you can remain neutral, or endorse this info, but at least forward it to all others in case it is true.

 Prophecy #1


Prophecies #2 & #3

Habakkuk 1:5   "Behold ye among the heathen, and regard, and wonder marvelously: for I will work a work in your days which ye will not believe, though it be told you."
This prophecy was received around 655 BC to 606 BC, speaking about the Chaldeans (ie. Babylon) who would attack the land of Judah and Israel.

Ecclesiastes 1:9   "The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun."

Possibly  the former is foreshadowing the soon to occur during End Times.  I say this, as Habakkuk 1:5 has been repeatedly quoted by two women who independently claim to be modern day prophetesses:  Erin and Julie.  I have followed both of them for 3 to 5 year, and like a good Berean, I have studied their writings and prophecies, and have detected neither a false prophecy, nor anything contrary to the Bible.  For these reasons, I am about 80% sure they are true modern day prophetesses.  However, I may be wrong, they may not yet have tipped their hand and exposed themselves, so I continue to watch & study and consider their words.

Julie:   Mar. 18-22, 2021

"A great and wonderful day is upon you, one you would not believe even if I told you, so rejoice and lift your hearts, lift your eyes and lift your voices in high praises to the King, as I am prepared in all My glory to meet My Bride, My espoused, and crown you as kings and priests. It is so close now!"

Erin:    Feb. 10, 2019

Jesus:   “He [Satan] instead takes the free and makes them captives, bound by ‘the god of this world’.  However, Erin, you reside here with Me [Jesus Christ] and it is by truth that you have been set free.  You are Mine.  Soon, very soon, you will not believe what I have planned for you.  Even if I told you, you would not believe what I have planned for you and those who love Me and that I have chosen.”

God's Roadmap to the End

I discovered Jocko Prinsloo and his YouTube Channel "God's Roadmap to the End" around 2015, and have followed him, on & off since then.  Jocko says he is a researcher, a watchman, but clearly & repeatedly states that he is not a prophet.  Jocko studies the Bible, all credible prophecies, and current events; and brings the latest reports forward to share with others, just like a good watchman should.  He consistently says, more or less, in most or all of his postings & videos:

 "...this may happen, but I may be wrong, and if I am wrong, then I will go on and continue watching as I am commanded by the Bible"

Jocko's alerts have been consistently false alarms for the last 95 videos he has published, but as always, his message is Bible based, credible, possible, and warrants consideration.



Jocko added Part 2 with additional info:


In the Comments attached to Part 2, Jocko adds this additional link:



Nick VanderLaan's Official Enoch Calendar ( ) shows that Passover 2021 starts at sundown on Saturday April 3, 2021.

Nick's notes for the Bible passages related to the 14th Day of 1st Month (Abib), which he says falls on Saturday April 3, 2021 according to his Official Enoch Calendar (there are others who disagree, with different versions & assumptions &/or interpretations of the Book of Enoch, and how to construct Enoch's Calendar):

Passover Begins at Sunset (Lev 23:5) • Death Angel killed the 1st borns at midnight. • Moses & Israel kept the Passover in the Wilderness of Sinai (Numbers 9:5) • King Josiah re-instituted the Passover (2 Chron 35:1) • The children of the captivity from Persia kept the Passover in Jerusalem after they rebuilt the temple (Ezra 6:19) • Yeshua ate the Passover with Disciples.  Yeshua prayed in Gethsemane and apprehended. • A future prophecy of yet to be fulfilled of Restored Israel and the Prince keeping the Passover and the 7 day Feast of Unleavened Bread (Ezekiel 45:21-24).

Also note that the Roman Catholic Church has Sunday April 4, 2021 as Easter 2021.

I bought rolls of plastic and a staple gun a few years ago, in case this "3 Days of Darkness" actually came true.  I will have adequate water, food, basic lighting (ie. emergency candles), red wine, and unleavened bread for Passover available in our house today in preparation for Passover tomorrow, and 3 Days of Darkness, if it occurs.

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