
Tuesday 10 August 2021

Fruits of the Spirit: Positive Affirmation Prayer

 We present here a prayer to help you build your day in, day out application of God's Fruits of the Spirit.

For me, I wasn't satisfied with my glacially slow movement towards God' narrow path of righteousness.  While I had already eliminated most iniquity from my life, the Seven Deadly Sins (ie. pride, greed, wrath, envy, lust, gluttony and sloth), and the Fruits of the Spirit (ie. love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance, righteousness, godliness, and patience).

To me, it seemed like my remaining iniquity was holding back my application of the Fruits of the Spirit, and the poor utilization of the Fruits left me wide open for continuing in my remaining, stubborn iniquities.  Truly, a Catch-22 situation.

Therefore, I developed a Positive Affirmation Prayer for the Fruits of the Spirit.

By repeating this short exercise at least once per day (optimum is once in morning, again in evening), you stay mindful of the Fruits of the Spirit, and build a Cognitive Dissonance if you violate them.  Just as your name (eg. Joe Smith) becomes an integral park of who you are (ie. you don't believe your name is Joe Smith, you KNOW your name is Joe Smith).

I believe I will be a better Christian when the Fruits of the Spirit are an integral part of who I am.

Is this Affirmation Prayer really improving you?  Sometimes  it's difficult to see changes when you're right up close, in space &/or time.  To help you see the positive changes in you, we developed a Human Emotion Measuring Tool

Watch your progress as your attitude changes over time through adopting the Fruits of the Spirit.

Let me know what you think in the comments below.  Tell me how you're using this positive affirmation tool in your walk with God.

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