
Tuesday 28 September 2021

Urgent Warning: Atlantic Coastlines Sept. 28 - Oct. 3, 2021

*** Update 1:  2021-10-6 ***   The one prophecy (a 1-off occurrence) that set the Oct. 3rd deadline has come & gone without occurring, and was therefore a false prophet.  I am not surprised.

The other two, higher quality  prophecies are indeterminate in time, marking only as this season, or soon.

Therefore, we continue to pray, wait, and share our testimony with as many people as possible.  Time is very short.

*** End Update 1 ***

There is likely a major event on or soon after Sept. 28, 2021, till as late as Oct. 3, 2021.

This may involve a tsunami wave from the current volcanic eruptions on La Palma, Canary Islands.

See for details.  

Computer modeling suggests USA Atlantic coast could experience 130 ft. high wave that goes inland up to 12.5 miles, depending on local coastline configuration.  There will likely be multiple tsunami waves, but the first wave will be the worst, as subsequent waves coming in will be mostly cancelled by previous waves flowing back out, thereby maintaining deep water (15 ft. To 30 ft. deep ?) on the land until the last wave has passed (1 hr. total flood duration ?).


This watchman's urgent warning is based on the following:

The earthquake expert Dutchsince has noted a major earthquake energy source coming from SE Asia, to the Mediterranean, then in a rare move, it now goes through Gilbralter, then to the Canary Islands.  This is a VLF (Very Low Frequency) wave, that has become a resonant standing wave.  This means the amplitude (ie. height, and power) of the wave continues to grow more & more as the energy continues to enter this system over time.  The rising amplitude slams again & again into the magma chambers, similar to water hammer in pipes when the flow is suddenly shut off.  This is causing the magma flow at La Palma, Canary Islands.

If this system continues, it will get worse & worse over time; eventually causing catastrophic destruction.  Usually this earthquake energy divides into 3 paths at Mediterranean, lessening the effects by dissipating the energy over a large surface of the Earth's crust (all of Europe).  Instead, all or most of this energy goes just to Gibraltor, then to the Canary Islands.

Sept. 28, 2021 is Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement, 10th ďay of the 7th month, Levit. 23:26-32, and Num 29:7-11) according to Nick's official Enoch calendar  This is the last day for people to confess their sins and repent.  After this day, their fate is sealed, and judgement comes thereafter to the wicked.  We are called to fast, pray, and do no work on this day, sunset Monday 27th till sunset Wednesday 28th.  Note that the Enoch calendar is according to the Bible, Book of Enoch, Book of Jubilees, and Dead Sea Scrolls; and very different from the Babylonian calendar used by most Jews today.

A dream/vision of a flood/chaos from a 93 yr. old woman in the next 2 weeks, ending as of Oct. 3, 2021.  See: 

Tsunami waves hitting the USA has been a recurring dream/vision hundreds & thousands of times ( see )

Two End Times prophetesses, both who say we are on the verge, the cliff edge of Judgement:   

Julie's vision/word from God:

Erin's vision/dream:

Dr. Robert Mawire, an End Times prophet of God has declared that USA has become apostate.  USA no longer blesses Israel.  Like any other nation that separates themselves from God, as Israel was punished as described in  Deut. 28, the Bible warns all that they are doomed to destruction by their enemies.

Soon, USA and the world will experience World War III, and it will be a nuclear war.  Also, the USA homeland will be invaded and ravaged by its enemies.  There will be a remnant that will be saved, but the USA as a nation will be destroyed.


If or when the tsunami wave occurs, it will travel at speeds as high as 650 mph.  It is 3,317 miles from New York City, USA to the Canary Islands, so people in N. America (USA, Canada, Mexico, Carribean, etc.) will have about 5 to 8 hours warning that a tsunami is coming.  

That's more than enough time to panic, but not enough time to escape.  See below.

Ministry Revealed (see ) has suggested that the white horse of Revelation is a tsunami, a synonym for "white horse".

White horses depicted in breaking waves, found in numerous cultures, for thousands of years.  Is this the best explanation for the Rev. 6:2 white horse?

[Rev 6:2 KJV] "[2] And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer."

Jesus is depicted as having a bow (ie. rainbow) about His head in the Book of Revelation.

He is given a crown, which could mean a water crown:

Water crown
Water crown image, (c) istockphoto

This seems to solve the long standing questions about the identity of this mysterious rider on a white horse.


Based on typical emergencies, everybody will panic, try to stop to buy gasoline, and gridlock will prevent most from getting to safety.

I suggest there is no safe place in which somebody can hide for the next 14 years during End Times.  None of us is safe except under God's protection for His children.

Rather than gridlock while trying to escape the first disaster of thousands more to come, I suggest studying God's 26 Commandments for Christians, get on your knees, confess your sins, and pray for salvation:


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