
Monday 10 January 2022

Canada's Free North Declaration

We have watched and listened to the following 26 minute video:

We have read the Free North Declaration, and agree with it:

As of 2022-01-10 there have been 76, 890 concerned Canadian, plus 534 lawyers who have signed this Declaration, for a total of 77, 424 people.

Canada's population is 38.01 million, but there is only 27.373 million eligible to vote.  Therefore the 77,424 that have endorsed the Declaration is only  0.283% of Canadian voters as of today; far from a majority.

Do you enjoy your personal freedom for what foods your buy at grocery store, how & when you assemble those ingredients onto meals for your family?  Do you like choosing what TV shows to watch, and choosing what music is your favorite?  Do you like choosing the style & colour of clothing you wear?

How would you feel if the government ordered the preferred choices for all the sbove, and all other choices you currently enjoy?

For example, in a democracy of 3 people, the majority of 2 can vote to make the 3rd. person the permanent slave of the other two, stripping the underdog of all their rights and freedoms.  Democracies offer no protection for minorities.

In a republic (like the USA), and a  Constitutional Monarchy (like Canada) there are constitutional limits and protections for collective minorities and all individuals from the tyranny of the democratic majority.  

In Canada, those protections for every individual and minorities are called the Canadian Constitution,  the Charter of Rights & Freedoms, the Bill of Rights, and other supportive legislation (eg. Privacy law PIPEDA, medical confidentiality under Personal Health Information Protection Act, PHIPA in Ontario, and similar in other Provinces, etc.).

Unfortunately, it currently appears the majority of our fellow citizens have been duped by the COVID swindlers and con artists.  So severely blinded by the swindlers, like a Stockholm Syndrone, this same majority will likely call for the protection of the COVID swindlers, and insist that all citizens must be COVID swindled by these COVID con artist, so that nobody escapes.

Unfortunately, the majority of Canadians wrongly assume we live in a democracy where the majority rules.  Instead, Canada is a constitutional monarchy where the minorities still have unalienable rights that the majority cannot ride over roughshod, or dismiss as an inconvenience or triviality.

In spite of the rights of the minorities, if the blind majority have their way, the COVID wolves and the swindlers  will soon be granted a license to own and eat all the sheep.

Where is the good Shepherd who will  protect His sheep?  

When will the Good Shepherd arrive to protect His sheep?

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