
Tuesday 25 January 2022

EndTime's 6 World Players, Update #1

Canada, USA, China, Russia, Israel, and the Globalists will all be playing a key role in world affairs over the next few years.

As Canadians, we need to get ready for what soon comes.

It is therefore important that you read all of the following link carefully. 

I suggest you personally, will soon have an important role to play in all this. 

Will you participate, or turn away, to focus on your favorite distractions?

The Black Dragon referenced in the above link is likely USA's Past-President Barrak Obama, as front man for the Globalists.  However, I may be wrong on this point.  I'm 80% sure I'm right.  Time will tell.

Has the Black Dragon already infiltrated USA's Whitehouse?  Watch the follow Freudian slip, and foreshadowing, possibly exposing the Black Dragon's hidden involvement.

### Update #1, 2022-01-29 ###

Erin has another prophecy, explaining that the Fern Hollow bridge collapse on Forbes St., Pittsburg, PA USA on 2022-01-28 was a harbinger for the soon economic collapse of the USA.

Will the US economy collapse slowly, like a slow leak on a tire; or will it be a sudden catastrophic blowout, taking just a few seconds (here today, gone tomorrow) like the bridge collapse?

The bridge was built in 1970, so it was more than 50 years old.  It has been is poor condition for more than 10 years, needing $1.5 million in "urgent" repairs.  Instead of fixing it, the Municipal, State, and Federal governments procrastinated.  The collapsing bridge injured 10 people, broke open a natural gas pipeline that the bridge supported (which could have caused a major explosion & fire), removed an important arterial road for Pittsburg, blocked the city's largest & most important park,  polluted the stream below, and raised the cost to restore the bridge to over $12 Million, most likely.

A stitch in time does save nine!

If the US economy collapses, how will Canada's economy, Europe, and the rest of the world stay afloat?

It can't.

Additional details are provided on Canada's Prime Minister Trudeau's secret dealings, alignment with China, Chinese Communist Party, World Economic Forum, and special interest groups.

Is Justin the only guilty one in all of Canada's Federal, Provincial, Territorial, Regional, and Municipsl governments?

I doubt it.

Will Justin and his co-conspirators confess & repent all, or will God have to expose them before they flee like cockroaches?

Time will tell.

In the meantime, they plot, they crush, they persecute Canadians with their draconian edicts; while at the same time, Christians pray for their confession, repentance, and salvation.

### End Update #1, 2022-01-29 ###

If you are intrigued by the info in the above link, your next best step is reading the Acrobat pdf file God's 26 Commandments for Christians.

This file contains important info that will help protect you & your family from what soon comes.

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