
Monday 7 March 2022

Ukraine Vs. Russia, V.2

Why did Russia invade Ukraine?  Why now?  Does Ukraine deserve your 100% support?  The answers aren't so obvious, especially when MSM is frequently lying to us all.

I am not in favor of Russia.  I am not in favor of Ukraine.  I am on God's side, and support God's perfect plan for His End Times.  The war in Ukraine is an important step in God's plan.

*** Begin Update #1:   2022-12-14   ***

"As has been widely reported and excellently analyzed — except in the mainstream American press, where Merkel’s remarks last week go unmentioned — the former German leader described her cynical, treacherous betrayal of Moscow during negotiations of the two Minsk Protocols, the first signed in September 2014 and the second the following February.

Berlin, Paris, the post-coup Kiev regime and Moscow were signatories to those accords. How well I recall the earnestness with which Russian President Vladimir Putin entered into the talks. How hopeful many of us were that, with Kiev having swiftly breached Minsk I, the second accord would produce what the Russian president sought — a lasting settlement that would leave Ukraine united and stabilize the security order on Russia’s southwestern border and Europe’s eastern flank.

Earlier this year Petro Poroshenko, Ukraine’s first post-coup president, shocked everybody when he stated publicly that Kiev never had any intention of honoring the commitments it made when it signed the Minsk Protocols: The talks in the Belarusian capital and all the promises were meant simply to buy time while Ukraine built fortifications in the eastern regions and trained and armed a military strong enough to wage a full-dress war of aggression against the Russian-tilted Donetsk and Lugansk regions.

There was never any interest in the federal structure envisioned in Minsk II. There was never any intention of granting the breakaway regions the measure of autonomy Ukraine’s history and its mixed languages, cultures and traditions called for. Committing to all that was a ruse intended to deceive Moscow and the Donbass republics while Ukraine rearmed and shelled the latter in anticipation of the war that broke out in February.

Shocking, O.K. But Poroshenko was a jumped-up candy magnate running the wildly irresponsible, rabidly Russophobic regime that had seized power in Kiev. So: Shocking but also in keeping with the conduct of a corrupt-up-to-the-eyebrows pack of nobodies with no notion or regard for statecraft or responsible governance.

It is another matter, to state the very obvious, for Merkel to say the very same things. The former chancellor was supposed to be leading the West’s diplomatic démarche along with François Hollande, France’s president at the time and plainly a junior partner to Europe’s most powerful political figure. By her own account, she was using diplomacy just as Kiev was, to scuttle the accord she pretended to sponsor.

The U.S., to remind readers, was not part of the Minsk talks. On the one hand, it stood squarely against any settlement with either Russia or the breakaway regions. On the other, there was no point inviting the U.S. to Minsk because its position was obvious and its presence would be counterproductive. Now that Merkel has spoken of these matters, the German position seems to have been that the West needed the accord nobody in the West wanted if time was to be bought for Ukraine’s rearming.

Merkel’s interviews with Der Spiegel and to Die Zeit, which are here and here, were in the way of sprawling retrospectives during which friendly correspondents pitched a series of softballs to a chancellor given to looking back. Minsk and the Ukraine conflict were two topics among many. The documents give the impression that Merkel spoke casually and unguardedly of them. The damning passages are brief but very clear.

Der Spiegel:

She believes that… later during the Minsk talks, she was able to buy the time Ukraine needed to better fend off the Russian attack. She says it is now a strong, well-fortified country. Back then, she is certain, it would have been overrun by Putin’s troops.”

In Die Zeit, the second of the two interviews, Merkel described the Minsk talks as “an attempt to give Ukraine time… to become stronger,” later expressing satisfaction that this strategy — a straight-out abuse of the diplomatic process — has succeeded.

There are various interpretations of Merkel’s remarks. They are generally taken at face value, as an offhandedly delivered admission of her duplicity — and by extension the West’s — in her dealings with Russia on the Ukraine question. Moon of Alabama, a German publication, reads the interviews as Merkel’s attempt to protect her political reputation as Germany’s leadership circles succumb to the kind of Russophobia common in the U.S. but not, heretofore, in the Federal Republic.

I find both of these readings plausible. Either way, the important topic now before us is the damage Merkel did in 2014 and 2015 and the consequences of her comments last week.

Much has been written and said about the fatal blow that Merkel dealt to trust in diplomatic affairs, and I think “fatal” is our word. Ray McGovern was eloquent on this topic, bringing a lifetime’s professional experience to the question, during a long exchange with Glenn Diesen and Alexander Mercouris last week.  

A measure of trust was essential between Washington and Moscow even during the Cold War’s most perilous passages. The Cuban Missile Crisis was resolved as it was because U.S. President John F. Kennedy and the Soviet premier, Nikita Khrushchev, were able sufficiently to trust one another. This trust no longer exists, as Putin and other Russian officials have made clear in responding to publication of the two German interviews.

Moscow and Beijing have said repeatedly since Joe Biden assumed office not quite two years ago that there is no trusting the Americans. The follow-on thought is that there is no point negotiating with them in a diplomatic context. For various Russian officials, from Putin on over and down, Merkel’s revelations seem grimly to have confirmed these conclusions. 

It is a major turn that Moscow now includes the Europeans, and especially the Germans, in this assessment. Germany now tells the lies of which the American empire is made — a matter of anxiety and sadness all at once. If scorched-earth diplomacy is a fitting name for what the West has been up to in its dealings with Russia since 2014, as I think it is, the German bridge between West and East has been burnt.

"The gravity of these conclusions, the implications as we face forward, are immense for the West and non–West alike. A world replete with hostilities is one we all know. A world devoid of trust and talking will prove another matter. As we now see in the Ukraine context, there is no possibility for diplomacy, negotiation or dialogue of any kind without trust. We read daily of the result in those few publications reporting this war honestly."

My summary:   Nuclear WW3, here we come!

*** End Update #1 ***

Dr. Robert Mawire prophesied that the fighting in Ukraine will stop once all the Jews have been evacuated from Ukraine to Israel.

We Christians need to pray for all the people in the war zone (soldiers and civilians alike), and help the refugees.

After researching this for two weeks, here is what I have discovered.

USSR & Russia

The USSR collapsed in Dec., 1991.

One prophecy says that God caused the collapse of USSR so that the Jews could return to Israel.  Today, Russian-Jews are the largest part of Israeli society, around 13%, or 1.2 million people.

The USSR was no innocent, naïve party for the previous 72 years (eg. killing over 23 Million people under Joseph Stalin's tyranny, including 3.9 million peasants in Ukraine that were purposely starved to death by their government), so both Ukraine and the West had a lot of chronic bitterness and loathing towards the USSR.

When the USSR fell, the West pounced on the dead corpse, seeking severe vengeance.  Since then, USA, EU, and all other international pirates have ransacked Russia, bullied Russia, tormented them, and mistreated them for the last 29 years.

For all the Christians out there, remember 1 Peter 3:9 "Do not repay evil for evil, nor reviling for reviling, but on the contrary, bless, for to this you were called, that you may obtain a blessing."

Unless you were in the top 0.01% of the leadership, things had never been fantastic in USSR, nor Russia.  When the West attacked and took its pound of flesh starting in 1991, Russia was surrendered to the oligarch billionaires, and many good, decent Russians departed for anywhere else they could escape to.  Many Russian mafia types also departed with dreams of plundering the target rich environment of the West.


The Turkish Ottoman Empire, as Muslim jihadists, had attacked Spain, France, Italy, Greece, Austria, and many others, including Russia.    There were a total of 548 battles against the invading Muslims ( see: ).

The Muslim navy would attack Mediterranaen, Agean, & Black Sea coastals towns to kill, burn, loot, rape, and capture slaves.  Over 1 million European slaves were captured and taken away by the Muslims.

Eventually the Crusades Wars pushed them back, and Europe was stabilized.

The Russo-Turkish War of 1768–1774 saw Russia capture Crimea from the Ottoman Turks (Muslim jihadists).  Crimea formally gained its independence from both powers (but in reality became dependent on Russia and in 1782 was directly annexed by Russia after bloody clashes between the Christian and Tatar populations).  

In the 1774 Treaty with the Ottomans, Russia gained official status as protector of the Orthodox Christians living in the Ottoman Empire, which opened the door for future Russian expansion in the Turkish Empire.  Unfortunately, that duty of Russia was subsequently disputed by the Roman Catholic Church.

In the 1850's the Russian Orthodox Church wanted to protect its pilgrims who journeyed to Constantinople (Istanbul), Palestine, and Jerusalem.  The Roman Catholic Church claimed sole jurisdiction.  The Turks no longer supported the 1774 Treaty with Russia, so the Turks declared war on Russia in Oct. 1853.  Russia's Black Sea fleet defeated the Turk navy shortly later.  The Czar alienated UK as a likely allie, so France and UK came to aid the Turks, and declared war against Russia. Sardinia joined in the war against Russia, and Russia eventually lost the war.  In March 1856, the Treaty of Paris was signed with a humiliating defeat for Russia by its terms.  In addition, Russia lost 12,000 soldiers, 3 times higher than the combined losses of UK's 2,500 and France's 1,700 men.  

During the Crimean War, UK's Florence Nightingale, a female statistician, found that more men were dying of subsequent infections rather than the original war wounds. Her mathematical analysis and recommended solution caused the war wound fatality rate to drop from 40% to 2.2%.  Nightingale went on to become the first professional Nurse, and create a world-wide nursing movement in health care.  Good come from bad.  A sure sign of God's involvement.

The White Russians in Crimea were defeated by the Red Army during the Russian Revolution, slaughtering 100,000 men or so.  In 1921, Crimea joined the USSR.  

From 1941 to 1944, Crimea was controlled by Nazi Germany, during which the Nazi's killed 40,000 Crimean Jews.

In 1946, the USSR deported the Crimean Tatars for alleged co-operation with the Nazi invaders.  This continued with a general ethnic cleansing by deportation of about 260,000 people (~20% of the total Crimean population); most leaving for Uzbekistan.

In Feb. 1954, Crimea was summarily transferred from the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic to the Ukrainian Soviet Socialists Republic.  This transfer was contrary to both the USSR and Ukrainian constitutions.  It was likely the idea of Nikita Khrushchev, then First Secretary of the Communist Party for favoring Ukraine, consolidating the USSR's Black Sea Navy port, facilitate a power dam on the joint river, and to encourage unity between USSR and Ukraine.

After the breakup of the USSR, a 1997 treaty between the Russian Federation and Ukraine was drafted, where Russia recognized Ukraine's borders, and accepted Ukraine's sovereignty over Crimea.

During 1991 - 2014 dissolution of USSR, various votes were taken by Crimea's local government being autonomous, part of Ukraine, or with Russia.  It's quite a mess.

A 2014 referendum on merging Crimea with Russia was supported by 96.7% of voters with a 83.1% turnout according to official counts.

After the Russia-friendly government of Ukraine was overthrown (see below, likely instigated by Ukranian oligopolist billionaires, & supported by EU/NATO/USA) in Feb. 2014, Russia decided to take back Crimea.  Russia used the latest referendum to justify their annexation of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol (home of Russia's Black Sea navy fleet).

Once Ukraine lost control of Crimea, it shut off the water supply of the North Crimean Canal which supplies 85% of the peninsula's freshwater needs from the Dnieper river, the nation's main waterway.  Since then, Crimea is desperate for drinking water, and Russia is trying to restore drinking water as quickly as possible.

Russia has invested millions in upgrading roads, utilities, schools, electrical generation, hospitals, etc. in Ukraine since taking over.

Russia's annexation of Crimea has been rejected by a non-binding vote of the UN General Assembly, and almost all Western governments.

In May 2015, work began on a multibillion-dollar road-rail link (a pair of parallel bridges) across the Kerch Strait, joining Crimea to Russia.  The road bridge opened in May 2018, and the rail bridge opened in December 2019.  With a length of 19 km, it is the longest bridge in Europe.  A major undersea power cable was laid so as to strengthen the local power grid.

Russia has done a lot to properly govern & help Crimea.


For many centuries, Ukraine was the favorite toy of all surrounding countries;   attacked, lost to other invaders, colonized, and used.  

Finally when the Russian Revolution occurred in 1917, Ukraine made its move, and declared itself a free separate country in June 1917.  That lasted 5 years, then the Bolsheviks forced Ukraine to join the USSR in 1922.

Under Stalin, Ukraine was terribly abused.

Ukraine finally gained its independence in 1991 when the USSR collapsed.

On average, Ukraine's people are 17% ethnic Russians, but there is >50% Russian ethnicity in Crimea, Luhansk, Donetsk, & other regions.

According to a 2015 Pew survey, 78% of Ukrainians identified themselves as Orthodox Christians, a total of 35 Million Christians in a total population of 44.1 million.

Satan wants to deceive and kill as many humans as possible, but enjoys it even more when they are Christians.  Ukraine is a target rich environment for Satan and his Globalist minions.

We, as Christians, need to pray for our Christian brothers and sisters in Ukraine who are in harms way.

Cassette Scandal

In November 2000 the pro-Russia Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma was allegedly caught on audio tape (the Cassette Scandal) ordering the months-earlier kidnapping of pro-Western journalist Georgiy Gongadze, whose decapitated corpse had recently been found. 

The scandal was one of the main political events in Ukraine's post-independence history, dramatically affecting the country's domestic and foreign policy and changing Ukraine's orientation at the time from Russia to the West, and damaging Kuchma's career.  

The FBI was used to vouch for the authenticity of the digitally recorded tapes.  Kuchma said it was in part his voice, but the tapes were altered so as to falsely incriminate him.  Was the FBI acting as a bona fide police force, or as propaganda agent for CIA so as to attack Russia?

Orange Revolution

In 2004, Viktor Yanukovych, then the pro-Russian prime minister, was declared the winner of the presidential elections.  The Ukrainian Supreme Court later ruled that the election had been largely rigged.   The election results caused a public outcry in support of the pro-EU/NATO/USA opposition candidate, Viktor Yushchenko, who challenged the election outcome, starting the Orange Revolution

During the tumultuous months of the Orange revolution, candidate pro-Western Yushchenko suddenly became gravely ill, and was soon found by multiple independent physician groups to have been poisoned by TCDD dioxin.  Pro-Western Yushchenko strongly suspected Russian involvement in his poisoning.  

All of this eventually resulted in the peaceful Orange Revolution, which brought pro-Western Yushchenko and Yulia Tymoshenko to power, while casting pro-Russia Yanukovych into opposition.

Pro-Russia Yanukovych returned to power in 2006 as prime minister in the Alliance of National Unity, until snap elections in September 2007 made Tymoshenko prime minister again.  

Amid the world-wide 2008–09 financial crisis, the Ukrainian economy shrank by 15%.  Disputes with Russia briefly stopped all gas supplies to Ukraine in 2006 and again in 2009, leading to gas shortages in other countries. Pro-Russia Yanukovych was elected President in 2010 with 48% of the vote.

These nat. gas interruptions prompted Germany to seek a new gas pipeline direct from Russia, bypassing Ukraine (Nordstream I and II).

Maidan Uprising Coup d'Etate

The Euromaidan protests started in November 2013 after the pro-Russia president, Viktor Yanukovych, began moving away from an association agreement that had been in the works with the European Union, and instead chose to establish closer ties with the Russian Federation. 

Supported by Ukrainian oligopolist billionaires, some Ukrainians took to the streets to show their support for closer ties with Europe.  

It is rumored that the Ukrainian oligopolists consulted the US Embassy for the support and terms of EU and USA, for the oligopolists would achieve far greater enrichment if Ukraine went pro-Western, rather than pro-Russian.  Finding Western support, the Euro Maidan protests were born.

On Feb. 20, 2014 one or more snipers killed both police as well as protesters.  

The police thought protesters were shooting at the police.  Simultaneously, the protesters thought the police were shooting at the unarmed protester.  At the time, neither side realized that the two sides were being instigated and polarized by the snipers.

In addition, Special Riot Police had snipers installed around the Maidan Square as per usual riot control procedures.  These police snipers heard the shots of the 3rd party instigator snipers, were confused by them, and had many radio inquiries as to who of the police sniper squad was shooting, but all denied shooting at that time.  As the 3rd party snipers killed some police, the Special Riot Police snipers started shooting at the crowd of protesters also, as retaliation and defence.

It is unclear who the instigator snipers were working for (ie. Russia, Ukrainian oligopolists billionaires, CIA, Illuminati, or others).  The sniping murders hardened the positions of both the government and protesters, resulting in the overthrow of the pro-Russian Ukrainian government, with the subsequent installation of a pro-Western/EU/NATO/USA government in Ukraine in 2014.

After the pro-Western Ukrainian government was in power after the Maidan Uprising, there was a steady stream of businessmen, power brokers, and similar carpetbaggers from EU, USA, and other regions who beat a path to Ukraine (including VP Joe Biden and his son, Hunter).  The pro-Western Ukrainian government was soon embroiled in massive corruption scandals, arrested many of  the vocal opposition leaders, radio & TV stations, and other totalitarian techniques to squash dissent, avoid corruption charges, and kill disclosure of wrongdoing.

Gadaffi was "different", but he built up & improved Libya so that the people were better off than all other African country.  In spite of that (or because of that, and his threatening to trade Libyan oil for gold rather than US$, thereby breaking US's hedgemony, Kadafi was executed in 2011 so as to pillage the country. Afganistan, Iraq, Syria had similar things done to them.  Many countries in Africa, Central & South America were similarly consumed.  Ukraine was next on the list by these pirates.

Snipers shooting at both sides, with over 54 people killed by snipers.  The snipers wanted a blood bath, to polarize the situation, harden each side, leading to civil war and coup d'etate of the pro-Russian government of Ukraine.

Some key links exposing the story:

One theory had the snipers working directly or indirectly, for the CIA:

"However it looks like money specifically for Maidan as an event (eg. sleeping bags, portable toilets etc ) came from Poroshenko, who publicly admitted to providing facilities, but not to paying people).  With $2 billion personal wealth, he doesn't need CIA to pay for portable toilets.

Ukraine is a country with an advance form of Oligarchy, a Ukrainian billionaire doesn't need CIA's help to talk a a Ukrainian political organisation or security agency. Nor does such person need a CIA agent to recruit him - he would get his staff member to schedule a friendly meeting with the Ambassador and ask what kind of cover would be provided under what conditions. Building a multi-billion empire is not an easy feat. Even in a thoroughly corrupt country, it requires quite a bit of a drive, so the idea that Poroshenko was a passive passenger doing what CIA was telling him sounds ridiculous."

From one Ukrainian with first hand knowledge, we learn:

"I highly doubt involvement from US agencies. While the US wants to keep Russia out of Ukraine, the rejection of the EU Association Agreement would not have changed the status quo. Yanukovych did not have a great relationship with Putin and had already greatly angered him by even considering the Association Agreement. There was a small "trade war" between the two countries during the summer prior to the Euromaidan protests. Ultimately, the Association Agreement would have been good for the EU and the US, but it wasn't vital.  However, for Russia, the Association Agreement would have been a disaster, removing one of its few remaining European partners from its influence. Therefore, Russia had much more at stake which is why they eventually offered to lower gas prices and provide the Ukrainian government with a loan in exchange for rejecting the Association Agreement.

Leading up to the protests, the Ukrainian government was already unpopular. The protest group FEMEN was founded in Ukraine in 2008 and remained active there until 2013. There had been protests the previous year over a law which allowed local governments to use minority languages (i.e. Russian) instead of Ukrainian. There was a near permanent protest in the middle of Kyiv over the imprisonment of Tymoshenko (Pro-Tymoshenko Rally Marks Two Years Since Her Arrest). There were protests in villages over police abuse (Ukrainian Villagers Say Alleged Police-Rape Case Just Tip Of Iceberg). Just two months prior to Euromaidan, there were protests in Maidan as the government refused to schedule new Kyiv city council elections despite the resignation of the elected mayor (Kyiv City Council Meets Amid Protests).

Initially, Euromaidan was just part of a long string of protests which had been going on for the last couple of years. It is my opinion that Euromaidan would have fizzled out had the government ignored it. There were only a few hundred protesters during the first week when the government attempted to forcibly remove them. It was this action, rather than the Association Agreement, which led to the later massive protests. There seemed to be a level of obliviousness on the part of the government, as every time the protest seemed to be waning, the government would attempt to remove the protesters, which only served to enrage people and reinvigorate the protest. The government's poor handling of the situation led to a continuous escalation of force between the opposing sides, which eventually ended in the protesters favor."

Answer to "Did American intelligence agencies help the Maidan protests in Ukraine?" by Darrell Francis

Sniper of Maiden


In May 2014, a referendum in Luhansk was held on whether they should be an independent country, where 96.2% voted in favor of self-rule, with 81% of eligible voters casting a ballot.  

About 85% of the 1.5 million residents speak Russian.  

The Minsk Agreement of Sept 2014 between Russia, Ukraine, Luhansk, and the EU (OSCE) was negotiated to try and stop the violent civil war.  The Minsk II agreement of Feb. 2015 was a second attempt; but still the upheaval continued.  

Finally, Russia recognized Luhansk as a separate country on Feb. 24, 2022, and finally responded to the ethnic Russians in Luhansk for their plea for protection from ethnic cleansing and chronic attacks against them.


In Donetsk, a May 2014 referendum was held on independence, with 89% in favor by 75% of voter turnout.  

In Donetsk, approximately 50.8% of the 2.3 million people are ethnic Russians.  

Donetsk was also a signatory to Minsk and Minsk II agreements, but they were never fully implemented, and the violence between ethnic Russians and ethnic Ukrainians continued. 

Finally, Russia recognized Donetsk as a separate country on Feb. 24, 2022, and finally responded to the ethnic Russian in Donetsk for protection of them from ethnic cleansing and chronic attacks against them.

Ethnic Russians in Ukraine

Since the coup d'Etate of the pro-Russian government of Ukraine in 2014, both regions have sought independence.

This has led to open warfare against the ethnic Russians in Ukraine, especially these two breakaway regions.  Since 2014, over 14,000 ethnic Russian Ukrainians have been killed.

With the failure of the two Minsk treaties, The Crisis Group (see: ) says:

"... the fighting has transformed into a trench war, with roughly 75,000 troops facing off along a 420-km-long front line cutting through densely populated areas. The war has ruined the area's economy and heavy industries, forced millions to relocate and turned the conflict zone into one of the world’s most mine-contaminated areas."

Neo-Nazis in Ukraine

Some people throw accusations of being Fascists, White Supremecists, or Nazis at anybody with whom they disagree.  In most cases this is just unsupported allegations, no more than an 8 yr. old yelling names at a playground enemy.

However, in Ukraine there appears to be real, live Neo-Nazis as part of the Ukrainian armed forces.  German TV spotted them, and provided this picture captured from their television report.  Canadian troops were sent to train Ukrainian soldiers and also ran into the Neo-Nazi Ukranian troops in Nov. 2021 (see: ).

Since there is a specific Ukrainian Azov Batallian for Neo-Nazis, formed by neo-Nazi volunteers from 22 nations (ie. Calling all neo-Nazis!  Come to Ukraine, we will pay you to kill Russians!, etc.).  I can only assume that there are a significant number of neo-Nazis in the Ukrainian government's bureaucracy, as well as the politicians.

However, these are different neo-Nazis than Hitler's Nazis.  Hitler's Nazis started against homosexuals, then other deviants, next communists (against the Nazi National Socialists, for their allegience to USSR, rather than Germany), trade-unionists (for they were against the alliance of Nazis and the German industrialists for a Fascist "utopia"), and the Jews.

For Ukranian neo-Nazis, they seem totally focused on persecuting &/or killing Russians and ethnic Russians.

Putin has said that his operation’s ultimate goal is “to protect the people who have been subjected for eight years to genocide by the Kiev regime,” Putin said that Moscow would “embark on a demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine, and handing over to justice those who committed numerous atrocities against civilians.” (see: ).  Most of the MSM purposefully misinterpret this "de-natzification" to refer to nothing (ie. a baseless excuse), or ancient Second World War unresolved issues.

Here is some additional important links on Ukrainian neo-Nazis forces:

Azov [Neo-Nazis] are Ukraine's greatest asset, and its greatest threat

### Canada training & equiping with lethal arms for Ukraine, under "Operation UNIFIER".

### April 14, 2017

2021-09-21, Ukrainian neo-Nazis exporting ideologies to EU troops & orginizations

### Oct. 4, 2021

###Oct. 19, 2021 Jerusalem Post 

### oct. 20, 2021

 ### Nov. 8, 2021, The Ottawa Citizen,  

Canadian military officers supporting Ukrainian NAZI's in Ukraine, an event that is also part of the grievances against NATO that degenerated into the current war.

### Nov. 13, 2021
DND Canada controls spin on working with, funding, & training neo-Nazis in Ukraine armed forces

### jan 15, 2022  Jacobin (far left, communist, NYC, NY, USA)

### Jan. 19, 2022

### Jan. 22, 2022

### Jan 27, 2022

### 2022-02-18, The Economist, 

### mar. 1  2022 aljizera

### 2022-3-2, New York Times

NATO arming Ukraine

### Mar. 5, 2022 
World Socialist Websites

"Significant effort has gone into such [Ukrainian] propaganda, and it is clearly backed by the Ukrainian government, which is attempting to demonstrate that killing people is “cool” and “fun,” as the leader of the Neo-Nazi group C14 Yevhen Karas told his audience at a political seminar named after the Ukrainian Nazi-collaborator Stepan Bandera in early February. Karas has also bluntly stated that it is precisely because neo-Nazis like him love killing Russians that the West supplies them with weapons."

### Mar. 10, 2022

### 2022-3-17

CIA paramilitaries had been training Ukrainian forces on the frontlines of the Donbas war against Russian-backed separatists since 2014 and were only pulled out by the Biden administration last month [Feb. 2022].  

As part of the training, CIA paramilitaries taught Ukrainian forces sniper techniques, how to operate US-provided Javelin anti-tank missiles, and how to avoid being tracked on the battlefield by using covert communications and other means.

A former CIA official said the US-based program was training "an insurgency" and taught Ukrainians how to "kill Russians."

"...during the first year of the Trump administration, National Security Officials reviewed the program, which had begun under the Obama administration."

"The CIA paramilitaries were directed to advise and train but not participate in combat."

"When a Russian invasion became "increasingly acute," the Biden administration pulled all CIA personnel out of Ukraine, including the paramilitaries."

"The Biden administration was 'terrified of even clandestine folks being on the frontline.'  "

"The [Ukrainian] resistance was in part thanks to the CIA training program. The US continues to fuel the fighting as President Biden has already pledged over $1 billion in new military aid for Ukraine since the invasion started."

### 2022-3-18
Laura Logan, 35 yrs as war correspondant, virtually nothing in main stream media is true about Ukraine, she speaks truth to power.

### 2022-3-18, Strategic Culture Group, 

### 2022-3-26, Zerohedge
History of Nazi-ism in Ukraine

### Also see: 

"A provision in Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2018, passed by the United States Congress, blocked military aid to Azov on the grounds of its white supremacist ideology; in 2015, a similar ban on aid to the group had been overturned by Congress.[3][4] Members of the regiment come from 22 countries and are of various backgrounds.[19][20]"


The black and red flags of Ukranian Nationalists associated with Nazism have been spotted in Canada.  Chrystia Freeland, Deputy Prime Minister of Canada was caught wearing a black & red scarf in solidarity with these Ukranian groups.  These images were quickly purged from Twitter when questions started to be asked (see: ).

Based on this, just who are we supporting in the Ukraine?

Swastica on helmet of Ukranian soldier
of Azov Batallian.

China:   Russia's Ally

China asked Russia to delay its invasion of Ukraine until after China's Beijing Winter Olympics were finished.

Russia complied.

China is Russia's unlimited strategic allie and partner.

Russia, China, Iran, and N. Korea have been forced together as the "Bad Boys Club" that USA loves to hate.

Russia knew it would attract significant sanctions from the world over Ukraine, but China obviously promised to support Russia in spite of this.

I'm confident that China's energy needs will be well met at reasonable prices by Russia, as few others will buy from Russia.

The suicidal decarbonization of the Western world plus loss of Russia's energy supplies will kill the Western economy, and drive energy & food prices sky high.

I guess that China's secret plan is to push USA and Russia into a confrontation.  USA and Russia destroy (or badly wound) each other.  When the dust settles, China takes over the world.

I think Putin understands this, doesn't fully trust China, but plays the cards he has been dealt.

Will China receive sanctions similar to Russia? 

For example, if one bank robbers goes into the bank while the other waits as lookout and driver of the getaway car, they will be jointly charged, convicted, and similarly sentenced.

Since both Russia and China are "unlimited allies", shouldn't they be equally sanctioned?

Rabid Dog Putin?

Based on all of the above, can we realistically assume that Putin is a crazed, rabid dog that attacked Ukraine for no reason?

I don't think so.  As usual, the Western press has lied and issued propaganda.

So what is really going on?

 2022 Energy Wars

Figure 1

We have known for a long time that it takes energy to live in this world; to cook food, stay warm, and to manufacture.  More recently, we have learned to make fertilizer and chemicals for agriculture that are derived from natural gas and crude oil.

Figure 1 shows a clear correlation I learned about in Engineering school in 1973; 49 years ago.  The GDP of most nations is highly correlated to their energy consumption, with the USA leading the way, followed by Canada.

GDP is directly related to lifestyle, poverty, and freedom.

Since the 1850's, more people have been raised up out of abject poverty (ie. living on less than $1.00 per day) that at any other time in the history of mankind.  Capitalism and manufacturing worked hand-in-hand to make that happen.

Figure 2:  Hubbert's Peak Oil Theory (Red),
US 48-State actual production
(Green).  Note the Shale Oil 
production that began in 1990's

In July 1858, oil was discovered in Petrolia Ontario Canada, which started oil well drilling and refining in Canada.  At first, oil discovery was easy, and got easier & easier as oil engineers learned what to look for.  Later, it became more and more difficult to find bigger, better oil finds.  In 1956, Dr. Hubbert proposed that all crude oil discoveries would follow a statistical bell curve shown in Figure 2.  At first the number and size of oil discoveries would get faster & faster, and bigger & bigger.  However, at some point, the number & size of oil discoveries would reach a peak.  After that peak, the number of discoveries in a year will continuously decline, and the average size of those new discoveries would also decline year over year.  Shortly after, it would become uneconomical to continue to look unless the price charged for the oil climbed  dramatically.  You'd never run out of oil, it just would become too expensive for most uses.

Figure 3: Shale Fracking Gas & Oil
Oil wells hydraulically fractured to increase oil and gas production was first done in 1947.  By Year 2000, fracking shale gas was just 1% of the total US natural gas production.  In 2005, 3 fracking wells are drilled in Pennsylvania Shale formations. 
The green line in Hubbert's graph of Figure 2 shows the addition of shale oil and fracking addition to conventional oil production, beginning in the 1990's, as shown in Figure 3.  This is totally different than conventional oil production.  It appears that this data was added to conventional oil production data in Figure 2 so as to discredit the accuracy of Hubbert's theory.

Who is the biggest importer of natural gas is Europe.  Where does the EU import this key clean burning energy source from?  In Figure 4, we can see that Europe is the world's largest net importer of natural gas.
Figure 4: Natural Gas Imports

In Figure 5, we see that the vast majority of natural gas exports come from Russia, so as to feed the huge need of Europe.  The majority of Russia's natural gas exports pass through Ukraine via pipelines.

Germany arranged for Nordstream I, then Nordstream II natural gas pipelines from Russia, laid in the Baltic Sea to enter directly into Northern Germany, bypassing Ukraine, so as to avoid any interference, and achieve better supply security between supplier (Russia) and customer (Germany).

Figure 5: Nat. Gas Exporters
With the Russian invasion of Ukraine, everybody wants to impose sanctions onto Russia for everything that Russia uses, buys, or sells; except for the oil, natural gas, gasoline, and diesel fuel that Russia exports.

Hypocrisy at its best.

If Russia slows, or stops oil, natural gas, or fuel production, the world's economy will instantly crash.  Russian natural gas is essential to making urea and ammonia fertilizers for millions of farmers.  Without it, crops cannot grow.  Nat. gas is used to heat greenhouses to grow crops.  Without the greenhouses, there will be no hydroponic vegetables, nor seedlings to plant in the Spring.

Russia is an allie of Iran.  The final touches are being placed on the renewed JCPOA nuclear deal with Iran.  Russia insists that there must be no sanctions on neither Iran nor Russia that impedes this deal.  USA/NATO/EU are desperately hoping to get this deal as soon as possible so that Iran can start full exports as quickly as possible to rescue the world's energy supply.

Clearly, the US/EU/NATO have no morals, only pragmatic convenience and profits when they would rather facilitate Iran to go nuclear when they have genocidal plans against Israel.  Is this the higher moral choice over Russia?

Germany has been run or heavily influenced by the Greens Party since 1983.  They have invested heavily in wind turbines and solar panels.  They shut the first coal fired plant in 2020, and hope they have all of them gone by 2035.  The Greens forced "no new nuclear plants" by 1989.  In 2011, Germany proposed shutting down all of its 17 nuclear power plants.  So far, 14 nuclear power plants have been closed, and the rest are scheduled to close by Dec 2022.

Today, Germany is close to a "brown out" every day from 3 PM to 7 PM due to high electrical demand and low generation capacity.  They must fire up oil, coal, and natural gas boilers for this 4 hours of high demand, then idle them for the following 20 hours so as to give wind & solar a chance at generating too.  Of course, this is extremely wasteful, costly, and hard on industrial equipment, boiler refractories, etc.  Gretta and the Greens have no vision for the future, but driven by their half-baked ideologies, so they press ahead in spite of significant danger of destroying Germany's economy, and abandoning most Germans into freezing cold winter with no heat nor electricity.  

These Environmentalists believe that humans are a cancer on Mother Earth, and all (or most) humans must be exterminated so as to save Mother Earth.

Figure 6:  West Texas Intermediate
Crude Oil Price, $/barrel
Meanwhile in the USA, President Biden killed the Keystone XL pipeline, cancelled all drilling on Federal lands, attacked oil & gas drillers, and done everything else possible to destroy USA's energy independence.  Gasoline prices are now over $6.00/USG, and crude oil (WTIC) is over $115/bbl; just one year of the Biden Effect.

The world (ie. manufacturers and consumers) need cheap energy to survice.

Energy producers need high energy prices so they can afford to find new sources, buy new or fix old technologies and equipment, and pay "living wages" to their workers.

If producers don't get a reasonable price, they will slowly reduce production as old equipment breaks down, or existing wells run dry and get depleted.

Personally, I have worked for Saudi Aramco oil company.  The major Saudi oilfield used to produce 95% oil plus 5% sand and water in the 1950's.  When I was there in 2006, that same oil field was producing 20% oil with 5% sand and 75% water.  A huge amout of processing and purifying had to be done to gain just a little bit of oil.  All oil fields go through a similar experience.

 This eventually starves their customers, causes allocation, and bidding wars to get the last few drops of oil.  This tends to drive prices higher.

For consumers, as life gets more & more expensive, and wages don't keep up with inflation, they cut back on their spending.  Rather than 2 week vacations, they take a weekend, or do a stay-cation, and not go at all.  Meat is just 2 nights per week.  Netflicks is cancelled because it can no longer be afforded.  Rather than 2 cars, they get a bike and a bus pass.

Consumer savings have slowly dropped since the 1980's.  People no longer have savings, they operate pay cheque to pay cheque.  Any mistakes, and they fall behind, can never catch up, and have bankruptcy.

Figure 7:  US Interest Rates, peak in the 1980's
then steadily decline to zero.
Central banks have steadily reduced interest rates since the 1980's, trying to buy time.

Ever since the 1980's, interest rates for business have steadily declined, as shown in Figure 7.  Low interest rates help manufacturers buy the lastest technologies and more efficient systems, helping them keep producing.

The other strategy Central Banks have done is to steadily increase the supply of money, as shown in Figure 8.  Banks are drowning in cash, available for loans, lines of credit, mortgages, credit cards, etc.
Figure 8:   M-2 Money Supply

M-2 helps keep people buying and spending.

Klaus Schwab, founder and Chairman of World Economic Forum holds an annual party in Davos, Switzerland for the billionaires, to discuss how they will soon rule the world.

Figure 9: Klaus Schwab, World Economic Forum
Klaus wants to crash the world economy sometime around March 2023, causing a Financial Reset.  Never wanting to waste a disaster, Klaus sees COVID-19 as an ideal tool, opportunity, and reason  to crash the economy.

Putin and Russia likely play a huge role in Klaus' plans.

I guess that some of Klaus' friends have been whispering into the ears of Putin, as well as Russian billionaires, suggesting that now is the time for Russia to make its move for a new deal, and gaining the respect and dignity that Russia and Putin deserve.

Klaus likely suggests that Gretta and her friends have forced banks and hedge funds to no longer fund loans to dirty oil, natural gas, and fossil fuels.  Without cheap capital, Russia can no longer produce cheap energy supplies.  Russia must be self-funding, so the energy price must pay a sustainable income that must be re-invested into Russia's means of production.

About 60% of Russia's GDP comes from oil & gas and fossil fuel sales.  Without those sales, Russia is dead as a nation and a people.  Russia must force a new deal.

God's New Deal

Based on two Prophetess of God, Mar. 20, 2023 is a likely date for God to make His big move.

Shortly after that, Klaus and the other minions of Satan will likely make their move in response.

End Times Sequence of Events

I expect the following:

On or about Mar. 20, 2023 God will seal and anoint the Born Again, true, obedient Christians (ie. those who live in accordance with "God's 26 Commandments for Christians"), making them into "Overcomers", then protecting them from Satan & everything else. Prophecies: 


The Children of God (ie. True, obedient Christians) are fully protected, and need not fear anything but God.  All others humans are on their own, subject to death, disease, persecution, famine, etc. during WW3, AntiChrist's reign, Mark of the Beast, etc. during End Times.

Shortly after Mar. 20, 2023, the Two Witnesses (Rev. 11:3), the 144,000 (Rev. 7:1-8), and all the Overcomers (all the above sealed by God) start God's revival by the true, obedient, sealed Christians (or Messianic Jews) working among the lukewarm Christians, Muslims, and all others; healing them, preaching the Gospel, doing miracles, etc. so as to convert them to true, obedient Christians or Messianic Jews. Conversion is slow at first, but rapidly gains converts during WW3 & AntiChrist reign (see below).

Shortly after Mar. 20, 2023, the US/EU/NATO (King of the South) will do something stupid that provokes &/or interferes in the Ukraine-Russia conflict.  

Putin/Russia (King of the North) will respond to the stupid actions of USA/EU/NATO (King of the South) like a whirlwind, as described in Daniel 11:40-45.  "Whirlwind" may be how Prophet Daniel saw & described nuclear mushroom clouds.

A recent prophecy says the Globalists planned to instigate USA-Russia all-out nuclear war in the hope that it would create a nuclear winter.  The nuclear war and subsequent nuclear winter was hoped to kill off billions of humans who are "parasites" on Mother Earth.

If there was (or is) a conspiracy to this effect, I support that all of them should be immediately arrested and charged with conspiracy to commit mass murder, hate crimes, and "crimes against humanity" with life inprisonment with no parole once convicted.

Fortunately, God will not allow a nuclear winter.  Does that mean God will not allow any nukes to detonate?   

Henry Gruver, a prayer walker & prophet of God, while he was prayer walking in Wales in Dec. 1986, went up into the Eagle Tower, Caernarfon Castle (Prince of Wales' castle), Wales UK, where he had a vision of a Russian nuclear attack upon USA.

USA will be hit by 6 nukes:   3 on East Coast USA, 3 on West Coast USA.

We don't have a specific date for when Henry Gruver's prophecy might occur.  Whenever it does occur, it will obviously be the end of USA as a world power.

Henry's prophecy is obviously the beginning of WW3, both conventional warfare, plus WMD's, bioweapons, & with limited nuclear war (Daniel 12:1, Rev 6:1-8).

Another prophecy of Henry was the attempted land invasion of USA.  Some areas God blocked the landing of Russian &/or Chinese troops, other areas God shielded, other areas were targeted for full invasion as judgment for their sins.  

For time sequencing reasons, it would logically seem necessary to have the above events near the beginning of End Times, rather than the end.  However, man doesn't think like God, and God seems to enjoy cliff hangers, plot twists, and double reversals; better than any Hollywood thriller movie.

China likely takes Taiwan.  Other chronic disputes in the world get their long term bitterness & vengence settled; the world goes crazy. 

Putin rolls over all of Europe, poisonous gas &/or bioweapons are also used (see Henry Gruver's other visions in Trafalger Square, London UK). 

Putin's war machine gets as far as the edge of Israel, and all of Egypt, then he receives bad news from Moscow and Beijing China, abandoning him.  Putin camps out between Jerusalem & Mediterranean Sea, awaiting his fate.

When Putin reaches Middle East, then Iran, Turkey, Hamas in Gaza, Hezbolla, etc. continue (with or without Putin ?) so as to try destroying Israel under Psalm 83.  God saves Israel.

The next sequence isn't totally clear to me.  The identity of the AntiChrist isn't known for sure, but we have some clues; details are here:

My personal favorite candidate for AntiChrist is Barak Obama, for Christians thinks Obama is a Christian, while Muslims think Obama is a Muslim, Blacks and People of Colour see Obama as one of theirs, and the middle class relate well with him; making Obama "acceptable" to over 50% of the world's population.

If Obama is truly the AntiChrist, he must soon position himself into the line of succession as leader of the world.

Obama said “I used to say if I can make an arrangement where I had a stand-in or front-man or front-woman and they had an earpiece in and I was just in my basement in my sweats looking through the stuff and I could sort of deliver the lines while someone was doing all the talking and ceremony, I’d be fine with that because I found the work fascinating,” start at 6:16:00

There have been a number of slips where Obama has been identified closely with the Biden Administration as a key advisor, hidden behind the scenes.

One possible scenario is that when USA gets nuked by Russia (see above, Rev. 16:17 to 18:24), I suspect that Biden freezes, rather than react to Russia's attack.  VP Kamala Harris may use the 25th Amendment to remove Biden from office of POTUS, making herself President.  Kamala then appoints Obama as new VP (subject to Congress' approval).

An assassination attempt is made on POTUS Kamala Harris, Kamala is killed, and Obama is badly wounded in his arm and a bullet through his right eye into his brain, as prophesied (Zech. 11:17, Rev 13:1-10).  Satan uses an evil spirit to resurrect Obama's dead body as the AntiChrist, allowing Obama to continue on as POTUS just 3 days after the shooting. 

With millions, to as many as 2 Billion dead from WW3, the world is in great fear.  Obama/AntiChrist uses the UN to become appointed the Leader/Ruler of the entire world, as AntiChrist. 

Pope Francis endorses Obama as ruler of the world, so Pope Francis is the False Prophet (Rev. 13:11-15).

AntiChrist befriends Israel, allowing them to build their 3rd Temple.  Jews think the AntiChrist is their long awaited Messiah.  Muslims think AntiChrist is their long awaited Mahdi.

AntiChrist & False Prophet implement Mark of the Beast (a.k.a. Social Credit Score system modeled on China), neither buy nor sell without Mark of the Beast (Rev. 13:16-18).

Prophecy (See: ) says fake documents are planted, then "discovered" as "Dead Sea Scrolls 2", which falsely "proves" Bible is fake.  AntiChrist uses this as excuse against all Christians and Bible, blaming them for WW3, so Bible is  made illegal, people are jailed for possession, Bible burning & Bible confiscation is done world-wide.

Antichrist persecutes luke-warm  Christians (Rev. 12:17), tolerates Jews, and celebrates evil people who comply with AntiChrist, and do his persecuting for him.

One world government, one world currency (social credit system, Mark of the Beast), one world religion (humanism with AntiChrist as the "Saviour") is fully implemented (Dan. 11:36-39).

AntiChrist finally takes God's seat in Jew's 3rd Temple in Jerusalem, all humans are commanded to worship him, &  Jewish sacrifices are stopped.  Jews realize their error, then flee to the desert (Petra ?), God protects the remnant (70% of  Jews were killed in WW3 & Psalm 83 War, 30% remnant left to flee).

As described in Daniel 12:1-3, and Rev. 14:12-16, all who previously died in Christ are resurrected & raptured to Heaven.  All who converted to be true obedient Christians are raptured to Heaven.

Jesus Christ returns to Earth with His army of Saints, starting at Mount Sinai in Saudi Arabia, then kills all the evil ones He comes upon as He works His way North towards Mount of Olives, Jerusalem (Deut 33:1-29; Rev. 19:11-18, Rev. 14:17-20; Jgs 5; Ps 68, 110:3; Isaiah 35, 40, 42, 63; Hab. 3; Zech 9, 14; 1 Enoch 1). Jews recognize Jesus as the true Messiah, following Him back to Jerusalem.

Satan tries to drown the Jews with a flood in Jerusalem, but  Jesus splits the Mount of Olives into two pieces, with new ravine to take flood waters away, saving the Jews. Remnant of Jews flee back to the desert with their Angelic escort (Rev. 12:13-16).

Angels throw the AntiChrist & False Prophet into the Lake of Fire for torment, burning, & no rest for ever & ever (Rev. 19:20).  Satan is chained & thrown while alive into the  bottomless pit for 1,000 years (Rev. 20:1-3).

Evil armies of the world, plus all evil people (non-Christians, non-Messianic Jews) are summoned to the Valley of Decision for Battle of Armageddon (Rev. 16:12-16, 19:21; Ezek 37, 38; Mat 24:37-41; Luke 17:30-37).  Jesus wins. God's winepress of wrath is filled. Blood flows 5 ft. deep.  Birds feast on evil bodies in battlefield.

After the battle, Messianic Jews return to clean the battlefield & burn weapons (Ezek. 39) while Jesus has a 7 year wedding supper of the Lamb in Heaven with all true, obedient Christians (Rev.  19:4-9).

When everything is cleaned up in Israel & Jerusalem, Jesus & Christians (bride) return to Earth.  Jesus takes His throne in Jerusalem.  Various Kingdoms and cities on Earth are given to some true Christians to rule under the King of Kings Jesus Christ as reward for their faithful service to God (Rev. 20:4-6).

There is peace & joy on Earth for 1,000 years.  All must come to Jerusalem each year to sacrifice at the Temple, and for God's festivals, or they don't get rain for their crops to grow the following year (Zech 14:17).

After 1,000 year reign, Satan is released from bottomless pit (Rev. 20:7-10).  Satan rallies all evil humans to revolt against God.  God rains down fire & brimstone to kill all the evil persons.  Satan is thrown while alive into the Lake of Fire with the AntiChrist & False Prophet, where all 3 can be tormented and burn for eternity.

All those who died in their sins are resurrected to their trial before the Great White Throne of God (Rev. 20:11-15).  Everybody who is evil is convicted, then thrown into the Lake of Fire, to burn & be tormented day & night without rest for ever & ever.  There will be weeping (ie. hypocrites who thought they would get away with their "wolf in sheep's clothing" routine) & gnashing of teeth (ie. atheists who don't believe in God, &/or hate God, satanists, demons, and truly evil humans who will be angry at God forever).

The old heaven & Earth will pass away, and the new Heaven & Earth are created by God, and everybody lives forever in joy and peace with their God (Rev. 21:1-27, 22:1-6).

The End.

For even greater detail, plus what individuals & families should do to protect themselves, see:  

Probable Sequence of Events in God's End Times Process, Version 26,

*** Update #2 2023-03-07 ***
Klaus Schwab's Global Reset was wrongly stated as March 2022.  This was corrected to March 2023.

God's Big Move prophecy was issued ~ Feb. 2022, saying we were arriving at the time.  I thought this referred to the start of the new biblical year on Mar. 21, 2022.  It now appears that this referred to the 2022-23 biblical year, but the end of that year, not the beginning.  I have therefore now updated God's Big Move to Mar. 21, 2023 (originally was Mar. 21, 2022).

*** End Update #2 ***

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