
Monday 13 June 2022

High Watch: June 14-22, 2022

### Begin Update #1:  2022-7-10 10:29 am  ###

Nothing occurred during the High Watch period proposed herein.

President Biden is now scheduled to be in Jerusalem on Wednesday July 13, 2022 .  See posting "Biden in the Middle East" 

for what likely comes next.

### End Update #1 ###

  I am declaring another high watch period for June 14-22, 2022.

The start date of June 14th is the 26th day of the 3rd month according to the Official Enoch Calendar, which is the last day of the rains for the Great Flood.

Alternatively, June 14th is also the 15th of Sivan on the current Hebrew calendar, which is the day that Abraham's son Judah was both born (1565 BC), and died (1446 BC), at the ripe old age of 119 years.  Curious how Jacob was born and died on the same day of the year, don't you think?

Dr. Barry Awe, another Watchman, has also suggested this date  I no longer support his Pre-Trib Rapture assumption, but his date calculations are believed to be valid for God's Big Move.

I define God's Big Move to be what is prophesied by Habakuk 1:5

"Behold ye among the heathen, and regard, and wonder marvellously: for I will work a work in your days, which ye will not believe, though it be told you."

Erin and Julie have quoted and paraphrased this verse repeatedly for years.

Histogram of frequency for Erin's 
prophecies of Hab. 1:5 from June 2016 to today, more than 27 occurrences, ranging from 70 days to every 350 days, the "70 day or less" interval being the usual.

The end date for this High Watch period is June 22nd., and is based on Dr. Mawire's specific prophecy for this date, as well as Erin's and Julie's prophecies for Spring 2022 as the time of God's Big Move, as June 21st. is the last moment of Spring, and the first day of Summer.

For those familiar with "I Pet Goat II" animation predictive programming, we are now likely at the point where the little girl Lilly realizes the apple she holds (the apple of God's eye, Jerusalem and Israel?) isn't really her property, so she lets it go, it rolls along the Masonic floor, hits the boot of Obama standing on an English gold sovereign (collapsing financial markets ?), the apple splits open (dividing the land for the Two State Solution, giving away part of God's land ?), and a water lilly (Satan ??) sprouts from the two pieces simultaneously.  For more on this, see the Watchman channel "God's Roadmap to the End" here:

Dr. Robert Mawire's prophecy:  also see: 

Julie's latest prophecy:

Erin's latest prophecy:

In this prophecy, God mentions that if you see a heat wave on the horizon, you must take immediate action, for if you continue to stand there and just watch it, it will destroy you.

I interpret this to mean a real heat wave on a real earthly horizon, not just warm weather nor an allegorical hidden meaning.  To be destroyed by a heat wave, it would have to be a CME from our sun, a huge meteor, an atomic explosion, MOAB, or something similar.  It reminded me of my first and only (so far) prophetic dream, see:

There was an announcment on June 12, 2022 of the visit planned on Jul 14, 2022 by President Biden to Israel and Jerusalem, likely to announce a Two State Solution land grant to Palastinians, &/or the Palastinian Authority's capital as Jerusalem.

Other reports provide different timing:

"Biden is likely to add Israel as a stop in his Europe trip, either before a G7 meeting in Germany on June 26-28 or after a NATO summit in Spain on June 29-30."

For security reasons, the Whitehouse and Israel may be throwing mis-information out there.  One scenario is to say a definite later date while the real date is a previous, earlier date that was considered then cancelled in favor of the later date.  In this way, if assassins or terrorists focus on the confirmed later date, but hear rumors of the earlier date, they will dismiss it as old info, thereby confusing them and catching them unprepared & out of position when Biden arrives.  Based on this theory, I suspect that one of the late June dates (June 22, 2022 ?) is the real date for Biden's visit to Israel.

For Biblical significance, see Leviticus 25:23 and Joel 3:2 for those who try dividing God's land.

[Lev 25:23 KJV] "[23] The land shall not be sold for ever: for the land is mine; for ye are strangers and sojourners with me."

[Joe 3:2 KJV] "[2] I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land."

Biden will likely say this plan is for the best, to help bring "peace and safety" to the Middle East.  In that case, I refer you to 1 Thessalonians 5:3

[1Th 5:3 KJV] "[3] For when they shall say, 'Peace and safety'; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape."

We are in interesting times.  On all of Planet Earth, there is only one safe place to hide from what soon comes, and it isn't inside a $10 million underground secret bunker.

The Bible says 25% of world's population (ie.  2 billion people) will suddenly die some time soon.  Don't die in your sins, thereby dooming yourself to Hell (ie. the Lake of Fire) where you will have no rest, but suffer burning and torment, both day & night, for ever & ever, for all eternity.

The only safe place is under God's protection as one of His children of God.

To gain God's protection, you must fear God, learn about God through the Bible, know God, believe fully in God, love God with all your mind heart body soul & strength, confess & repent your sins against God's commandments, forgive all others who ever treated you badly, pray to God and ask God to forgive all your confessed sins and to cleanse you with His blood He shed on the cross as the perfect sacrifice for everybody's sins, allow your old sinful self (a slave to sin and a child of Satan) to die so that your new righteous self can be born as a child of God, get baptized, lovingly choose (ie. neither grudgingly nor fearfully) to be obedient to God's commandments, and flee from all temptations to sin, pray for God to strengthen you, to hedge you in, and shield you from Satan's fiery darts as you live your new righteous life, protected by God.

To get started, you need God's 26 Commandments for Christians, a summary of 276 Bible verses, arranged as 26 commandments, plus a prayer:

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