
Thursday 26 May 2022

COW Bread

COW Bread will save you & your family from the food shortages,  unaffordable food prices, and the poor nutrition of pseudo-food from industrial farming that is sold in most grocery stores.

Recently a food security expert testified before the UN Security Council that there is currently just 10 weeks supply of wheat in storage on world-wide basis; a critically low inventory, which will soon create food riots around the world.

Buy now, or cry later.

Taking 647 grams of wheat, made into bread will supply 2,200 kcal of food energy at a cost of  CA$ 1.46 per person per day; enough to keep a man alive.  

The whole wheat has a significant number of the essential nutrients & vitamins you need.  

MRE's (Meals Ready To Eat, sealed in mylar, vacuum packed, &/or freeze dried) are about $40.00 per person per day.  Restaurants will cost you about $200.00 per day per person.  It's your choice, but store shelves may soon be empty, or the pseudu-food is available but at a price you cannot afford. 

Wheat grown in the 7 good years was the solution for the 7 lean years in Egypt.  Pharaoh & Joseph fed the entire world, and kept it from starving via wheat.  Numerous holes, the size of modern skyscaper buildings were excavated in the Egyptian desert, near the Pyramids and elsewhere, storing the wheat, then selling it to all buyers during the 7 lean years.  The following video shows the Egyptian grain bins for storing, and selling the wheat on a FIFO First In, First Out, new grain goes into storage at the top, taken out at the bottom when sold) basis to ensure high quality food.

A 1,000 kg bulk bag of COW
 arrived in our trailer.  I covered
 it in a waterproof plastic cover
to protect it from dust, splashes,
& rain when in transit.

"COW" stands for Clean Ontario Wheat.  The best wheat is hard, red, Spring wheat, ideal for making bread.

Clean means that the wheat has been dried (14% moisture, or lower so that it can be stored indefinitely), then screened to remove contamination (eg. dust, stones, straw, weed seeds, etc.).

Ontario means it was produced near me, where I live, in the Province of Ontario Canada, (ie. reducing trucking charges, scraping off the protective coating on each grain as it bounces down thousands of km. of highway, supporting local farmers, etc.).  If you live in Kansas, USA it's best to buy wheat grown in Kansas.

When we bought a tonne of COW last time in 2021, it was CA$ 278.13/MT.  In May 2022, COW was selling for CA$ 730.00/MT, a 262% increase in one year.  Ouch!  Yet the government insists inflation is only 6%/yr. Yah, right!

The wheat is whole kernels, exactly as it comes off the plant, no processing, no chemicals, just as God made it, and the farmer's combine harvested it.

The grain (also called a "wheatberry"), is encapsulated in the hard bran coating, keeping oxygen, moisture, grease, dust, and everything else away from the wholesome goodness of the wheat.  Wheatberries were found inside the Pyramids for Egyptian Pharaohs, and some claimed they were able to germinate after 3,000 years, or so.

COW offloaded, awaiting
storage in sea container to protect
the COW from rain, rodents, etc.
Today, scientists have tested wheat and found it to have a max. seed storage life under ideal conditions of 573 years with a 15% loss of germination (95% --->80%).  If germination fails, it's usually because the seed has been physically abused by shattering the seed, or scraping off the protective outer coating epithelial layer of the bran, allowing the seed to be oxidized and killed.  Germinating a small sample proves the quality of the food it can make.

COW can be planted as it is, and you'll likely get 85% germination, or better.  That is how you know its nutritious to eat; there's God-given life inside each grain of wheat.

I bought my COW from my friendly neighbourhood agricultural supplier, Northland Agromart.  They sourced my COW from Jones' Feedmill.  When I received it, I tested it to make sure I had the rear stuff, and it was good quality.

COW in my kitchen in a
moisture proof, hermetically
sealable container (Lock & Lock)
Others find a cloth bag tied shut,
stored in a cool, dark, place
away from humidity is also good.
First, I ran 1 kg of COW through a screen pack (#12  to #325). A #12 screen is about 1/2" × 1/2" openings, and a #325 is finer than a coffee filter, you can barely see through the holes, they are so small.  I found about 80% was good whole grain, plus about 15% of under-sized grains or broken pieces.  Each of the smaller screens had less than a few grams of broken grain pieces, or dust.  I was happy.

Next, I weighed out a 100 gram sample of COW, put it into an oven at 250 deg F to dry.  After a couple hours I re-weighed the COW, finding the weight loss indicated 10% moisture content.  The dryer the wheat is, the less water you're buying, and if it's 14% or higher moisture, it will spoil in storage (ie. Rot, mold, bacteria, etc.).  My COW was approved for the next test.

Next, I ground 1 kg of COW in my Komo Mill.  The mill I decided to buy is one of the most expensive models, as it also has an oats flaker, inside a snazzy wood box, and is said to be the best quality available, and is therefore said to justify the $1,200.00 price tag.  I choked & hesitated for a year due to this huge price, but eventually bought due to dis-satisfaction with the toys sold for $30.00 that can't do the job.

The flour is freshly ground for each bread making session; maximizing the taste & nutrition.  I found the fresh ground flour needs a lot less water than the typical bread baking recipe using store-bought flour, so I cut back the water, or add a little extra flour.  If you have some flour left over, put it in a plastic bag, remove the air, seal, and place in freezer, minimizing rancidity of flour.

Livestrong says:
"A 50 gram serving of hard red wheat berries, or about 1/4 cup uncooked, provides 163.5 calories, 1 gram of fat, 6.5 gram of protein, 35.5 gram of carbohydrates, 6 gram of dietary fiber and 1 milligram of sodium. Wheat berries are rich in vitamins B1 and B3; and the minerals magnesium, phosphorus, copper, manganese and selenium."

"B vitamins are important for a healthy nervous system and energy metabolism; magnesium along with phosphorus is essential for regulating blood pressure and building strong, healthy bones. Phosphorus is also needed to form part of DNA and RNA, activate some proteins in the body and store and transport energy. Copper is needed to form connective tissue, blood cells and promote function of the nervous, immune and cardiovascular systems. Manganese aids in bone formation and the metabolism of carbohydrates and proteins while selenium supports immune system and thyroid gland function."

"Wheat berries, like most whole grains, are an excellent source of dietary fiber -- which promotes digestive health; helps lower blood cholesterol and blood sugar levels; aids in weight management and encourages regular bowel movements. The Harvard School of Public Health reports that whole grains, such as wheat berries, contain plant estrogens or phytoestrogens that may reduce your risk of developing certain types of cancers -- particularly in conjunction with minerals found in whole wheat -- such as magnesium, selenium, copper, and manganese."
Additional nutritional info on wheat is  available here:

Highly detailed nutritional profile for whole grain wheat is available here:

The following link provides some important information, nutritional research, and references on stone ground wheat, organic wheat, bread, and nutrition, but there are numerous typographical errors:

My bread recipe included yeast, salt, sugar, butter, skim milk powder, and water. That's all it takes to create bread. 

I used a bread machine to make my COW Bread, but have previously practiced with sourdough (ie. no commercial yeast (natural yeast starter mix I made myself, hand made start to end).

Food Geek, a self-taught expert on sourdough bread, has an excellent bread recipe calculator, hundreds of YouTube videos on How To.

Komo Mill, made in Germany,
to fine grind the COW into flour

Freshly ground COW, ready
for the bread machine.  I plan
to experiment using COW
for my sourdough bread.

The first loaf on the right was produced using
ice cold well water in a cold bread machine.  The
second loaf (on left, on metal cooling rack) was
produced using warm tap water, and in a warm
bread machine, right after the first loaf came out.
This is the reason the 2nd loaf is twice the size
of the first loaf.
The COW bread was sampled by about 15 people, all of whom agreed it was excellent bread, and they enjoyed it greatly.

COW bread isn't exciting, but it will keep you alive during what soon comes (famine for the entire planet).

The 7 lean years began on Sept. 15, 2000.  We have completed 1 year 8 months so far, so we likely have 5 years 4 months yet to go.  I suggest you buy a 6 year supply of COW for yourself, and all your loved ones; 1 kg/day/person would be:

1 kg/day/person x 365 days/yr x 6 yrs= 2.19 tonnes/person.

You need to keep it cool, dry, dark, and protected from rodents & bugs.

If you need a recipe, here is one for sourdough bread: 

If you'd rather a yeast bread, substitute 3.5 teaspoons of bread yeast instead of the sourdough starter mix.  If you want to do it in your bread machine, follow the machine's standard instructions for whole wheat bread.

Go for the "Big Picture"

Remember, COW can be stolen from you, or get damaged, rot, go rancid, or contaminated.  If you have food while others starve, the hungry people will soon see it in your face, or what you say, or how you say it; and this knowledge can get you killed by the starving, food rioting mob.  There is no safe place, nor provision, without God.

It is against God's commandments to be a prideful, arrogant, unloving  hoarder of food while others starve, so God will likely not protect a hoarder.  If you want God's protection, you must be obedient to God's commandments.

I therefore suggest you share this info with your community, and get everybody involved publicly to get it implemented, rather than hoarding in secret.

As Christians, we have a duty to ensure the widows, orphans, disabled, and the poor receive adequate care.

A full belly now is a terrible price for losing your soul forever.  Therefore, as important as COW Bread is,  your eternal salvation is even more important. 

God's 26 Commandments for Christians summarizes 276 of the most important Bible verses so you can be a Born Again, saved Christian who is obedient, rather than a "worker of iniquity".  

As Psalm 91 says, God will protect you, nothing else can.


  1. I ate some of Glenn’s COW bread and found it to be delicious. 1 MT is way too much for me, but I would be interested in sharing an order with others. Lou at, 647-988-8182

    1. hi I would love to make good bread.. and share some cow with others...if you require a purchase....and i need very easy recipes 4166544325

  2. Interesting information. Thanks.

  3. Thank-you. It is all to the greater glory of God.


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