
Saturday 8 April 2023

He is Risen

 Yesterday, I conceded defeat on my latest High Watch date when God's Big Move had not occurred as hoped for.

Since then, Erin, a Prophetess of God, posted her latest dream:

Dream 686 – The King Shucker and His Prize Pearls

Here, Erin proposes to Jesus that the date for God's Big Move is Easter Sunday, April 9th, 2023.  Jesus didn't directly answer, but said that her 

“Your prayer is good, Erin.  I have heard your petition and it is a sweet aroma to the Throne of God in Heaven.”

then later added:

“... I see all of this.  There is an Appointed Time for all things under Heaven and for God’s Glory.  The hour is late.  Keep oil in your lamps.  I am here.  Your Groom speaks to you.  I come bearing gifts.  Do not worry.  I love you.”

Erin prophecy is collaborated by Julie, another Prophetess of God:

Erin's prophecy is also colaborated & indirectly supported by Dr. Robert Mawire, another Prophet of God:

Erin's prophecy is also supported indirectly by Mandi.  Mandi claims to be a Prophetess of God, but I have not yet done a full deep investigative  Berean research on her, but I find her Biblically aligned from what I hear so far, so I  take what she says with lots of salt and suitable caution:

On this basis, I again declare a High Watch period for Sunday April 9th, 2023.

Since God's day begins at sunrise, and Jerusalem in Israel is God's Throne on Earth, and is the apple of His eye, this event is likely keyed to the Jerusalem sunrise, which is 6:19 am local time in Jerusalem (GMT +3).

Android app. "Sunrise Sunset" by 

North America East Coast is GMT -4 for EDT, so we are 7 hours after Jerusalem as the sun's apparent travel, so our equivalent moment is Saturday April 8, 2023 at 11:19 PM EDT.

Left Behind, Rejected by God

We need to be suitably well oiled, and without spot nor wrinkle to be able to fully participate in this event as God's elect.

Luke-warm Christians; and those who arrogantly & pride-fully rely upon the dirty rags of their vane works; and those who have high emotion but no depth to their relationship with Jesus Christ as their Jehovah, LORD, and Saviour; and those who believe in a non-Bible based Jesus of their own imagination; and those who follow cults and pseudo-Christian doctrine; and workers of iniquity who are not obedient to God's laws; and those who fail to repent their sins; and those who refuse to forgive others; all of these will be left behind.

If you don't want to be left behind from God's Big Move, here is what you need to know and do:

God's 26 Commandments for Christians

True Christians

A True Christian will:

Fear God; know God, and know that Jesus willingly died as a blood sacrifice for their sins, then God raised Him from the dead; believes in God, their Creator, Lord, & Saviour; loves God (ie. God the Father, Jesus Christ His Son, and the Holy Spirit) with all their heart, mind, body, soul, & strength; loves their neighbours as themself; understands both God &  sin through reading God's Word every day; believes God's Word is truth, God-breathed and inspired, & preserved by God; learns to study & rightly divide God's Word; learns God’s commandments; confesses & repents to God all their sins (both known & unknown); is humble & contrite, and admit they are a broken person without God; turns away from sin and turn towards God; fully forgives all those who trespassed against them or hurt them; prays to God for God's forgiveness of their sins & His cleansing of them; lets their old sinful self (ie. a slave to sin, and a child of Satan) die off, so that their new, obedient, righteous self can be Born Again as a child of God; invites Jesus into their life, to dwell in their heart through faith; gets baptized by full immersion in water in the name of God the Father, Jesus Christ His Son, and the Holy Spirit; remembers God's promises that temptation will never be greater than what they can resist, and there will always be a path to escape from sin & temptation; gets all iniquity (ie. pre-planned, pre-meditated, or chronic sin) out of their life; obeys all of God's commandments to the best of their ability; prays to God that He hedges them in, & keeps them away from sin and Satan’s fiery darts; flees from sin & temptation, and when they fail, stops (ie. the sooner they stop sinning, the better) & repents & confesses their sins to God and asks for forgiveness & wisdom & strength to resist all same & similar sins in the future; does not grieve nor quench the Holy Spirit; dresses, acts, & thinks in a modest & humble manner; carefully studies alleged Prophets & prophesies, testing them against God's Word, rejects what is false, and keeps what is good; does not pray to, nor worship, nor sacrifice to anything other than God; rejects all False Gospels & heresies; praises & worships God; prays continuously to God the Father; obeys the righteous laws of man, & pays their tributes (taxes); pays a tithe of 10%; help widows, orphans, the poor, the sick, strangers, & neighbours; is joyous & thankful; avoids pride, boasting, grumbling, & murmurring (ie. rebellious complaining); lives each day by being & acting through the Fruit of the Holy Spirit (ie. faith, longsuffering, patience, meekness, gentleness, temperance, goodness, righteousness, godliness, joy, peace, truth, and love); denies themself, then lives for their Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ; shares their testimony & preaches the Gospel to every living creature; prepares themself to serve God each day, and to be mocked, scorned, rejected, persecuted, &/or martyred in the name of Jesus Christ.

If anybody consistantly & whole heartedly does all the above, they will be one of the saved souls who avoid Hell, and spends all eternity in Heaven with their loving God, and live there in peace, love, joy, and fulfillment.  

[Phl 4:8 KJV] "8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things."

Mere Salvation

Some people may think that the above list for True Christians goes way beyond the absolute minimum conditions for salvation.

That is true.  This is the ideal, Biblically  recommended list.

However, where is your heart if you seek to do only the absolutely minimum necessary things to get to eternal life with Jesus?  

Does Jesus judge by outward signs, or by the inward heart?

Secondly, the Bible describes the falling away and the apostates at End Times.  This is only possible for Believers who changed their mind.  

It is suggested all those things listed above that some people may regard as "optional" or "nice to do, but not essential" are exactly the steps that will help ensure you are not one of those that "fall away".

Remember, those who don't have a deep, loving relationship with Jesus Christ (see above) are doomed to Hell.

Hell, The Lake Of Fire

Hell, also called the Lake of Fire, was primarily for Satan and his evil demons.  However, all those who do not have a deep loving relationship with Jesus Christ, or are "workers of iniquity", or commited the Unforgiveable Sin, or took the Mark of the Beast (666) or worshipped The Beast, or modified their DNA (eg. genetic mutations via gene therapy or hacking, chimeras, AI augmentation, hybrid humanoids, possibly COVID-19 &/or its vaccination, etc.) so that they are no longer fully human, then they are doomed to the Lake of Fire.

Those thrown into the Lake of Fire will have no rest, neither day nor night, but will suffer burning and torment for ever & ever.  There will be gnashing of teeth (ie. Severe anger) and weeping forever.  Once somebody enters the Lake of Fire, there is no escape, there is no death, there is only an eternity of torment and burning.


I welcome your comments & feedback below.  

Am I missing something from my list of attributes for a True Christian?


  1. thank you so much for your steadfast dedication to being a watchmen and your hope felt posts! i so appreciate your humility! thank you!

  2. Thank-you. All to the greater glory of God.


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