
Thursday 13 April 2023

Quds Day Against Israel, April 21 2023

As Christians, we are called to love all humans.  We are commanded to pray for our leaders, even when (or especially when) we have a dud (ie. a lost, evil, &/or incompetent ruler).

In contrast to this, starting in 1979, shortly after the Islamic Revolution in Iran,  Iran has designated the last Friday of Ramadan in each year as Quds Day (ie. Jerusalem Day).

Quds Day is a special day for all Muslims around the world to unite in protest against Jews, Zionism, Jews in East Jerusalem, Jews on Temple Mount, and Israel's ongoing existance as a nation; including terrorism attacks against them.  Iran has repeatedly threatened to drive Israel into the sea, so it no longer exists.

There are numerous reports of over 200,000 rockets ready to be used against Israel.  On average, that's one high explosive rocket for every 30 acres of Israeli territory.  A significant fraction of those deadly rockets have GPS or equivalent guidance systems, accurate to +/- 5 meters.

Add to the rockets, thousands of UAV drones, terrorists riding across Israeli borders on ATV's or dirt bikes, throwing grenades, shooting RPG's, &/or AK-47's as a rapid invasion force 10 times faster than Hitler's Blitzkrieg during WW2.

As good as Israeli's Iron Dome, David's Sling, and IDF forces, an all-out attack is scary to contemplate from my relative safety 5,000 km away.

In 2023, Quds Day will be Friday April 21st.

I think Iran is planning an all-out attack against Israel for Quds 2023.  

Iran likes to do proxy wars, rather than risk any Iranian blood or infrastructure.  Iran whips up sentiments against Israel in the Palestinians of the West Bank and Gaza, as well as Shia Muslims in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, UAE, Qatar, Egypt, Turkey, Yeman, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, etc.

Shia Muslims in Middle East & Africa

I have previously written about Psalm 83 War (see: ).  This looks like the time for fulfillment.

The USA is actively trying to de-stabilize Israel and its current government, has hollowed out its weapons & ammo  caches in the Middle East in favor of Ukraine (no longer readily available, to neither USA, nor Israel).  The USA seems to have accepted Iran as a nuclear weapons state, even though Iran hasn't signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.


Omen from Solar Eclipse

There is a total solar eclipse on Thursday April 20, 2023 that may be an omen, warning of what may occur the next day on Quds 2023.

I have heard that the eclipse passing over a country is a signal of God's soon  judgment.  In this case, the eclipse's centre line skims past Australia, but passes over Indonesia, Malaysia, Philipines, Thailand, Myanamar, Singapore, Brunai, East Timor.  

Seems like we have a match for these Muslim countries.

Path of April 20, 2023 Eclipse over S.E. Asia's Muslim Countries

Here is a map of Islam in S.E. Asia:

This is an animation for what the conjunction will look like in the sky.,125.17684936523439,5

Lunar Eclipse

There is also a lunar eclipse on May 5, 2023 while the Moon is in the same position as Sept. 2017 Revelation 12 sign.  It also corresponds to the 2nd Passover on the 14th day of the 2nd Month, as described in Num 9:9-11.  This "2nd Passover" is for those who had to handle dead bodies at the time of the 1st Passover, and were thereby unclean, and couldn't participate.  God added that it is also for those who were gone on a long journey at 1st Passover, but had now returned.  This would seem to describe Jesus' extended absence from Earth.

At this point, there isn't much that can be done, except watch, and pray continuously for Jerusalem and Israel.

For those who fear what soon comes, the Bible tells us to not fear man.  We are to only fear God, for God did not give us a spirit of fear.

There is no safe place to hide, except under God's protection.  God protects His children.  God hears the prayers and cries for help from His children.  

God refuses to hear the prayers of sinners.

If you want & need God's protection, you need to study and implement God's 26 Commandments for Christians.  This is a summary of 276 Bible verses to get you started on repenting your sins, and developing a deep loving relationship with God.

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