
Sunday 23 April 2023

Last Final Warning From Jesus?

I suggest the following prophecy from Jesus via Erin should be taken as the 2 minute warning whistle, not much time left, better score your touchdowns & home runs now, before it is too late.

My Testimony

God has worked miracles in me for my last 6 yrs. as a Born Again Christian.  I hoped I was "Rapture Ready".  I was deceived.

As I do not hear from the Holy Spirit, I just learned that I must still be a "Luke-Warm Christian" who has extensive heart issues that must be resolved before it is too late.

I was a Luke-Warm Christian for 60 years.  They closed our local church in 2016, so we stayed home & started reading our Bibles, cover to cover.  That is when we discovered our "nice person" status wasn't good enough, we were on our way to Hell.  We learned about "Born Again" for the first time, and immediately decided in Feb. 2017 to become Born Again ourselves, and get truly baptized (ie. we had been "sprinkled" as babies, and "confirmed" around 13 yrs. old, but we did a full immersion baptism).  Since then, we learned more & more how being a "nice, friendly, helpful person" wasn't good enough.  As we read the Bible more & more, our definition of sin was expanded greatly, and we started an on-going process of "see sin, flee, confess, repent, eliminate sin from our lives".  After 6 years, we are a lot less sinful, but far from adequate.  I still don't hear from the Holy Spirit.  

After reading Erin's prophecy presented here, I stand convicted.

I now see that I am still in grave danger.  I need to get radical.  I must  immediately slash & burn even more sin out of my life.  I believe this includes my sinful pride; arrogance; gluttony; inadequate patience; insufficient depth to my love for all others; laziness; distracted by Satan's offerings on the Internet; too much theoretical learning of God's Word with inadequate, or shallow, or incomplete application of those teachings in my own life; not reading my Bible every day; and so on.

By Erin's prophecy, I now consider myself to have received a final warning to repent & change for the better. 

I suggest you do the same.

True Christians

Based on my survey of Christians I did ~2019 in USA and Canada, I estimated 0.1% to 0.5% of self-declared Christians are True Christians with no significant heart issues (ie. No significant hypocrisy, truly righteous on a consistent basis).

The rest (99.5% to 99.9% of all self-declared Christians, apparently including me, as well) deceive themselves, and are on the verge of a fatal heart attack spiritually.  Seek immediate spiritual care through prayer, confession, repentance, and dramatic, immediate lifestyle changes.

Most people have an extremely narrow definition of sin (ie. they deceive themselves). If you do not meet all of the True Christian criteria (see below), you are in immediate grave danger.

If you ignore this warning, you will likely suffer the fate disclosed in Luke 13:22-28; and Mat 7:21-23, which clearly declare the consequences for "Workers of Iniquity" &/or chronic, unresolved heart issues:

[Mat 7:21-23 KJV] "21 Not every one that saith unto me, 'Lord, Lord', shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me in that day, 'Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?' 23 And then will I profess unto them, 'I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.' "

When Jesus says 'depart from me, ye that work iniquity.', He means you will be immediately thrown into the Lake of Fire, for torment & burning for ever & ever.

Latest Prophecy from Erin, Prophetess of God

Here is Erin's latest prophecy:

Dream 693 – His Calling for Our Repentance

A True Christian will:

Fear God; know God, and know that Jesus willingly died as a blood sacrifice for their sins, then God raised Him from the dead; believes in God, their Creator, Lord, & Saviour; loves God (ie. God the Father, Jesus Christ His Son, and the Holy Spirit) with all their heart, mind, body, soul, & strength; loves their neighbours as themself; understands both God &  sin through reading God's Word every day; believes God's Word is truth, God-breathed and inspired, & preserved by God; learns to study & rightly divide God's Word; learns God’s commandments; confesses & repents to God all their sins (both known & unknown); is humble & contrite, and admit they are a broken person without God; turns away from sin and turn towards God; fully forgives all those who trespassed against them or hurt them; prays to God for God's forgiveness of their sins & His cleansing of them; lets their old sinful self (ie. a slave to sin, and a child of Satan) die off, so that their new, obedient, righteous self can be Born Again as a child of God; invites Jesus into their life, to dwell in their heart through faith; gets baptized by full immersion in water in the name of God the Father, Jesus Christ His Son, and the Holy Spirit; remembers God's promises that temptation will never be greater than what they can resist, and there will always be a path to escape from sin & temptation; gets all iniquity (ie. Willful, pre-planned, pre-meditated, or chronic sin) out of their life; obeys all of God's commandments to the best of their ability; prays to God that He hedges them in, & keeps them away from sin and Satan’s fiery darts; flees from sin & temptation, and when they fail, stops (ie. the sooner they stop sinning, the better) & repents & confesses their sins to God and asks for forgiveness & wisdom & strength to resist all same & similar sins in the future; does not grieve nor quench the Holy Spirit; dresses, acts, & thinks in a modest & humble manner; carefully studies alleged Prophets & prophesies, testing them against God's Word, rejects what is false, and keeps what is good; does not pray to, nor worship, nor sacrifice to anything other than God; rejects all False Gospels & heresies; praises & worships God; prays continuously to God the Father; obeys the righteous laws of man, & pays their tributes (taxes); pays a tithe of 10%; help widows, orphans, the poor, the sick, strangers, & neighbours; is joyous & thankful; avoids pride, boasting, grumbling, & murmurring (ie. rebellious complaining); lives each day by being & acting through the Fruit of the Holy Spirit (ie. faith, longsuffering, patience, meekness, gentleness, temperance, goodness, righteousness, godliness, joy, peace, truth, and love); denies themself, then lives for their Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ; shares their testimony & preaches the Gospel to every living creature; prepares themself to serve God each day, and to be mocked, scorned, rejected, persecuted, &/or martyred in the name of Jesus Christ.

### End of True Christian Criteria ###


Again, if you fail to meet one or more of the criteria for a True Christian, you are in grave, mortal danger.  I suggest you wake up, get very afraid, pray to God, confess your sins, ask God for help, repent your sins iniquities & blasphamies, make immediate & permanent lifestyle changes to fix your heart issues spiritually.

As for me, I am now awake and very afraid, and now that I have finished my Watchman duties of posting this here to warn you, I will immediately start on the next 5 steps listed above.  I suggest you do likewise.

God Bless!

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