
Sunday 16 April 2023

High Watch May 5, 2023 for God's Big Move

Can we use Passover 2023 to help learn God's true calendar?

I assume that Passover requires a full Moon, and needs to be in the Spring of the year for Jerusalem.

Can we assume that God's Year starts with the Sun in the constellation Aries, and at the New Moon?  That would position a Full Moon at Nisan 14 for Passover. 

Using Stelarium, I went to year 23 AD, found the Sun, centred the display on the Sun, froze the clock, then adjusted the clock's Month and Day until the Sun was in the constellation Aires. I then found the Moon, and adjusted the Day and Hour until I had a full Moon. I then confirmed the Sun was still in Aires. I took a Screen shot, with clock date Friday Mar. 26, 23 AD.

Position of the Sun
 for Passover 23 AD

Next, I set the clock to 2023 AD, and repeated the process.  I obtained the date Friday May 5, 2023.

Is this
Passover 2023 AD, 
on May 5, 2023?

Does this properly account for the known Precession according to the Bible, Book of Enoch, and Dead Sea Scrolls?

Prophecies Colaborate May 5, 2023 for God's Big Move

Erin, Prophetess of God, and her dream Vision:

Dream 687: Withering of the Fig Tree

Jesus said:   "...Now, while they are counting [the Omer] and not yet finished, I will have made great changes.  Hopefully, they can take time to see it and look up for a moment. ...”

The "count the Omer" app on Erin's phone, she said: "... counts the first day of Omer as always being Nisan 16, the day after the first day of Passover, Nisan 15. ..."

I calculate that her " count the Omer" app would have the 50th count on May 27, 2023.

The full Moon just before the app's 50th Omer count occurs at May 5, 2023.  This therefore must be the real Passover?

The Fruit Fruits after the real Passover would be 2 days after this, which is May 7, 2023.

Next High Watch is therefore May 5 (Real Passover) to 7th (Real First Fruits), 2023.

In Erin's latest prophecy, Jesus indirectly bracketed the date for God's Big Move within her 50 count of the Omers.  That means on or before May 27, 2023. 

Anybody willing to take a stab at refining it even more?

Using the Official Enouch Calendar of Nick VanderLaan, we have:

April 26th (7th day of 2nd month):   walls of Jerico fell.

April 29, 2023 (10th day of 2nd Month) is the anniversary date for Noah being locked inside the Ark.

Are there other Biblical events that could help guide us?

The following may help narrow the search field even smaller.

Earth's Precession for Axis of Rotation

There is natural precession of one Zodiac segment every 2,147 years (ie. Spring Equinox used to be in Aries has moved to Pisces over a 2,147 year cycle)

For Bible prophecies, we have potential confusion.  Do we assume the Zodiac at the time the prophecy was given, or the Zodiac at the time the prophecy is fulfilled? What do we do if there are 2 or more fulfillments?

Next full moon is May 5, 2023.  Is this the true Passover date for 2023?

Signs of the Zodiac

"Astrology suggests that each sign of the zodiac fits neatly into a 30-degree slice of sky – which multiplied by 12 adds up to 360 degrees.

"In actuality, this is not the case, as the constellations vary a great deal in shape and size. For example, the Sun passes through the constellation Scorpio in just five days, but takes 38 days to pass through Taurus. This is one of the reasons astrological signs do not line up with the constellations of the zodiac."

James B. (Jim) Kaler, Professor Emeritus of Astronomy, University of Illinois, at Urbana-Champagne.

The word ‘zodiac’ comes from a Greek phrase that means ‘circle of animals’

"The number of constellations in the Western zodiac comes from the cycles of the Moon, which orbits the Earth 12.4 times a year."

At the moment of the New Moon, the Sun is always at the opposite side of the Zodiac.  This positioning is what causes the New Moon to occur.

"Roughly speaking, the Sun appears against a different constellation every new Moon, the stars forming a distant backdrop to the Sun. Though the stars are not visible during daytime, you can know what constellation the Sun is in by looking at the nighttime sky [during the New Moon]. There you will see the opposite constellation."

12 Zodiac Constellations, plus the
Sun, Moon,  and Earth

"The wobble causes the Earth’s axis, which is the center line around which it rotates, to swing in a slow circle over the course of 25,800 years."

"This movement alters the view of the zodiac from Earth, making the constellations appear to slide to the east, roughly a degree per human lifetime. Though slow, precession was discovered with the naked eye by Hipparchus of Nicaea around 150 B.C."

"In ancient times, the vernal equinox – or the first day of spring – was in Aries. Due to precession, it moved into Pisces around 100 B.C., where it is now and will remain until A.D. 2700, when it will move into Aquarius and so on. Over the course of 25,800 years, it will eventually return to Aries and the cycle will begin again."

Astrology is a sin, so as a Born Again Christian, we ignore this distraction of Satan.

The Zodiac official boundaries were established in 1930 by the International Astronomical Union. They depend somewhat on the proximity of a leap year. 


1: Aries (Ram)
April 19

2: Taurus (Bull)
May 15

3: Gemini (Twins)
June 21

4: Cancer (Crab)
July 21

5: Leo (Lion)
August 11

6: Virgo (Maiden)
September 17

7: Libra (Scales)
November 1

8: Scorpius (Scorpion)
November 24

9: Sagittarius (Archer)
December 18

10: Capricornus (Water Goat)
January 20

11: Aquarius (Water Bearer)
February 17

12: Pisces (Fishes)
March 12

In ancient Egyptian times, for example, the North Celestial Pole (NCP) pointed close to Thuban in Draco (the Dragon). 

Precession of the Earth Animation

by Steven Sanders, Philadelphia Astronomer.  Animation was published to YouTube on Nov. 2013

This movie was created with Blender and is used in the Spitz Fulldome Curriculum for the SciDome planetariums around the world.

Precession is the wobble of the Earth which makes the poles shift position over ~26,000 years as well as the position of the Vernal and Autumnal equinoxes in the sky. This movie illustrates the movement. Hopefully this movie gives a little more meaning to the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius.


Animation showing how the alignment of Earth's axis shifts a constellation every 2,000 years, during its 24,000 ? year circle precession.

At Timestamp 0:48, animation incorrectly shows Aries as axis starting point as of 1,000 BC.  It should show it as 2,000 BC.

The animation repeats the clock precession at Timestamp 2:08 for NCP, and here it correctly shows 2,000 BC, with a ~2,000 year interval (actually 2,160 years) between each constellation x 12 constellations for a total of ~26,000 (exactly 25,920 year precession for a Platonic Year, or Great Year).  Unfortunately, it closes the circle as if there are 13 constallations, rather than the actual 12 Zodiacs.

Let this be a lesson, that Satan hides his lies everywhere.  The fancier the presentation, the more places to hide the lies & mistakes.  Only the Bible is 100% God's truth.


There are two moments in the year when the Sun is exactly above the Equator (ie. the Sun's Eclectic orbital plane is co-,incident with Earth's Equitorial plane) and day and night are of equal length; also, either of the two points in the sky where the ecliptic (the Sun’s annual pathway) and the celestial equator intersect. In the Northern Hemisphere the vernal (ie. Spring) equinox falls about March 20 or 21, as the Sun crosses the celestial equator going north.

Precession also causes the plane of the Earth's equator to wobble, which changes the directions of the equinoxes and solstices against the background stars (continuously altering the right ascensions and declinations of stars, though in a precisely known way). In ancient times, the Vernal Equinox was in Aries, which is why that constellation tops the classical list.

Earth's axial tilt varies over a 41,000-year period from 22.1 to 24.5 degrees, and as of 2000 is about 23.4 degrees, which will continue to remain valid for about a millennium.

Mindi's Prophecies

I have not yet fully studied Mindi and her prophecies.  She seems to be Biblical, but time will tell.  In the interim, I carefully study everything she says to confirm it doesn't conflict with the Bible.

Is May 20, 2023 at 00:35:30 hrs UTC the start of God's year? By calibrating the Enoch Calendar to this start date, can we know God's timing for all End Time events?

Part 1:

Part 2:

In Mandi's prophecy of 2023-4-14 (posted here, as Part 1 & 2), in Part 1 at Timestamp 3:07, Jesus said we're not yet at Purim [which is the 14th Adar, the 12th Month]. Purim was already held on Mon. Mar 6th per Babylonian Jew calendar ( etc.)

April 6th was a full moon, and the next after that is May 5th, then June 4th 00:47 hrs is the full Moon after that, so I assume that May 5th must be the real 14th Adar, for the real Purim according to Mandi's prophecy, then June 4th is Passover?  Wow! That seems very late.

This May 5th date for Purim from Mandi's prophecy seems to correspond to Erin's "Omer Count" clue in her latest prophecy (see above), so it is the most likely date for God's Big Move, Sealing & annointing of God's  Overcomers, and the start of God's Revival (ie. Sealed & Annointed Overcomers give their testimony, preach the Gospel, heal the sick, drive out demons, raise the dead, and do great exploits, etc.) occurring at Purim 2023, on May 5, 2023.

Mar 6 (Babylonian Jewish calendar) to May 5 (Mandi's prophecy for the true Purim) is 61 days difference.

Therefore, June 4th full moon is Passover on God's calendar according to Mandi's prophecy.  June 4th is the 14th day of Nisan, so subtracting 13 days is Nisan 1, rhe first day of the real year of God, per Mandi's prophecy, which is May 22, 2023.

Spring Equinox was Mar. 20, 2023 at 21:24 UTC. This was confirmed on Stellarium, that Sun was exactly on Earth's Equator and Sun's Ecliptic, in Pisces.

Adjusting to Mandi's year start of May 22, 2023 we find Sun is on Ecliptic and Earth's Meridian, in constellation Taurus, aligned over Pleiades at 00:35:30 hrs for Jerusalem, Israel.

Meaning of Name: A constellation
Strong's Concordance #H3598

Pleiades is the name of six or seven star constellation that both God and Job reference as an example of the Lord's power and wisdom. The star cluster is part of the neck of Taurus the Bull, one of the twelve signs of the zodiac.

Bible References to Pleiades:   

Job 9:1 - 4, 6 - 9; Job 38:1 - 3, 31

[Job 9:1-4, 6-9 KJV] "1 Then Job answered and said, 2 I know it is so of a truth: but how should man be just with God? 3 If he will contend with him, he cannot answer him one of a thousand. 4 He is wise in heart, and mighty in strength: who hath hardened himself against him, and hath prospered? ... 6 Which shaketh the earth out of her place, and the pillars thereof tremble. 7 Which commandeth the sun, and it riseth not; and sealeth up the stars. 8 Which alone spreadeth out the heavens, and treadeth upon the waves of the sea. 9 Which maketh Arcturus, Orion, and Pleiades, and the chambers of the south."

[Job 38:1-3, 31 KJV] "1 Then the LORD answered Job out of the whirlwind, and said, 2 Who is this that darkeneth counsel by words without knowledge? 3 Gird up now thy loins like a man; for I will demand of thee, and answer thou me. ... 31 Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion?"

The Greek name Pleiades probably comes from a word meaning to sail. In the ancient Mediterranean world, the day that the Pleiades cluster first appeared in the morning sky before sunrise announced the opening of the navigation season.

The Nebra sky disk, found in Germany, dated from c. 1600 B.C., is believed to be the earliest astronomical artifact. In the upper right of this disk, there is a seven dot cluster, believed to be the Pleiades.

Nebra Sky Disc, showing
Sun, Moon, stars, arc
lengths for rising & setting
points for Sun &/or Moon,
likely for determining
Spring in ancient Germany
(1600 BC, or there abouts).

Equinox is a man-defined term, not from God, for determining the start of each year, so as to calibrate our man-made calendars.

What is the equivalent God-defined term for indicating the start of God's year?

With the sun over Earth's Meridian (man based) in Taurus on Pleiades for our 2023 start of the year, and 2,000 years per constellation precession, can the starting point for God's calendar can be calculated by Stellarium by rolling back in time to the Biblical beginning date of Adam & Eve, and all Creation?

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