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High Priority Posts

We live in troubled times. The 7 years of God's End Times likely begin on or about Sept. 17-28, 2020 with many tribulations occurring soon thereafter (ie. evil events by Satan &/or judgements by God).

If you suddenly die before you are a Born Again, True Christian, you are doomed to eternity in Hell. With End Times starting soon, many more people (thousands to millions to billions more) will die through Satan's evil plans. DO NOT ignore this warning, nor procrastinate!

Here is what you need to know, and take immediate action on:

1. Likely sequence of events during God's End Times Document Section, https://et-manitoulin.blogspot.com/p/documents.html

2. God's 26 Commandments for Christians (includes detailed instructions on how to become a Born Again True Christian): Document Section, https://et-manitoulin.blogspot.com/p/documents.html

3. Human Transition towards Eternity (Heaven or Hell). Every human will have eternal life; some in Heaven, most in Hell. This diagram describes who, how, when, and why someone goes to Heaven or Hell. https://et-manitoulin.blogspot.com/2020/08/human-transition-towards-eternity.html

Monday 12 June 2023

Flat Earth, Round 2

Wolves in sheep's clothing might not agree with me, but I believe the Creation Museum ( https://creationmuseum.org/bible-history/noahs-ark/ ) has done excellent work explaining Christianity, the Bible, and especially the Book of Genesis, Noah's Ark, and the Great Flood.

I think the Creation Museum has built an excellent reputation, and guards it carefully. The Creation Museum invited Dr. Faulkner to present on the Flat Earth controversy.

One Of many Flat Earth models

Dr. Danny R. Faulkner earned graduate degrees in physics and astronomy and is distinguished professor emeritus at the University of South Carolina Lancaster, where he taught over 26 years.


I look forward to comments from both sides of the issues. 

Which of Dr. Faulkner's points do you agree, and disagree?

What evidence can you add to this discussion?

If the "Globalists" are deceived, the sooner they learn the truth, the better.  Same for the Flat Earthers.  

I suggest each side has a duty to help the other side learn the truth, but not through abusive mocking, name calling, or similar.  Instead, both sides need to apply the Fruit of the Holy Spirit:    faith, longsuffering, patience, meekness, gentleness, temperance, goodness, righteousness, godliness, joy, peace, truth, and love.

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